reunited - matt

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in which you are malcolm's little
sister, and you go with him on tour, and
you and matt have been together for a little
under a year <3

y/n's POV

today i was joining my brother malcolm on tour. he had invited me so i 'got out of the house' as he would say, and of course i accepted the offer. the triplets and tril are my best friends, but matt being my boyfriend is what made me accept the offer so quick. no one knew i was coming, besides Laura obviously, so it was gonna be kind of a surprise to everyone. i had finished up putting all my basic necessities into my bag, like my brush, toothbrush, etc. "y/n!" malcolm yelled upstairs. "yeah?" "bus is here!" "coming!" i yelled, grabbing my bags and going downstairs.

"you ready?" malcolm asked when he saw me. "yeah," i smiled. we took our bags outside to be met with laura, and the bus driver. "they're too busy posting on everything they won't even notice you guys until you get on the bus," laura laughed and i smiled at her. "thank you for letting me come," i smiled. "of course, according to chris and nick he hasn't stopped talking about you," she smirked. i blushed and looked down. "it's been like 2 months since they've seen each other," malcolm said.

we put our bags in and then got on the bus, and everyone looked up. i was behind laura and malcolm so i would be the last one they see. "malcolm!" they all cheered and stood up, hugging him. he hugged them all and moved to the side to show them i was here. "y/n!" chris tackled me into a hug. he was my bestest friend out of the 3 of them. "hi," i giggled and hugged him back. he pulled away and i was pulled into another hug, this time by nick, "hey babe," he smiled. "hi nickyyy," i smirked, knowing he hated that nickname.

after i said hi to everyone else, i looked over to be met with matt staring at me, with the biggest smile on his face. i walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, and his arms immediately wrapped around my lower waist. "hi baby," he whispered into my ear, kissing my head. "hi," i mumbled, shoving my face into his neck. he rocked us back and forth for a minute. "missed you," i mumbled, placing a small kiss on his neck. "missed you more," he said, squeezing me tighter. he lifted my head up and kissed me.

"ewww" chris said. i flipped him off and kissed matt back. we pulled away and i put my face back into his neck. "oh great now they're gonna be all coupley" nick said. "i haven't seen my girlfriend in 2 months, let us be," matt said. i smiled and pulled away from him, and grabbed his hand and brought him over to the bunks. "which one is yours?" "this one," he pointed to one. i climbed into it and he laughed at me and got in with me. i made myself comfortable and laid on top of him, and his arms wrapped around me. "don't you have to stay here? don't fall asleep baby," he said. "no, i'm coming with you guys," i mumbled.

he held onto me tighter, "perfect, tour with my best friends, and my girlfriend. life can't get any better than this," he rubbed my back. "mm, 'm tired," i whispered. "go ahead and go to sleep baby, i'll be here," he kissed my head. i nodded and leaned my head up, giving him a quick kiss, laying back on his shoulder and falling asleep.

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