Chapter 44

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Sunday 10:24 pm
Demi's POV.
She shot him. I didn't think she would, but she did. Now the police are here. She's sitting on the concrete crying and bleeding. Sam is being put into an ambulance. Paige is being put into the back of a cop car. The police are trying to get information on the situation. "Ma'am I need you to tell me what happened."
I shake my head, "My daughter was walking home from drop her boyfriend off after dinner. She called me and said a car was following her. She went into the woods to try and get away. She was close to this street. I could hear her Cousins screaming her name. I went in to see if I could find her. Her cousins and I found her at the same. Paige started beating her up and then when I appeared, Sam pulled out a gun. Paige hit her again, Jordan hit her back, and then she kicked the gun out of his hands and kicked him in the balls. She picked up the gun. We ran out of the woods and they followed us. One of them stabbed her in the back. Jordan pointed the gun at them and told them not to move. He stepped forward tempting her. She told him not to move, then he took another step and she shot him in the foot."
"Thank you. I need you to get her to calm down. I need her to go with the paramedics. We will get her statement at the hospital."
I go over to Jordan and pull her into me. "I shot him." She keeps repeating.
"Breath baby. It's all okay. You're bleeding you need to go with the paramedics."
"Mommy come with me."
"Okay baby,"
I call Nick, "Hello?" He answers groggy.
I begin to cry. "I need you to call Dinah, get the girls and come to the hospital. Please."
"What's going on?"
"Please, just come. Call them and have them meet us."
"Okay, we are on our way."
I get into the ambulance with Jordan. They give her an oxygen mask to help her breath. We get to the hospital. they rush Jordan in a room.
"MY SON! WHERE IS MY SON! SAMUEL CARLOS." Sam's mom yells frantic.
I hear Jordan scream. I rush to the room. Just as I'm about to open the door, I'm punched. I stop in shock.
"You fucking bitch!"
"Please back away." I say calmly.
"That little bitch shot my son! She shot my son!" She screams sobbing. An officer pulls her away. I go into the room, they have sedated her. There is nothing I can do. I close the door again and go back to the lobby. "Nick!" I sob. He engulfs me in a hug.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"She shot him." I cry.
"What happened."
"They were following her. Paige jumped her, and Jordan fought back. Punched her in the face. Kicked the gun out of his hands and kicked him in the balls. We ran out of the woods and one of them stabbed her. She pointed the gun at them and told them not to move. He stepped closer twice and she shot him. Oh god she shot him."
"They? Who is they?"
"Sam and Paige."
"Demi! What's going on?" Lauren asks.
"Jordan's family?" Nick, Maddie, Meadow, Dinah, Ally, Camilla, Normani, and Lauren step forward.
"Immediate family?" Fifth harmony takes a step back.
"The stab wound wasn't so bad. Seven stitches. She will need crutches for two weeks. She will be okay. She wants to see her mom. Officer is in there now getting her statement. Mom will you go in please." I head toward the door.
"No! She's my sister! Let me go! My sissy needs me!" Meadow screams while being held back by Nick.
I go into the room, "She kicked me in the shin and I fell. I kicked her and she fell. I punched her in the face. Then I got up kicked the gun out of Sam's hand and kicked him in the balls. I grabbed my mom's hand and we ran. One of them stabbed me. Then we stopped on the sidewalk. I pointed the gun at them and said, 'You both have fucking tortured me my entire life. I hate that I love you but I will shoot you with no problem. Try me, move.' Then Sam took a step, and I pointed the gun at his foot. He said, 'you wouldn't do that, River girl.' I said 'Take one more step and you'll find out.' He took a step, and I pulled the trigger. My ears began to ring and I was laying on the sidewalk. Paige was screaming. My mom is covering her ears standing in shock. I looked at Paige again. Then saw the flashing red and blue lights."
"Thanks you River for you bravely taking care of your mom. Thank you both for your statements and your time. I'll let you guys talk. The doctor said she can go home after I questioned her. Would you like to be escorted to your car? "
"Yes please." I say.
"I'll go get a wheel chair."
He opens the door. "Where is she? Where is my niece!"
"Shut up! She isn't your niece. She shot your son."
"That sick son of a bitch is not my son!"
I walk out to the lobby. "Hey do you know where River or Jordan Mendez is?" A girl about 16 asks me.
"Come with me."
I walk into the room, "Sophie!" Jordan screams and burst into tears.
