Chapter 41

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7 hours left
Demi's POV.
We have to keep Jordan awake for the next 7 hours and I just can't do it. She's driving me nuts. We went through her photos albums twice. I took her for a run. We walked Shadow. We've talked. We have done everything I can think of. We've gone to the mall and beach.
I walk into the kitchen and she's making a pot of coffee. "What are you doing?"
"Making coffee, duh."
"You know what? I'm sick of your attitude. I know your tired but I'm freaking tired, too. Show some goddam respect or get out of my face." I scream, causing Meadow and Nick to come to the kitchen.
"I hate this. I'm fucking tired. Just let me fucking sleep. Stop being so fucking mean." She's crying now.
"Watch your mouth! Seventy five cents." I scream at her.
"Demi-" Nick starts.
"You know what fuck this! I'm out." She screams.
"Where the hell do you think your going?" I ask her.
"Somewhere you can't fucking find me. Bye." She screams slamming the front door behind her.
I turn toward Nick who's holding a now crying Meadow who's coving her ears. "What the hell was that about?"
"I'm sick of this. I've been up for forty one hours. I'm sick of looking like the bad guy. I'm going to sleep. Go look for her if you want. I don't even care right now."
"Demi come on, now, let's go find her."
"You go find her. I'm going to bed."

Nicks POV
Chaos. My little Meadow can't handle the drama. I decide to text Dallas to have her keep a look out. I know that since Maddie has been out of surgery Jordan has wanted to see her.
Nick: Hey Demi and Jordan got in a fight. Jordan left, text me if she comes there. I'm going to check out the treehouse first then head your way.
"Meadow, baby it's okay. Momma's tired and so is Jordan everything will be okay tomorrow. I'm going to talk to Momma. Will you go get a jacket and shoes on please."
"Okay." She holds my hand all the way to Demi and my room then goes to her's.
Demi's changing when I come in. "Babe, seriously?"
"I know I shouldn't have yelled. I've told her three times she isn't allowed to have coffee. Then she purposely went behind my back. "
"I know but you scared Meadow. I'm going to find her. I'll call when I do."
Demi begins to cry. "She hates me."
"No, she doesn't. She's tired and that's it. Her attitude has to do with court, but she doesn't hate you. Come here lay down."
She comes and lays down, almost immediately falling asleep. "Daddy I'm ready." Meadow whispers into the door.
We get into car and we drive down the main road. I turn into Sheridans. "Daddy, I don't see Jordan here."
"I know she needs to calm down. I thought we could get some ice cream."
"Daddy it's dark, What if she gets hurt?"
"She's a big girl. I think she will be okay."
"Promise. Now let's get some ice cream just you and me." She gets out of the car and she grabs my hand. We go up to the front. "What do you want?"
"I want vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and cookie dough."
"Okay." I place our order. Then we get our ice cream and we sit down. "Hey, school's coming up and you're going to be a fourth grader. You can do sports for the school if you want."
"Cool, I want to do basketball and softball."
"Yeah, good choice. So you know Momma is going on tour right after your birthday is her first concert. Jordan and Corrbin are dancing. Can you keep a secret?"
"Well Jordan and I are going to sing a song for Momma. I think you should sing a song with Momma. Just surpise her and walk out on stage singing."
"Yeah, I wanna do that! I think we can sing 'Got Dynamite' together."
"Alright it's a deal. You can't tell anyone, okay? You can tell Jordan and that's it."
Dallas: Hey, she's here.
Nick: Okay on the way. Don't tell her.
Dallas: Alright see you in a few.
"Can you finish that in the car? Jordan is at the hospital."
"Okay." I begin to drive, "Daddy?"
"Is Jordan in trouble?"
"Are you mad at her?"
"No, just frustrated. She's tired. It's not okay for her to leave without telling us where she is going."
"Is she going to get a spanking?"
"What? No, she is grounded for another week. We will never put our hands on any of you."
