bad day - chris

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y/n's pov

today has been shit. probably the worst day i've had in forever. all i wanted was a hug from my boyfriend, chris. but no one knew we were together except for his brothers, just because chris was more on the popular side, and i was just what they would call a "normal person". me and chris have been together for about a year now, but no one would know that besides Nick and Matt. class had ended and it was time for us to go to lunch, but my mission was to find chris.

from waking up late, and spilling my coffee all over my, well chris' hoodie, to getting detention for being late to class, and then finally to failing my math test, i just needed a hug, and to let out a few frustration tears. I walked the halls to find chris, when i found him, nick, and matt standing around his locker. i didn't care about no one knowing anymore, i just wanted my hug. i walked over and nick saw me and moved over to the side so i could get to chris. i walked over and hugged him, but he didn't hug me back. "y/n, what are you-" he got cut off by me letting out a sob on his shoulder.

he realized what was going on and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. "hey, hey, baby.. you're okay.." he rubbed my back and held me tightly. i shoved my head in the crook of his neck and held onto him tighter, and just stayed there, and he kept rubbing my back. Nick and Matt had left now to give us a minute. "talk to me my love, what's wrong?" "i'm having such a bad day chris," i mumbled into his neck, and he held onto me tighter. "i'm sorry baby, what can i do to help you?" he whispered into my ear. "i wanna go home," i started crying again in his neck. "shh, shh baby.. you're okay.. let's go get something to eat and we'll see how you feel after, okay? and if you're still not up for it we can go home.." he said and i just nodded.

he pulled away and lifted my chin up and placed his lips on mine. "i love you," he told me as he pulled away. "i love you," i mumbled as he wiped my tears away. he grabbed my hand and brought me down to the cafeteria, and over to where Nick and Matt were sitting, and we sat down. i sat as close as i could to him and laid on his shoulder. "do you want anything to eat my love?" he whispered in my ear and i just shook my head. he kissed my head and began eating whatever he had brought from home. i wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me into his lap, and i hid my face back in the crook of his neck.

"are you guys down to go home? she's had a pretty bad day and just wants to go home.." i heard chris say. "yeah" and "yeah i'm down" were the responses i heard from matt and nick. after lunch had ended we had all left and went to the triplets house. i immediately went up to chris' room and laid down, him not far behind me and joining me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. "get some rest baby, you've had a long day.. i love you," he said and gave me a quick kiss. "i love you," i kissed him back, before falling asleep and taking a little nap.

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