Chapter Forty-Eight

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( 1 week later)

Tomorrow is Ryder's 21st birthday and I am feverishly getting the last-minute details done. I have her convinced we are only going to Applebee's and seeing the new Wes Craven movie, that couldn't be further from the truth. I've spent days planning, spent thousands of dollars to make sure that it was the birthday she never forgets. I overheard her on the phone with Holly the other day telling her that we were doing anything special just dinner and a movie after all were just friends. If she only knew, Holly and Brayden are in on it, so she played along. I like to say when she says we are just friends I believe her, but no one does. She never went and slept in one of guest rooms like she insisted she going too. I wake up in the morning she is there, I go to sleep, and she is cuddled up next to me. The only difference is we haven't slept together, honestly even kissing her she doesn't let herself go, so it isn't even that hot or intense. I know she is trying to figure stuff out so it's not something I am going to push. 

"Joe the room is coming along nicely; catering will be in in the morning to start set up and open bar will start at seven."

"Great, has the stage been set up and the acoustics checked?"

"Yes, everything is set in place. 

"Great, let me go ahead now and take care of the rest of the balance now since tomorrow I will be leaving early prior to it ending." 

I pulled out my black card and handed it over. He walked off into the office returning back a few minutes later. Everything is ready and in place for tomorrow.

I woke up this morning to Starbucks and a note on the kitchen island that read,

Ry Ry,
Starbucks for my baby. 

Took the baby to my parents, my

mom wanted to him. You have an

appointment booked at your favorite spa.

Enjoy and relax I will see you tonight.

-Love Joe-

I'm not even going to pretend like I don't totally need this. I spent the day getting laser treatment, facial, massaged and my hair and nails. It was six hours of nothing but relaxation.  When I pulled up to Joey's He was at the door paying for food when I walked up.

"Hey you're back....."


"You look relaxed,"

"I am, you didn't have too."

"I wanted too."

He grabbed my hand, and we walked in. He put the bags on the island and turned to me.

"Joey how can I make it up to you, this was so sweet of you?"

"A blow job would be nice..."

He chuckled and his eyes lit up as he smiled,


"Kidding, you don't have to make it up to me, I wanted too. Listen I ordered us some Chinese my parents are keeping the baby overnight. Why don't you go put on some of my sweats and get comfortable, I'll get our dinner plated up and get us a couple drinks. "

"What kind of drinks?"

"What you want?"


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