Chapter Thirty -Seven

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I walked out not even turning around as Joey yelled across the bar. I pushed the door open and ran across the parking lot. I was halfway to the car when I hear my name, it wasn't Joey's voice. I looked over my shoulder and seen Danny jogged towards me with Earl. I didn't bother to stop and see what he wanted. I just made it in the car when I hear the tap on my window. I wiped the tears that streamed from eyes with the back of my hand. I hear another frantic tap on the window.

"Ryder please, roll down the window"

"No go away Danny, I have nothing to say to you or anyone."

"Come on please don't leave like this."

I pushed the gas and peeled out not even answering him. I pulled up to the house just as it started to pour out. All I know is I had no intention of staying, Im just going to get the baby and some of his stuff and get out of here before Joe has the chance to get home and tries to stop me. I ran up and threw a diaper bag and a bad of my stuff together as fast as I could. I grabbed a piece of paper off the dresser and jotted a note


I came home and took the baby don't worry.

Thank you for always being the best Auntie

to Stryker and such a great friend to me all

these years. Both Stryker and I love you.

By the time you get this we will be gone. I

don't know when the next time I will talk to you,

please let your parents and everyone know I

love them. I need to end this note now before

Joe gets home. If you want o know what happened

ask him. 



I opened the guest room door quietly and slipped the note on the bedside table next to her. I walked over and opened the door, there Stryker was so peacefully sleeping, looking so much like his father that it just pushed the knife in my heart even deeper. I carefully picked him up careful not to wake him and I walked downstairs. I stopped and said goodbye to Rocky and Amethyst and it broke my heart. I tossed my car keys to the cars on the counter and placed my phone with it. The breath caught in my throat and I just crumbled a bit more as I slide the engagement ring from finger and placed in on the counter. One last look around, I walked out the door. 

The rain was pouring now as I ran with the baby and bags to my car. I strapped him in his car seat and slid in the drivers side. I havent driven this car in months. I turned the key and the car didn't want to turn over. I tried three more times and nothing. I hit my fist on the steering wheel in frustration as the tears of anger and sadness still continued. I tried one more time and finally it started. I pulled out from the driveway not even sure where I'm going to go. I couldn't go to my dad's that wasn't even an option. That would be the first place Joey would look and I don't want to be found. 

I just drove around Boston trying to figure out were me and the baby are going to go and how this happened. Was I not pretty enough, was I not smart enough...shit did I not do enough in the bedroom. I just don't know and for the life of me I can't understand it. Ive been head over heels in love with him for 16 years and he really had me convinced he loved me too. I just couldn't get the image of that girl in his lap, the giggle she had, all of it is just to much. Its driving me mad.

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