The girl runs to her crying. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."
"No. How could any of this be your fault?"
"I told my dad, when I was with him one weekend. I never went home. I never told the cops. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. When your mom and dad died, we couldn't get in touch with you. We never stopped trying to find you."
"Hey, it's okay. I have another Mom and Dad. They love me so much. Mom this is Sophie my cousin."
"Hi. Sweetheart."
She runs over to me and hugs me crying, I hug her back, "Thank you so much. This girl, my cousin, she's amazing. I never forgot about her. She's my best friend. I've missed her so much. Thank you for being her mom. Thank you."
"Hey she is my world. Anyone who loves her is family." The officer comes back in and helps Jordan into the wheel chair. He pushed her two cops walk beside her, Sophie and I walk in front. Maria stops us.
"You little bitch!" She screams at Jordan.
"Maria, that is my cousin. Now stop. It's not her fault that you raised a monster." Sophie says.
"Excuse me? That is your brother. She shot your brother. I am your mother have you forgotten that?"
"You are not my mother. My mother is Jennifer. My brother is Collin. My cousin is Jordan. You are nothing to me. You are only the woman who gave birth to me. I hate you. Do you understand me? I hate everything you are. We may share blood, but you will and never have been my mom."
Maria slaps her. I push her into the wall.
"I want her arrested. She just slapped my daughter. That's assault I want her arrested now." Her dad says stepping toward the police. They cuff her and tell her rights. She screams, "I will always be your mother."
"I hate you." Sophie cries. Then hugs her dad. I have the officers take her to the car with Nick.
"I adopted Jordan, I'm her mom. I wanted to give you my number."
He hugs me,"Thank you. That little girl, has been through much."
I nod. I give him my number and then go out to the car. "Maddie sit in the front."
She does and I get in the back with Meadow and Jordan. "Hey, I'm okay. Stop crying. I'm okay." She tells Meadow who is crying her eyes out. I hug Jordan and I whisper to her, "Thank you for saving my life." She nods.
"Babe, I'm going to drive your car home. You drive mine home." I nod and get in the driver seat. I drive home. Nick follows me. We pull in and he picks Jordan up. While I carry a still sobbing Meadow. Maddie follows us into our bedroom. We all sit on the bed. We are silent for a few minutes, "I shot him. I held a gun and shot him," Jordan whispers. "I could have killed him. Why did I pick up that gun. I could have killed him. Oh my god. I shot him. I almost killed someone I love."
"Listen to me. You saved me. You saved yourself. You did nothing wrong."
"Bullshit!" She shouts, "I almost killed him. I should be in juvie. I shot him! I'm a criminal! I'm dangerous! What the fuck is wrong with you? I pointed a gun at him. Then pulled the trigger. I didn't have to shoot, I had already called the police."
"Hey it's okay." I say trying to hug her. She pushes me away and grabs her crutches. She stumbles to the door and screams, "Nothing is fucking okay!" Then she slams the door. We all sit in shock.
"What are we going to do?" Nick asks me. I shake my head. We sit in silence. Meadow crawls into Nick's lap. She cries herself to sleep. I begin to cry. Maddie hugs me. "Why? Why did this have to happen to her? She doesn't deserve this. What should we do?"
"I'll go find her and maybe she'll talk to me." Maddie says. She shuffles out of the bed.

Maddie's POV
I go into Jordan's room, she's not there. I check the closet. She's not there. I go downstairs and find her on the kitchen floor drinking a beer. "What the hell are doing?" I ask snatching the can from her hand.
"What the fuck!" She screams.
"Get up." I tell her. I help her to the couch. "What are you thinking?"
"I want to cut and I can't. I was drinking but you took that away." She begins to cry. "This is bullshit."
"I know but you can drowned you sorrow. If you can talk it out, get it off your chest. I don't know what it's like in your head. But I do know what it's like to hurt. To hate yourself for things that aren't your fault. I'm asking you to talk to me. I'll listen."
"Do you know how you love someone no matter what they do? No matter how much they have hurt you?"
"I hate that I love them. Paige has always picked on me. Sam, he was like a big brother, who hurt me. I don't know why but I love them."
"You love them because they are family."
Shadow jumps up on the couch. She gives her a kiss. "I don't understand why my life is so difficult."
"God has big plans for you."
"I hope so." We sit in silence. Eventually she falls asleep. I go back upstairs and everyone is asleep. I go into my room and go to sleep.

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