Chapter 37

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11:45 pm
"Help me."
"Okay, hang up and call 911. I'll be there in 10 minutes."
"Okay, but I'm scared."
"I know, baby. Sissy's coming." She hangs up.
I run upstairs, "Mom! Wake up! Come on wake up!"
"What." Mom and Dad asks popping awake.
"We need to go get Meadow."
"What? Who?"
"Come on! Please! I'll explain in the car! Please, come on!"
"Okay, let me get dressed," Mom says.
"There's no time."
"Okay. Okay." I run to the car with Mom behind me. "What's going on."
"I lived with this foster mom who was crazy. That's where I met Meadow and we got really close. She's like little sister. When I was forced to go back to my aunt's house, I signed Meadow up for dance so I could see her. I bought her a phone- NO MOM TURN HERE FOURTH HOUSE! Sorry, but the phone is to call me to help. She's only called me one time. I need to call her."
The cops still are not here. I called her number and she doesn't answer. "I have to go in. Wait for the cops." I say before I sprint out of the car to the backyard. I creep in the back door that's cracked. I can hear foot steps above me pacing between bedrooms. "Meadow, come on out I'm not mad." Miss Meredith shouts I work the level floor and she's not there.
"Meadow, it's me. If you can hear me knock twice." I say in a semi whisper. I listen. Nothing. I sneak quickly up stairs and her bed room light is on. Meredith stands with her back to me. I think of the hiding places I used to hide Meadow in when this happened. There's only two places to look in Meredith's room and the basement. I walk quickly to Meredith's room, "Prairie, it's me, you can come out." Nothing moves. I hear the stairs creek, which can only mean that Meredith is going downstairs I follow quickly, then there's a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"L.A. police! Open up!" She goes to the door and I run behind her and quickly open the basement door. I find Meadow bawling covering her mouth at the bottom of the stairs. I pick her up and carry up the stairs. The cops stop talking. "Who are you?" They ask and Meredith turns to me.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" Meredith spits.
"Meadow called crying saying she was scared. I could hear this woman yelling in the background. I told her to call the cops and came here. You guys weren't here yet. I know what Meredith is like, so I came in to find Meadow."
"How do you know this woman?" One of the officers asked.
"I was one of her former foster kids. She gets drunk and high, then goes off the handle."
"Okay, well me need to take Meadow into custody."
Just then Mom stepped in. "I can take her. I'm a foster parent and I'm currently fostering Jordan."
"Okay, why don't we go outside and I'll make some calls, may I have your name."
"Demi Lovato." We follow the officer I take Meadow to our car. Mom goes with the officer.
"Did she hurt you?"
Meadow nods, and lifts her t-shirt to show the bruises forming. I leave Meadow and run inside before someone can stop me. I stop a foot way from Meredith and begin screaming, "YOU GODDAMN BITCH! YOU HIT HER! She is Nine. Years. Old.  A BABY! You fucking bitch! You will rot in hell. HIT ME! I dare you. I will kick your ass and you fucking know it. You are a Disgusting. Pathetic. Coward."
Mom wraps her arm around my waist and carries me to the car. I'm panting in the car. Mom drives home. She pulls into the drive way but just as I'm about to hop out, "Wait." Mom says and I stop, "Here's what's going to happen you two are going to go in and go to bed. We will talk in the morning all of us. Got it?"
I nod, and Meadow whispers, "Yes, ma'am."
I get out and carry Meadow to my bedroom and turn on the light. "I'm going to go get you some ice stay here." I run down stairs and as I turn into the kitchen I run into Mom.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting her some ice."
"Okay, then go to bed."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too."
I grab a bag of ice and a kitchen towel  and run back to my room to find Meadow asleep. I lay the ice on her stomach and lay next to her, and hold it in place till we are both asleep.

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