Chapter 52

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August 20, 5:15 pm
Demi's Pov
Meadow starts crying the screaming everyone definitely scared her. River hugs me. "Happy Birthday Mommy."
"Thank you so much." We break apart. Marisa explains to Meadow that it's a surprise party for us.
I hug Selena. "Happy birthday Dems."
The kids go outside and we all talk. Bryan's oddly quiet. The presents are all on the living room table. I watch as everyone talks round me. I can't help but notice that Mom, Eddie and Dallas aren't here. "Mommy?" Meadow says tugging on my dress. I pick her up.
"You having fun?"
"Yes, but..."
"Meadow come here." Selena  says. Meadow looks at her then back at me.
"Hey, it's okay. This is your aunt Selena. Mommy's other best friend." I point to Nick who's now on the kitchen floor with Kevin and Joe on top of him. "Those two fools are your Uncles. Joe and Kevin." They look up as I say their names and wave. She waves back.
"Momma, I really need to talk to you." I look at her, she's got those big brown pleading puppy dog eyes. I take her down the hall to the office.
"What's wrong?"
"Am I fat?"
"What no! What would make you think that?"
"Lilly's being mean. She said I shouldn't be wearing a two piece because I'm too fat and ugly. Everyone laughed at me. She said that her sister said that I should quite dance because the floor squeaks when I dance. She said I should die."
"Go get River and Daddy, then go play."
"You promise, Mommy?"
"I promise that you're perfect. She's just jealous. Who's her sister?"
She runs off. This little bitch is gonna pay. I can't believe this... On her birthday of all days. After five minutes of waiting for River and Nick I go back to the kitchen. Everyone is outside. I join the crowd beside the pool. "You need to call your mom and leave. You come to our house to have fun and you make fun my sisters. I don't care who you think you are, but in my house I'm the queen and you're the peasant."
Lilly is bawling that's when I realize her face is all bloody. "What happened?"
"Was swimming-"
"Lilly said something mean-"
"Stop! Corrbin. What happened?" I ask pointing at him.
"I'm not really sure. We were playing, then we heard Lilly say that Meadow was fat. Meadow left. She kept going and said something about Maddie. Then River punched in the face."
"Good job, River." I say. Nick, Joe and Kevin laugh.
"Demi!" Marisa says.
"I know violence isn't the answer... Call her mother and get her out of here. You go change and wait by the door." She stands crying and Marisa takes her inside. "Everyone go play. The food will be ready in twenty minutes." The adults all go back inside.
I watch out the window as River and Corrbin sneak off to the trampoline. I love how they think they can sneak off and no one would notice. "Selena have you met River yet?"
"I talked to her on the phone about the party... Why?"
"You wanna sabotage with me?"
"She's gone. What are you two doing?" Marisa asks.
"Yes! Who?"
"Corrbin and River snuck off to the trampoline for a little make out."
"Oh. I see. One sec. Boys!"
"Uh!" They all say.
"Please set up the microphones and speakers out on the porch."
They all go to get the things. We go outside and hide behind a tree and listen. "We're having a jam session after presents. What should we sing?" Jordan says smiling. I love her smile.
"House party by Sam Hunt."
"Okay. Corrbin I love you."
"I love you too." She pecks lips.
"Thank you."
"For what?" He says grabbing her
"For being you."
"I can't be anyone else." That's when they kiss. I count to three then we all jump out and scream. They break apart.
"I almost peed!" River whines.
I laugh."Go change dinner will be ready soon." Corrbin helps her off. She jumps on his back. They walk past us. River blows me a kiss. We get all the kids out of the pool then we eat. Then we sit around the living room. "Meadow you have to open the present from Daddy and I last." She nods and tears through the present. She opens ours. it's a bucket of paint.
"I don't get it."
I chuckle. "It's paint. We have decided instead of painting your room. You are allowed to draw and paint on the walls. Anything you want."
"Awesome!" She screams.
Now it's my turn. I open each gift carefully. I open the present from the girls. "Oh my god. I love it."
Maddie and Jordan high five. "Our initials are on the back."

Bryan's pov
Demi just finished opening her presents. Now it's my turn. "Marisa."
"Hm?" She looks over at me. I get on one knee. "What are you doing?" She asks as I start to sweat.
"I've been wanting to do this since a year after I met you. I love you more than anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want my children with you. I want to be there when your sad, when you're  happy and when your anything else. I decided to do this when I had all the people you love here." I pull the ring box from my pocket and open it. "Marisa Callahan will you marry me."
Her breathing is heavy.  She starts nodding and the tears begin to fall from both our eyes. "Yes." She whispers. I slip the ring onto her finger. I stand she hugs me. I kiss her as the room erupts in claps. She holds my hand as we all file outside.
River hugs me then runs off to Corrbin. We all go outside, Demi stands at the microphone as everyone takes a set. "Alright. The party is about too get hopin'. I'm going to sing 'Got Dynamite' to get us started."
The music starts. Demi sings the first lyric. I notice Nick whispering Meadow. By the chorus Meadow is singing into a microphone like a little rock star. The song ends. River and Corrbin take the stage. They sing House Party. Meadow steals the stage dancing. Everyone goes on.
I pull River off to the side.  "Hey can you do me favor?"
"Will you sing 'The Reason I Come Home' by Ron Pope for Marisa, it's her favorite song."
"Yeah. Give me a second." As soon as the group of girls is finished singing. River takes the stage. "Hey everyone. This song is for Aunt Marisa and Bryan. I would like to have you come up to the front." The crowd parts. The music starts. I grab Marisa's hand pull her into me. We dance quietly. I listen to River sing as I dance with the girl of my dreams.
"I love you. I want you to know that I want to be with you everyday and night. I want you to know how much I love you, I need you to know that you know how important you are to me."
I tell her quietly.
She pecks my lips, "I love you too. "
We wrap up, the girls go and play the adults go back inside. Maddie, River, Coral, and Corrbin go down the theater. This is the best day of my life.

Demi's pov
I get all of Meadow's friends sent home. Meadow is slowly drifting asleep on the couch. We are all cleaning when Maddie comes up. "Mom can I talk to you?"
Marisa and Selena gasp. I think this the first time she has ever called me mom in front of people. "Yeah." I follow her out to the hall. I notice she is pale. "What's wrong?"
"Coral kissed me."

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