loss - matt

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POSSIBLE TWS: mentions of death

requested?: no!

summary!: in which i just write an updated loss imagine :,(

y/n's pov
the triplets show just ended, and they were making their way down to do their second round of meet and greets. i made my way back to the green room, and when i walked in, laura and madi were standing there. "y/n honey, i have to tell you something.." laura said. "okay.." i said, getting nervous. "your mom just called me, she couldn't bring herself to break the news to you, your dad passed away honey," she said, and i just stood there.

"they got into an accident last night and rushed right to the hospital and she was gonna call you but she knew you were asleep, and when she went to call you today, he didn't make it," she explained and i just nodded, tears rolling down my face. "ok," i said quietly, sitting down. "we're gonna go make sure everything's good, you'll be okay by yourself?" laura asked, and i nodded. "okay, we'll be back," she said, and her and madi left the room.

i pulled out my phone and called my mom, and she answered. "mom please tell me you're lying to me," i cried into the phone. "i'm sorry honey," she cried too. i hung up and threw my phone across the room, bringing my knees to my chest and just crying. a little while later i heard voices outside the door. "before you guys go in there, well this is more for matt, but y/n's dad passed away, so she's not feeling the best right now," laura said, and immediately the door opened, and someone pulled me into them.

"i got you baby," they whispered. "matt," i cried into his shoulder. "i know, i know, i'm right here baby, i'm here," he said, rubbing my back. "you know what, let's leave them alone for a couple minutes," laura said, and the door closed again. i pulled away from him and looked at him, and his face softened as he looked at me. "i'm so sorry, baby," he whispered. "i can't believe it," i cried. "i know sweetheart, do you wanna go back home? i'll get you a ticket back home if you want," he said softly. "no, i wanna stay with you," i whispered, going back into his arms.

"okay baby, i'm here," he said, and i made myself comfortable kind of laying on his lap, and my head on his shoulder, as he held me and rubbed my back. "don't leave," i mumbled, closing my eyes. "i'm not going anywhere, baby." he said. "i love you," he whispered. "i love you, thank you for being here," i mumbled. "that's what i'm here for baby," he kept rubbing my back. eventually i fell asleep on his shoulder, and he would whisper little things into my ear and kiss my head every now and then. i couldn't of asked for a better boyfriend.

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