jealous - chris

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requested?: yes!

summary!: Could you do one for both Matt and Chris, we go exploring with sam and Colby and Matt/chris get jealous of how close you're being with Sam/ Colby? btw you're such an amazing writer ily

notes!: thank you for the request / kind words! i hope you like it. i'm not really a fan of sam and colby, i haven't watched their stuff before so i watched a video to help write this, and i apologize if it's not the best!

y/n's pov
today me and the triplets were going to hang out with sam and colby. it's been a collab waiting to happen, and they both had the time to do it, so they finally were getting together, and chris invited me to come with them. we were going to some haunted plantation, i was kinda nervous because i didn't do well with like 'haunted, scary' things, but i figured i'd be okay, since there would be 5 other people with me.

we got there, and sam and colby started filming. "myrtles plantation is known to be one of the most haunted houses in the world," colby said. "oh fuck," i mumbled, and chris grabbed my hand. "you guys excited?" he asked us. "yeah"'s and "sure"'s were heard from us. we walked inside, and sam and colby immediately started smelling around. we kept walking around looking around.

then we heard what sounded like footsteps. "what is that?" "hello?" i moved closer to chris, and he held my hand tighter. we kept walking around, and eventually i ended up with colby, since he knew what kind of things go on. we decided we we'd gonna leave, until suddenly sam's earring fell out on its own. "oh hell no," i said.

we moved to a different room, and sam grabbed a radio type thing, and started talking to the spirits. "hello," came through the speaker, and i moved closer to colby again. "hello," it said again. "i'm over here," it said through the radio. "kate," was the response when sam asked who he was talking to. "evil." it said again. "absolutely not get me out of here," i said.

eventually we ended up leaving and going back home, and for some reason, chris wasn't talking to me. "chris?" i followed him into his room. "what y/n." he said sternly. "what's wrong?" i asked him. "why don't you go ask colby," he rolled his eyes. "that's what this is about?" i asked, and he looked at me. "yes, because you were all up on him, completely ignoring me!" he said. "i wasn't ignoring you!" "you were all over him, y/n!"

"what are you jealous?" i smirked, and he went quiet. "you are!" i said. "shut up," he said. "baby, i only want you, i was just with him because he knows about that kind of stuff, he knows what goes on and what to do, nothing more than that," i told him and he just looked at me. "i'm sorry," i said walking over to him. "it's okay," he mumbled, pulling me into him. "you're cute when you're jealous," i smirked. "shut up," he rolled his eyes playfully, leaning in and giving me a kiss.

tbh i'm not a big fan of this one, so i'm not sure if i'll do a matt version. my apologies :(

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