Chapter Seven

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The sun broke through the curtains and hit my face waking me up. I squinted and sudden the throbbing in my head started. "What happened, why is my head killing me?" I groaned and rubbed my temples. I reached on the table next to the bed to grab my phone and that's when I heard a soft snore. It stopped me dead. I looked over and gasped, there under the comforter was Joey. The only thing that could be seen was his curls sticking out from under the blanket. All I could think was "why am I laying in a bed next to Joey?" 

I sat up and grabbed my head. I looked over and seen clothes laying all over the floor, then it clicked. I pulled the blanket up and I gasped, both of us naked under the covers. The gasp was enough to cause Joey to stir and he rolled over. "I know we didn't have sex last night" was the only thing that I could think. "I didn't even want to come to the show, I know we didn't do anything, there has to be a logical explanation." I like to believe what I'm telling myself but deep down I know. My stomach began to bubble, and I feel the dry heaves start. Fucking great...... I leap from the bed and ran into the bathroom making it just in time to throw up my guts out. "Way to go Ryder you're doing really great, got drunk, slept with Joe and now projectile vomiting. 

I stood throwing up for over an hour till finally my body gave it up. I slid up from the floor and stumbled over to the sink. I rinsed my mouth with the mouthwash on the counter and washed off my face. When I looked up in the mirror what I feared the most smacked me in the face. There on my neck two bright purple marks and I got a whiff of two very noticeable scents, sex and Joeys Versace cologne. 

I walked out back in the room, luckily, he was still asleep. I slipped on my clothes and grabbed my phone that sat on the table next to the bed, I knew I had to get out of there and fast. If I call Holly, she is going to want to know everything including who. If I call my dad, he is on base for work and he would literally bring an army and hunt down Joey. The only person I have a prayer with is Remington, but who wants to call their brother and tell them you need them to pick you up because you got wasted and let left your car because you left with a guy let alone it being Joey and I had sex with him. Remi for all these years always rode both our asses saying we both liked each other and were too stubborn to admit it.

Well shit looks like Remi it is. I sighed and dialed his number. It rang three times before I heard the normal greeting, I get every time.

"Hey Butt face, why you calling so early?"



"What you doing?"

"lying in bed smoking a blunt, why?"

'Are you to ripped to drive?"

"No, I just took the first hit, why?"

"I need you to come and pick me up,"

"Pick you up from where?"


"Pick you up from where Ryder?"

"The Commonweath"

"Like please tell me you're talking about the street and not....."


"Tell me you're not at the hotel!"



"Fine, I am. Can you please just come get me and take me to pick up my car."

"Wait where is your car?"

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