opposite pt 2 - matt

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requested?: yes!

summary!: hey babe!!!! first of all don't rush, take how long u need to!! I want to do a request, would be like the part.2 of the opposite imagine !! ilyysmm!!!!!

notes!: thank you for the request babe! i hope you enjoy it and i love you!!

y/n's pov
matt and his 'dream girl' broke up, and now he was running back to me, and me, still being in love with him, gave into it. he texted me the second it hit the internet, telling me he was sorry for the way he treated me, for the way he just stopped talking to me, he said he was sorry for everything. did i believe him? of course i did. why? because i'm just a stupid teenage girl who's in love with him.

"i wanna be with you," matt said, walking into my bedroom. "what?" i said, sitting up and looking at him. "i wanna be with you," he said. "matt, i.. i don't know," i said. "what do you mean you don't know?" he slightly raised his voice. "i mean, you told me i wasn't your type, you posted this girl all over your social media for me to see, and now all of a sudden you break up and you want to be with me?" i asked.

"what am i just some rebound to get back at her?" i asked. "y/n no it's not like that," he said. "matt, you ghosted me, you basically stopped being friends with me when you got with her, and now that you two broke up you came running back to me, and i don't even know why i fell for it! because i'm so stupid and i'm in love with you and don't realize how stupid i'm being right now!" i yelled. "you're not stupid," matt said softly.

"matt, you're not understanding from my point of view," i told him. "and you're not understanding from mine," he said. "what's yours?" i asked with a slight attitude. "i'm in love with you," he said. "no you're not," i said quietly. "you told me i was beautiful, but i wasn't your type, that we would never work out, why do you now want me all of a sudden?" i asked.

"because i'm an idiot, it's been you this entire time, can't you see that?" "no.." i said. "i posted her all over, i wanted you to see it wasn't you, i wanted you to be jealous, i wanted you to try and fight for us, it's been you, this entire time y/n," he said. "you hurt me, and another girl, just to be with me?" i whispered. "it's stupid, i know, but i'm seriously so in love with you, y/n and i promise you it's you, it'll always be you," he grabbed my hand.

"okay," i whispered. "okay?" he said, a small smile creeping up on his face. "okay, but one screw up and this is over, okay?" "okay," he replied. "can i kiss you?" he asked, after a little bit of silence. "well i'd be mad at you if you didn't," i smirked, and he leaned in and kissed me. i wasn't sure how this was gonna turn out, and i might be stupid for letting him in, but i have the boy i've always wanted right now, and hopefully forever.

i wasn't sure how to even do this when i started but literally as i kept typing the ideas just kept coming and honestly i'm kinda a fan of this one? idk 😭

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