Chapter Three

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I tossed and turned most the night; I have no idea what time I actually fell asleep. I just kept playing that night at the movie theater when we were 16 in my head. I could never tell Joe then shit I could never tell Joe period that night I may have had a crush on him. It was a fleeting girl thing; I've had them a couple of times over the years. It never transpired to anything. I never wanted our friendship to change and if I said something it would have. 

I yawned and stretched and reached for my phone on the nightstand. I looked at my phone shit it was 12:30 in the afternoon. I rolled out from my bed and grabbed a red bull from the mini fridge and slammed it. I had to get this economics paper done. I pretty much locked myself away from everything and worked on the paper. I still didn't know how this professor expected a 20-page paper in just this short time. It was somewhere around 11pm when I finally finished it. Only thing left was to email it. I opened my email and there it still sat the message from Joe. I know I owe him at least to respond to it. I pulled up a new email and just sat there trying to figure out what to say. There is so much I needed to tell him but at the same time I just can't seem to. I took a deep breath and typed,


I got your email yesterday and 

to be honest with you, I don't know

about coming down for the show. I

figured I owed you at least the respect

out of the 13 years of friendship we had

to at the very least respond back to you.

Either way I wish you the best of luck on

the show.


Ok I did it now I just need to muster up the courage to send it. I took a deep breath and with a sigh I hit send. I know I did the right thing but at the same time it stung deep down the same way it did when he left. I slide from the chair and walk into the bathroom. I used it and washed up. I just looked at myself in the mirror and all I could think was well Ryder you did it, maybe now you can't just get back to doing you. No such luck I sat back down and there it was he emailed back.


Come on Ry, 

I know you're pissed at me

and I deserve it. Just come out

I won't even ask you to stay and 

hang out if you don't want to. Just

come!!! Please!

-your bff bubblehead-

I didn't even know if I wanted to answer. I know if I didn't, he would keep persisting till I did. Did I want to go, not really but something is just nagging me to go. I closed eyes, I took a breath I'm actually doing this. I hit reply,


Well against my better judgement, I'll

come out. I don't know why I just feel

I need to. Let me know where to go 

and what time, I'll there.


I sent it and almost immediately he responded, He must be on a computer.

Ry Ry

I don't know what that's supposed to mean

but whatever it is, why don't you come

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