Chapter Forty-Six

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It was nine in the morning when the doctor walked in and handed me my discharge papers. I think the relief washed over both of our faces. The only thing I felt was Joe grab my hand excitedly and rush me out of my hospital room and straight down to the car. He walked over holding the car door open letting me slid in before jogging around to the driver side. As so as the door closed he looked over at me and smiled. 

"Lets get the hell outta of here!"

He sped out the parking deck and right on the expressway heading back towards Jamaica Plain, first stop my dad's to get the baby. I can't wait to just get the baby, this has been the longest I ever been away from him. The guilt I feel about my actions with the baby there I think is going to eat at me forever. We pulled up to my dad's Remi was the only one there. Joe insisting that I wait in the car well he ran in and grabbed the baby not wanting me to get over stimulated. I told him I was fine but he wouldn't back down. He finally promised we could come over here and visit in a few days just give it a few so I could readjust. I really didn't feel like arguing. He was in and out quick and just watching him slid Stryker into his carseat with the biggest smile on his face. 

I was anxious as we pulled into the driveway, the house a sight for sore eyes. Its been so long since I've been here that I just hope that I can control my emotions being here with Joe and the baby living like we used too. 

"You ready baby girl.....?"

"Ready as I will ever be."

We both slid from the car and I grabbed the baby from the carseat, just anxious to get both of them in and home. We walked to the door and I entered the code to the door, it popped open. I couldn't help it I grabbed her hand as we walked in. It just felt so right. I looked over at her as Rocky darted in the minute he heard her voice. He lost it when her seen her and the baby. She dropped to her knees and cuddled with him. It was clear that she missed him as much as he missed her. I walked into the living room sitting Stryker into his exersaucer and Rocky darted next to him and thats where he stood. It was only a couple seconds before we both heard him giggling. It finally felt like home again.

I walked over til I was standing right in from of her and she looked up at me with those beautiful Emerald Green eyes that I fell in love with so long ago and my pulse quickened. I couldn't help it I wrapped my arms around her and just held her close. It was only a second before I felt her arms wrap around me and hold onto me. I don't know how long we both stood that way, neither one of us wanted to let go. Finally I pulled back as much as I didn't want too.

"Maybe I should get the baby his lunch, its about time he eat. Why don't you settle in."

"Ok, Do you mind if I go upstairs and lay down for a little while, these pain meds are making me sleepy....."

"Go baby, Im going to feed him, Ill be down here if you need me."

I didn't except her to walk up and lean up on her toes kissing me so softly before walking up the front stairs. It left me stunned for a moment and I couldn't help but smile, so far so good. I walked in the kitchen and made the baby lunch. I fed him and after that he went down for his nap. For the first time in days its just me. Since she left this is the first time the quiet in the house just seems peaceful. With both them asleep it gave me a chance to go in the office and get some bills paid and work emails taken care off.

I have no idea what time it is when I woke up, all I know is how peaceful I slept. I really haven't slept well since the night I walked out of this house. I sat up and stretched and looked at the French doors to the balcony and it was dark out. Damn I slept all day. I walked downstairs and turned the corner and thats when I seen it, Joe asleep on the sofa Stryker asleep on his chest both with smiles on their faces. I walked over and pulled the blanket from the back of the couch covering them up. With a kiss I switched the light off and headed back upstairs. 

I looked at the clock, 11oclock. I grabbed my phone and pulled up the text thread,

Ryder: Rem you awake?

Remi: Yeah, hey how you feeling?

Ryder: Not bad, sore and tired from the pain meds. Listen thank you for keeping the baby so Joe could stay in the hospital with me.

Remi: You're my baby sister, you know I do anything for you. How is it being back to Joe's?

Ryder: Feels like home

Remi: I didn't expect anything less. Listen take it easy on Joe man he has been a mess.

Ryder: I wasn't planning on messing with him

Remi: uhuh so how long are you staying there?

Ryder: I honestly don't know

Remi: Can I make a suggestion?

Ryder: Yes....

Remi: There is obviously something still there between you and Joe, well you're staying there, talk to him. You both need it. In my opinion you need him as much as he needs you. You have a child together and I know you have your issues because of mom, don't let them mess up something that you know is something that you want and walk away from the only guy you ever loved and still love. Also don't try to sit here and say you don't because what you just did proved exactly that you do.

Ryder: Are you high lol?

Remi: Yes but thats besides the point, Im not high enough to not realize what I am saying. Listen I gotta go, I gotta work in the morning. Love ya

Ryder: Love you too

I tossed the phone next me on the bed. Remi was right you know, I do love Joe more than anything. Maybe my shit with my mother has effected me more than I realized. Her leaving us made me question if she walked away and didn't love Remi and I enough to stay, how could Joe. But in reality he never has walked away. Even with us not being together he is always here when I need him, he just proved it spending the last almost four days at my hospital bedside. I sat up and picture off the nightstand and ran my hand over the gold frame. I remember when we took that picture its was the night of the TD Garden show. I didnt know that night how much Joe would change my life and how much my world would revolve around him. 

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