We pull into the hospital and go in. "Maddie Delagarza?"
"Yes, brother in law and my daughter."
"Alright, second floor, room 7a."
"Okay, thanks." Meadow and I take the elevator up to the room. We walk in and Jordan is cuddled into Dallas crying.
"Hey Nick."
"Hey Mads, how you feeling?"
"A lot better. A little sore but better."
"That's good." Meadow sits next to Maddie, "Dallas, can I talk to you."
"Yeah." She unwraps herself from Jordan. She follows me out to the hallway.
"What the hell?"
"Woah, don't get mad at me. This is not any of our faults. We are all tired and that's the problem. It's been a long forty eight hours and we still have to keep her awake for the next 5 hours."
"Well... I mean let her dance, sing with her. God, don't let Demi yell at her like that. She's fragile."
"Okay, one: I know Demi was out of line shouting at her but she deliberately disobeyed Demi and the doctors orders. She cannot disrespect everyone. Two: You were not there. Therefore do not try and tell me what my wife should have or have not done. Three: You have a lot of fucking nerve to say she's fragile. You don't think we fucking know how fragile she is? You weren't there when she passed out. You aren't the one she goes to when she has a nightmare. So fuck you, mind your own business."
I walk into the room and all eyes are on me. My face is burning, "Let's go."
"Daddy, I want to stay with Aunt Maddie a little longer." Meadow whines.
"Quite fucking whining like a baby." Jordan whispers rubbing her temples. Meadows eyes well up.
I kneel infront of Jordan, "Look at me." I whisper. I know whispering is more effective than shouting. She continues to stare at the floor, "River Jordana Mendez-Lovato-Jonas fucking look at me now." I whisper harshly so she knows I'm serious. She looks at me with fear in her eyes. "If you ever, ever fucking talk to your baby sister ever like again you will not see the outside of your bedroom for months do you fucking understand me?"
She nods. "Now let's go. We will come visit Maddie when Aunt Dallas is not here. Okay? Now let's go." Meadow wipes her eyes and grabs my hand. Jordan grabs her longboard and follows us. She gets in the back with Meadow. I get in the front and take a deep breath. "Jordan, you are grounded for another two weeks. Don't say anything. You did this to yourself. When we get home you need to apologize to your mother. Apologize to your sister and me. You will then clean your room and bathroom. Then you are to give Shadow a bath. Shower yourself and when you are done with that your last four hours should be up. I want you to go straight to bed. Then I want you tomorrow to do your homework and read. When you finish that you need to come get me. Don't try any funny business, because you will just make it worse for yourself."
She nods and we get home. "Nicholas!" Demi yells as soon as we close the door.
"Jordan, start cleaning. Meadow, you can do what you want."
I go upstairs to our room. "What the hell is this?" She ask flashing her phone toward me.
(Da-Dallas, Diana-M Demi- D)
M- You need to talk to Nick. He yelled at your sister!
Da- You need to get your shit together! I mean yelling at Jordan. WTF?!
D- What the hell are you talking about.
M- Talk to Nick.
"Do you have something to tell me."
"Your sister has no right to tell us how we should deal with Jordan... Or how we should handle things. She told me that you were out of line. So I told her to fuck off. Demi I'm sorry, but I don't like how your sister thinks of you. She will not bad mouth you to me."
"Okay... Well now I'm not pissed at you anymore. I'm pissed at her. You found Jordan?"
"Yeah, she went to the hosptiel to see Maddie."
"Where is she now?"
"She's cleaning her room then her bathroom. After that she is going to give a Shadow a bath. She should be apologizing to all of us. She is also grounded for two more weeks. One for how she talked to you and then leaving without telling us where she was going. The second week is for the way she talked to Meadow."
"What'd she say to Meadow."
"I told them we had to leave and Meadow whined that she didn't want to and Jordan said, 'Quite whining like a fucking baby.' Which caused Meadow to cry. I'm fed up."
"Me too. Let's just watch some tv and you're right Dallas can fuck herself. Where's Meadow?"
