Chapter Fifty-Two

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(3 months later)

I fell to the couch next to Joe and he grabbed my feel rubbing them.

"It's about time you sit down you been going nonstop all day."

"Well, I had clinicals today, then had to get Stryker from daycare and take your dad to his doctor's appointment."

"You just seem so much busier now that you dropped out from school and started studying at Empire."

"I know but I love it...."

"I know you do, and you always loved doing hair and makeup. Thats why I was always surprised you went to Boston University and did marketing."

"To be honest with you I always wanted to just do hair and makeup, but I knew with marketing I wouldn't have to worry about money cosmetology there is no guarantees. 

"There are no guarantees in life, but I can tell you that doing what you love you never work a day in your life."

"so, I've been told."

"So, baby girl, I was thinking about something....."


I was responding to a text when he said it,

"I think we should set a date."

"Date for what?"

"A wedding date Ryder."

I froze, my phone slipped from my hand.

"What did you just say?'

"I said I think we should set a wedding date."

I looked up and seen him staring at me intently, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. I opened my mouth, but the words didn't come out.


"I heard you."

"I think it should be a date that means something to both of us.

I looked at him and he eyes sparkled as he said it but part of me can't wrap my head around him even wanting to make that step after all that had happened.  I know I have to do this; he needs it. After all the crap I have put him through.


"oh, sorry was just thinking."

"you, ok?"

"yeah....yeah was just thinking about it."


I honestly stopped and thought about it, there is so many different dates that we have had between us could be a date but honestly the date that stands out is the date of this show. 

"Joey what do you think of March second?

"March second?"

"Yes, March second the date of your show, it was technically the start of it all."

I just looked at her for a minute not really believing that the exact date that just came to me is the exact date she just said. I couldn't think of a more perfect date.

"You're kidding me, right?"

"Why would I be kidding you?"

"Because I just thought of that too, you changed my life that night."

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