sick - chris

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summary!: just another sick imagine :,)

notes!: just in honor of me being sick AGAIN, but i finally went to urgent care, i've been sick for the last like month straight LMAO

y/n's pov
i knew the second i woke up and i couldn't breathe through my nose properly, and my throat hurt like hell, that i was getting sick. i sighed, sitting up in chris' bed immediately being met with a huge headache. i did not feel good at all. i rubbed my temples, looking over to see no chris. that's right, todays the day they were starting to pre film all of their december content. i checked the time, and saw i slept in until almost 1 in the afternoon, and i grabbed my phone, texting chris.


are you gonna be home soon?

probably about another hour
or 2, why? you okay?

i don't feel good at all.

i'm sorry baby, i'll have matt
stop somewhere and i'll get you
medicine. i'll try and have us wrap
up as quickly as we can.

you don't have to it's okay

i know it's late in the day
but try getting some more rest
baby. we'll be there soon, i love

i love you

i put my phone back down, laying right back down and snuggling right back into chris' blankets. i must've fell back asleep, because next thing i know i was waking up to the sound of chris' bedroom door opening. i heard footsteps walking, and then i felt a kiss on my temple. "baby," he tapped me. i opened my eyes and rolled over to look at him. "hi pretty girl, i got your medicine," he whispered, moving my hair out of my face.

i lifted my arms up and he helped me sit up, and i wrapped my arms around him, leaning my forehead into his chest. he held onto me, rubbing my back, and kissed the top of my head. "i'm sorry you don't feel good beautiful," he whispered. i just shook my head and held onto him tighter. "why don't you take your medicine baby and then i'll lay with you, how's that sound?" he asked and i nodded, pulling away from him. he handed me the medicine and a water bottle he must've grabbed before coming down here.

i took the medicine and looked over, and chris was already laying down waiting for me. he opened his arms and i immediately laid right in them, wrapping my arms around him. "going back to sleep?" he asked, and i nodded. "goodnight," i laid on his chest. "goodnight baby," he chuckled, kissing my head. and that was the last thing i remembered before i went right back to sleep.

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