Chapter Forty-Seven

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I don't know what time it was when I finally fell asleep last night. Part of me still doesn't believe I am back here at Joey's. I am feeling feeling's I didn't expect to be. I sat up and stretched in the bed and looked around. The sun broke through the curtains and the warmth hit my face. It just feels so right. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand looking at the time and noticed a text from Joe.

Joe: You were asleep and I didn't want to wake you, breakfast in the microwave. Im taking the baby to get his haircut, I love you baby girl.

I just couldn't help the smile and I hit reply,

Ryder: I just woke up, haven't slept that well in months. I can't wait to see the baby's hair. Love you back

I tossed the phone down and showered quick before heading downstairs. I wasn't sure when I agreed to come back here and stay how I would feel being back but truthfully it feels like home. I made a quick cup of coffee and sat at the table. Out the corner of my eye I noticed a catalog and Joe's card next to it. My curiosity peaked, so maybe I just take a little peak and see what he is shopping for. I slid the catalog over and flipped it over, it was the Cartier catalog. I looked through and thats when I seen it, the limited edition Cartier Love necklace. I have been obsessed with this necklace for like a year, but there is no way I could ever afford the $5,000 price tag. I stopped and thought for a moment how can I even be so sure this is even for me. There is nobody in his families birthday anytime soon, that would only leave him buying it some a girl. I shook the thought away, if I let the thought of him with another girl start to take over my thoughts then I'm going to slip back into that dark space and it almost ended me once. Plus he has been with me for days, if he was seeing someone else if I was her it would be a wrap. I sat there for a few more minutes before I put the catalog back exactly how I found it, not wanting to let Joey know I was snooping. 

I slid on the couch and logged onto Joe's MacBook needing to pay the bills for my house. I logged into  the property management company and thats when I seen paid in full for six months. I really didn't know what to make of it when I keep logging into pay a bill and its already paid. I didn't know how it didn't occur to me until I heard the door latch click and the alarm beep....Joe. I looked up and watched him turn the corner with the baby in his arms and I couldn't help but smile, he looked so cute with his fade. 



He walked over leaning down and kissing my cheek. Stryker's arm reach out for me to pick him up. I only had him in my arms for a second until Rocky walked in and then immediately he wanted down with her. I put him down in the middle of the floor and he was instantly content.

"His hair looks so cute"

"Yeah he did so good and ever girl in there loved him."

"Takes after his daddy I see...

"He loves it but his daddy only wants attention from you."

I grabbed her waist and she blushed before she wrapped her arms around my neck and I noticed her blush.

"Joey let me ask you something...."


"Did you pay all the bills on my condo? I went to pay them and they all been paid for like six months."

I couldn't help but just smile.

"What you think?"

"Joesph Mulrey McIntyre thats so incredible sweet, but why? "

"Well I want you to focus on feeling better and not up keeping the house up. I have a cleaning service coming couple times a week and Tommy is going to bring Amethyst later on. So you have nothing to worry about back there and you can just be here with me completely relaxing. "

She leaned up on her tip toes and kissed my cheek softly and whispered,

"That was really sweet of you McIntyre..."

My heart  felt so full, so complete for the first time in so many months. 

"You know Ryder, your birthday is next week I was wondering if you would consider letting me take you out, we can get some dinner maybe a movie?"

"Are you talking about like a date?"

The nerves kicked in all of a sudden and my stomach bubbled,

"Yes, like a date. It mean a lot for me to be able too."

Her eyes looked up at me and they seemed to sparkle and the most beautiful crossed her face.

"I love that!"


We just stared at each other for a minute, no matter what she said in that look in her eyes told me everything.

"Ryder I think want  to kiss you"

"I think I want you to kiss me too."

The smile he had sent my heart racing and his eyes have the sparkle I fell in love with back.  His lips press against mine and he still gives me chills. His kiss was soft sweet and filled with so much emotion and love. The way this kiss made me feel it proves that being with him can't be wrong. 

"I love you Ry Ry"

he whispered against my lips.

"I love you too."

Our sweet moment was interrupted by Stryker. We heard a thud and then him crying. He had lost his balance when he was crawling and hit his head on the table. We rushed over to see the cut on his head dripping blood. 

"Joey this looks bad"

I held a paper towel to it as Joey examined his head.

"I don't know baby girl I think he is going to need stitches."


"Calm down Ry its going to be ok. Im going to call my sister she is at work, they will be able to get him in and taken care of quicker."

I just nodded knowing that I really cant handle emergencies and Joey can. We rushed out. Much to what Joe said we made it quickly to Urgent Care and brought in through the back. The doctor and Tracye quickly were able to medical glue the cut on Stryk's forehead and with treats and cuddles from Auntie Tracye we were on our way out an hour later. I honestly was more traumatized then the baby was. We pulled Joe's Benz out the parking lot and headed back home.

"Hey baby why don't I just run and grab a pizza for dinner we can go home relax and after he goes to bed we can watch a movie and chill"

He let out a little chuckle and his laugh is infectious and I giggled.

"What exactly do you mean by Movie and chill Joesph?"

"What you think I mean Ryder baby, Netflix and Chill."

"Were not Netflix and Chilling Joey."


"Yes seriously."

As much as I want too I still have a lot to figure out and I don't want hoping into bed with Joe to confuse it more.

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