loss - matt

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this imagine contains mentions of the death of a family member, if this makes you uncomfortable or may trigger you, please skip <3

requested?: yes!

summary!: heyyy! i was wondering if you could make an imagine for matt where the reader's grandmother died and she was really close w her grandma, and the reader has a breakdown over it and matt comforts her?? no rush !! XX

notes!: thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy it <3

extra notes!
after this next set of requests comes out, i will no longer be taking 'requests' for matt / chris versions of other imagines, absolutely nothing against the people who do request those, it's just kind of hard to come up with 2 ideas for the same topic all the time, i tried doing that when i first started this book for all 3 triplets and quickly cancelled that idea LMAO😭😭, sorry for any inconvenience! i love u guys so much <33

*im putting this on the first matt and chris imagine
in this group of requests bc some people only
read for one triplet*

y/n's pov
i just got the worst news of my life. my grandmother passed away this morning. i was very very close with her, so this is hitting me really hard. she was like my second mother. i've been in bed since i got the news just crying my eyes out. i wanted to call matt and tell him so he could come over and just be with me, but i also didn't wanna bother him because i knew he was busy filming. i was laying there when my phone went off, and it was matt.


good morning baby<3

good morning

what's wrong?


call me baby.

my phone rang after a few minutes, and it was matt. "hello?" i answered, trying to make it sound like i wasn't crying, but that did not work at all, you could immediately tell. "what's the matter love?" matt asked softly and i started crying again. "my grandma's gone.." i sobbed into the phone. "oh baby.. let me get dressed and i'll be there, okay?" he said. "no, you have to film, i'll be-" he cut me off. "absolutely not, ill be there in 10 minutes. i love you." "i love you," i sighed and he hung up.

i laid there staring at the ceiling still crying, when i heard my bedroom door open. i looked over and matt was walking in. i got up, walking over to him, and he immediately pulled me into his arms, and i just cried into his chest. "i got you," "i'm right here," "i'm so sorry baby," "you're okay," "i love you," were some things he was whispering to me every so often, as he held me as tightly as he could, rocking us back and forth.

"she was my best friend matt," i sobbed into his chest. "i know baby, im so sorry," he whispered, kissing the top of my head. after a few more minutes i had stopped crying, and he brought us over to my bed, laying down before pulling me on top of him, holding me tightly again. "what can i do for you baby?" he whispered, rubbing my back. "just stay here, lay with me, hold me," i whispered. "okay," he kissed my forehead, holding me even tighter and rubbing my back.

i laid in the crook of his neck, closing my eyes, trying to take my mind off of it. "matt?" i whispered. "what's up baby?" "can you tell me about your day yesterday or something? i wanna stop thinking about it.." i whispered, and he kissed my head. "well yesterday we filmed for our vlog, we did a food roulette, i had to eat a jalapeño," he started off, and i snuggled my head further into his neck, closing my eyes. "and coconut water, that stuff is so nasty," he said, and i started dozing off.

"it was just really crazy," he said and i fell asleep. i heard him laugh to himself a little, before he held me even tighter, pulling the blanket over us, and he kissed my forehead. "i love you," i heard him whisper, and i just held onto him tighter, taking a nap for a little while.

hii :), i'm trying to get all these requests out tonight bc i have to work for the rest of the week, and then i leave on saturday for my birthday trip :,). so be on the lookout tonight! i love u all soooooo much

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