"I don't know. I told her to do what she wanted."
"Okay, I was thinking we could put the adoption papers in tomorrow."
"Okay. We can do that before we go to the studio."
"I love you babe. Let's go find her."
We go out into the hall way and listen. You can hear her small voice singing. We go to her room and both stand at the door. She's sitting on the floor with headphones in singing, and drawing. She's singing 'My Loves Like A Star'.
We listen until it's over. We knock on the door and she jumps a little pulling out her headphones. "Hi." She whispers blushing.
"Hey baby, you wanna watch a movie?" Demi asks.
"Yes." She gets up and grabs Demi's hand. Her and Demi go to the theater to pick out a movie. I got to the kitchen and get snacks, popcorn, a bowl of fruit, and the bag of M'n'M's
"Dad?" Jordan asks from behind me.
"I wanted to say sorry for my attitude and disrespect."
"I forgive you."
"Where's Mom and Meadow?"
"In the theater."
"Okay." Jordan goes down stairs and I grab a beer, a cup of apple juice for Meadow and tea for Demi.
I go into the theater, "I'm sorry for being a brat and disrespecting you. Meadow, I love you so much and I'm sorry for what I said to you."
"It's okay." Meadow says.
"You're forgiven." Demi says.
"I got snacks." I say announcing myself.
"Yeah! Daddy can Creek watch the 'Incredibles' with us?"
"No, she needs to finish cleaning and then give Shadow a bath."
"Okay." Meadow pouts.
Jordan goes back to room to clean. Not even half way through the movie both Demi and Meadow are asleep. I go to check on Jordan. I find her in the back yard drying Shadow with a towel. "Hey, you finish your room and bathroom?"
"Yeah, vaccummed my room. Color coded my closet. Organized my shoes. Organized my desk, and cleaned the table and windows. Swept and mopped the bathroom. Organized under the sink and shower. I just finished giving Shadow her bath."
"I've got a load in now."
"Good. Shower, then you can go to bed."
She sighs, "Okay thanks. Night love you."
"Love you too."
She goes to her room. I go back to theater. I take Meadow to her bed. I go back and pick Demi up and carry her to our room. "Babe?" Demi whispers as I'm on the stairs with her.
"Why are you carrying me?"
"Because you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you."
"Thanks babe. Love you." She says and kisses me. I lay her in bed and change then lay down next to her.
***Two hours later.***
I wake to screaming. "Help! River!Make her stop." I run to Jordan's room and she's sound asleep. I go to Meadow's room and she is still asleep but screaming and crying. "Meadow wake up. Come on wake up."
"Meredith, please stop!"
"Hey, it's Daddy, come on. Wake up." She opens her eyes.
"Daddy, why is she so mean?"
"I don't know baby. Come on let's sleep in my bed." She nods. I carry her to my bed. She lays down and snuggles into Demi.
"Nick, I'm tired. I need to sleep."
"Sorry Mommy." Meadow whispers.
"Meadow? What are you doing in here?" Demi asks.
"I had a bad dream. Daddy said I could sleep in here."
"Okay, come here."
Demi holds her. They are soon asleep. I lay awake and think. We have two kids. We have careers, and I'm so happy I eventually fall asleep. Just to wake up two hours later to Jordan screaming.
"Babe, stay with Meadow I'll get her. " Demi says.

Demi's POV
"Jordan wake up." I say sitting on her bed.
"Ugh?"she asks opening her eyes and breathing heavily.
"Come on come sleep in my bed." I tell her. She stands and pulls on some shorts and grabs my hand. I take her into my room and she lays down next to Meadow.
"You okay?" Nick asks.
"He's just everywhere. In my dreams. My head. Every time I close my eyes he's there and it's killing me. I just want it all to go away."
"Come here." I whisper pulling her into me. She snuggles into me and begins to cry. There's nothing I can do but let her cry. Eventually she falls asleep and so do I.

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