Chapter Ten

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"Oh god Holly did you get the plate number of that bus who hit me?!"

My head laying over my arm resting across the toilet where I spent the last two hours throwing up and now Holly is in here holding my hair.

"Dude maybe you should go down to the medical center you been throwing up for a week."

"It's not that bad......"

Just like that another round hits. Let's be real even if I went to the medical center on campus, what you call nurse in there doesn't know crap. Last time I went down for a sore throat she said it was allergies I ended with step and stuck at home for a week so my dad could take care of me. I've been so sick for over a week that I can barely make it to class and all I do is lay in bed when I am here. 

"Seriously Ryder you need to get seen, I never seen you so sick."

"I'm not going to the center!" 

"Fine then go to urgent care."

"I can't drive like this....."

"I'll drive, come on let's go, just grab a bucket you're not throwing up in my car."

The twenty-minute drive to the urgent care damn near killed me. I walked in and stood in line and as soon as I heard the receptionist call next person, I could have sworn I recognized the voice, and it look up. "Oh my God" its Tracy. I take a deep breath and walk over.

"Ryder oh my god, what are you doing here?"

"I need to get seen"

"Ok what's wrong sweetie?"

I felt the tap to m y shoulder and Holly whispers,

"You know her?"


"Who is she?"

"Just a friend of mine sister, why don't you wait for me over there"

and I point to the waiting area, with a nod she walks off.

"Ok Miss Ryder what's the problem?"

"Nauseous, vomiting, sore back and headache......"

"Oh, poor thing, listen the wait is like 3 hours long, let me go back and I'll talk to the doctor see if I can get you in quicker."

"I appreciate it."

"Hey when you're feeling better give Joey a call, I asked about you couple days ago and he said he hasn't seen you."

I didn't say anything, just smiled and walked over to where Holly was sitting texting on her phone.

"Damn its busy in here"

"Tracy said it's like a three hour wait. If you want to go, I'll just take an Uber back."

"I can stay......"

"It's fine, like I said it's like a three hour wait."

I like to say I'm trying to get her gone because of the wait truth of it is it's only a matter of time before she puts two and two together if she sees Tracys name tag and the fact that she looks so much like Joey its sick. If she puts it together my entire cover is blow and she is going to figure out that I know Joey let alone he is that guy from back home. She hugged me and headed out on the phone with Brayden, I'm sure that is exactly where she is heading, they can't spend any time apart. After this semester ends, she is moving into his apartment with him and I'll be stuck getting another roommate, I can't tell you how thrilled I am. I sat waiting for About half an hour when Tracy's voice caught my attention, calling me back. At the very least I didn't have to wait three hours. she walked me to a small room in the far back corner,

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