you guys seemed to have loved this idea a lot, so here it is!
summary! in which chris spends the day with lily while you're at work, now that he knows about her and is taking the role as her 'father.'
chris' POV
y/n was at work for a little bit, so i was taking care of lily. this was my first time alone with her, since y/n told me about her, and since i agreed that i wanted to be in lily's life, and be her father figure. i was spending most of my time here anyway now since i found out about lily. i knew y/n was stressed out about it, so i was relieved that i got to help her now, so she didn't have as much going on.
i was sitting on the couch watching tv, and lily was at the kitchen table coloring. "daddy!" she yelled, and i got up and walked over to her, "what's up baby?" i smiled at her. "i hungwy" she told me. "okay, what would you like?" "hmm, goldfish!" she jumped up excitedly. "okay, keep coloring i'll grab you some," i smiled at her, going over to the cabinet and grabbing the back, before grabbing a small bowl and putting some in. "here you go baby," i walked over to her and gave her the bowl.
"you want some juice?" i asked her and she nodded. i smiled and got her a cup of apple juice, and walked back over to her. "good?" i asked and she gave me a thumbs up. "thank you daddy!" she giggled. "you're welcome baby," i smiled and kissed her head, sitting with her at the end of the table, going on my phone. i scrolled through instagram while she kept coloring, until suddenly she slammed her marker down. "daddy look!" she showed me her picture.
"good job!" i smiled at her, giving her a high five. "i wanna show mommy," she looked at me. "mommy's at work, she should be home soon," i told her. "okay," she said and kept eating her goldfish. after a little while she got up and sat on the couch. "daddy! come watch tv with me," she called out for me. it made me smile that she was calling me her dad with no hesitation, i smiled and got up, going to sit next to her. "what do you wanna watch?" "bluey!" "okay," i smiled and turned it on, and she snuggled into my side, putting her hand on my stomach, and i smiled and wrapped my arm around her.
eventually she moved and laid her head on my lap, and i ran my hands through her hair, taking it out of her face every so often. i heard small snores, so i looked down and there she was, asleep on my lap. i smiled and took a picture of her, before turning the tv down, and putting a blanket over her. i was totally ready to spend my night sleeping on the couch in this position, just as long as both lily and y/n got some sleep.
y/n's POV
i had finally just got home from work, and i unlocked the front door, only to see lily and chris both asleep on the couch, lily sleeping on chris' lap. i smiled to myself quietly getting my stuff down, taking my shoes off, before walking over and grabbing lily off of chris carefully. i looked over at the tv, and bluey was on. cute. i brought her upstairs into her room, putting her in bed, shutting her light off and going back downstairs to chris. i walked back over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "chris, baby," i whispered.
he opened his eyes and looked at me, "hi baby," he mumbled. "hi, was lily good for you?" i asked him. "perfect," he mumbled again. "good, come to bed baby, you guys fell asleep on the couch," i told him, and he rubbed his eyes, before he stood up, wrapping his arms around me. "i'm so glad you introduced me to her," he mumbled into my neck. "oh yeah? why's that?" i smiled. "because she's so adorable, and she's my little girl." he told me, and my heart practically melted.
"oh! come here," he pulled away from me, walking into the kitchen. i followed him, and he showed me a picture. "she wanted to show you this," he smiled at me. he was so happy and it was so adorable. "awww, she did good," i smiled and put the picture on the fridge, knowing lily would be absolutely ecstatic when she saw it in the morning. "okay. now i'll take you up on your going to bed offer," he said, and i smiled and we both went upstairs, going to bed for the night.
christophersturniolo added to their story.
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