Chapter Twelve

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It was Sunday morning, and I was scouring the racks of clothes that were delivered for something to wear for this charity event I have next weekend. I just stared at them all clueless really on anything fashion related. The doorbell rang, thank God our stylist Rebecca showed up.

"Morning Joe"


"You ready to get your look together for this event?"

"Yeah, I just want to get this together."

"what's the rush?"

"I'm supposed to meet Donnie later to shoot some hoops."

"Well Crystal is at his house doing the same thing right now."

She feverishly pulled pieces from rack after rack. She shoved a pile at me,

"Go upstairs try these on!"

"Christ there is a ton here."

"And.... you need to have yourself on the 9s Joe this is a big event."

I rolled my eyes and headed up to my bedroom leaving her downstairs in my Livingroom going through bins of shoes.

I've been so conflicted about telling Joey about the baby but after talking to Remi it just ate at me. I sat in my room, Joey's house only 10 minutes away and I knew I had to go do it. This isn't something I could do over the phone. I tossed on some of my dad's army sweats and tossed my hair on the top of my head and headed out. I pulled out and reached for the stereo. I didn't expect to hear his voice coming from the speakers and it stung. I pulled up in the driveway and parked. I just sat there staring at the house, my stomach in knots knowing he was just on the other side of the door and I'm about to tell him I'm pregnant. I looked over to the left, there was a car I didn't recognize but I figure it's probably a new car or someone from the family. I said a prayer to figure out how to tell Joey I'm about to turn his life upside down. I walked up the long brick walkway to the glass front door. I could hear New Edition's song Still in love playing from the inside. I tapped on the door. When the door opened, I didn't expect what I saw and it took me back for a second, then it clicked with the song.

"Hi, can I help you?

There stood this small blond girl in a crop top and jeans so tight they look like she painted them on. He is here with a girl. I feel the oxygen get sucked out of my lungs and it feels like someone punching me in the gut over and over. I struggled to hold it together. 

"Is Joey here?"

"He is in the bedroom; he should be down in a minute. I can go get him if you like, can I tell him who's here?

"Ummm Ryder"

"You want to come in Ryder well I get him?

I feel the tears start to burn my eyes and they threaten to fall.

"No...No its okay I'll just get in touch with him another time."

"Alright Hun...."

I didn't bother to wait to hear what she said, I ran down the walkway and jumped in my car and peeled out doing 60. The tears burned as the continually fell. I didn't know what to do. I can't go to my dad's he would want to know what was wrong and Remi would go kill him. If I go back to the dorm Holly is just going to want to psycho Analize me, and I can't handle any of it. I drove around Boston for hours trying to calm myself down from the sick state I was in. The rain began to pour down heavy as the evening began to fall. I knew I needed to head back to the dorm.

I spent the next two hours trying on suit after suit till finally Rebecca found a suit that I agreed on. Now I can head over and meet Donnie to get this game going. Rebecca was about out the door when she turned.

"Joey, I forgot to tell you in the mist of all this chaos that Ryder stopped bye well you were changing. I told her to come in that you be done in a minute, but she said no and rushed out. I'm just saying she seemed really upset almost looked like she was going to cry."

"RYDER...she was crying did she say why or where she was going?"

"No sorry just that she see you another time before peeling out of here."

"Ok thanks.

"No problem."

I hear the door close behind her and I dropped to the couch, why did Ryder show up so upset and why didn't she call me? All I know is if she is that upset. I tried calling and texting for the next hour and nothing, she must have me still blocked. As much as I didn't want to have to do it, I texted her brother. I know she was spending the weekend back home, so he has to know what happened.

Joey: Hey Rem its Joey

Remi: Ay man

Joey: Ry didn't come back there did she, she stopped by, and I was upstairs changing. My stylist was over for an event and said she left pretty upset.

Remi: No, she never came back after she left this morning. So, she didn't talk to you?

Joey: No, I didn't even know she was here till like an hour ago. What did she need to talk to me about?

Remi: Just something, not my place to say anything. Did you try to call her or text her?

Joey: She still has me blocked. I hate she left her that upset apparently. 

Remi: Joey let me ask you something. I know what happened with you two, what I don't understand is why her, you and I both know you can get any girl around here probably multiple at a time, why Ryder?

Joey: We got drunk, and it happened, I didn't make her. She was the one crawling in my lap and sucking on my neck. To be honest I don't regret it at all.

Remi: You're her best friend, or is there more?

Joey: I don't know man, I really don't. Do you think she went back to school?

Remi: I really don't know

Joey: Gimme her school info I'm going to go check on her

Remi: She will kill me

Joey: Just give it to me I have to check on her

Remi: Fine just remember you make her upset I will break your kneecaps. She is at The Babcock Building Room 602

Joey: Thanks.

Great now I have her dorm info, even if she has me blocked, she can't hide when I show up. Just as I thought that then my anxiety kicked. Rationally I never trip on any girl like this, she is my best friend there is nothing else, there can't be. I called Donnie to tell him I was out on basketball but luckily, he said he would come with me to talk to her. She is my best friend we have to sit down and just get this shit sorted out. I can't believe this has me so twisted, its completely out of character for me. I grabbed my keys and headed out to grab Donnie and make the trip to Boston University.  I know I should have a Plan B in case she wasn't there but for some reason know how upset she was when she left here, I just want to get there as fast as I could.


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