panic attack - matt

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another panic attack imagine but this time the reader has a panic attack!

i totally ditched my love on tour imagine idea for matt, sorry not sorry 😭

y/n's pov
i was on tour with the triplets right now. they had officially just started their versus tour. they're first show was in San Francisco, and that's where we were currently heading. i was sat on the little couch thing, next to matt, with my head on his shoulder when he spoke up. "you know what i was thinking?" he said to me. "what's that?" i smiled at him. "what if you came on stage with us? and you were our point keeper," he said. "really?" i asked him and he nodded. "okay," i smiled.

eventually it was almost time for the show. the boys were finishing up the first round of meet and greets, and i was starting to stress myself out about being on stage in front of everyone. there was so many people and i don't do too good in big crowds, even though i wouldn't be in the crowd, they would all be looking at me eventually, and that thought made me sick to my stomach. i tried to distract my mind by going on my phone, but that didn't help. all i could think about was having hundreds of eyes on me and that somehow i would screw up, and then it would be all over the internet.

i set my phone down, taking a deep breath, but that didn't help. my breathing became uneasy, and my hands started shaking. "y/n?" madi asked. she was backstage with me. i just shook my head, and tears started rolling down my face. "mom! we need matt!" madi ran over to laura. "she's having a panic attack i think," i heard her say, and next thing i know, laura was in front of me. "honey, what's wrong? what do you need?" "w-water," i stumbled out. "okay, i'll go get some," madi said and ran off. "what's wrong sweetheart?" "too... too many people," i breathed out.

madi came back over with a water and i was able to drink it, even though my hands were shaking like crazy. "i think the boys are almost done, let me go check," laura said, and madi sat next to me and grabbed my hand, and rubbed my back. a few minutes later i heard footsteps running over to where we were, and someone bent down in front of me, putting their hand on my knee. i looked down, and i immediately knew it was matt's hand. "baby, look at me," he whispered, and i looked up at him.

"what's the matter?" he asked. "too many people," i whispered. "okay, okay, come here," he opened his arms, and i immediately went right into them. "you're okay, take deep breaths baby," he whispered, rubbing my back. "ready, 1, 2, 3," he said, and took a deep breath, and i took one with him. "couple more," he said, and we took some more deep breaths together. my breathing went back to being okay, but my hands were still shaking. he sat me down and sat on the coffee table in front of me, grabbing my hands, rubbing them with his thumbs.

"matt, i don't think i can go on stage," i told him. "i know, even if you could i wouldn't let you. you need to relax after that, maybe even take a nap, you're just gonna stress yourself out more thinking about it baby, it's okay." he told me, still rubbing my hands. i looked up at him and tears were still rolling down my face, and he reached forward and wiped them. "i didn't wanna disappoint you," i looked down. "disappoint me? baby, i'm not disappointed. i'm worried for you right now, you just had a panic attack baby. i'm not disappointed in you one bit, i'm actually glad you told me how you felt." he said to me.

"it's okay to be nervous baby, and it's okay to change your mind about doing something. you absolutely do not have to do this, i still love you, i'm not mad, i'm not disappointed, everything's okay baby. you're okay, i'm okay, we're all okay beautiful," he said. i let go of his hands and moved up on the couch, wrapping my arms around him. "i love you," i mumbled into his shoulder. "i love you princess, so so much." he kissed my head, rubbing my back.

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