Chapter 57

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Hey, guys really important news.
I am running out if ideas... I haven't got any suggestions I decided I'm going to focus on Asylum... Message me ideas. I'm not giving up on this story I promise.

River's P.O.V.

His hand fiddled with my new black and blue tipped hair as I sit on his lap and snuggled into his chest. Mom and Dad left so we're all just chillin'. I'm not really feeling good. I feel like I have a cold or something. I told Corrbin not to come over but he doesn't listen. Corrbin and I watch a movie in the theater. While Coral and Maddie chill upstairs, in Maddie's room. While Meadow entertains herself by painting in her room. 
I start to drift when a loud crash with shattering glass occurs. I grab Corrbin's hand and we go upstairs just as Coral and Maddie run downstairs. Meadow's laying on the ground with blood pooling around her from head unconscious with her arm twisted awkwardly.
Maddie screams as I rush over to her and pull her into my arms. "Phone! Give me a phone." Maddie tosses her phone to me frantically. I catch it and call Mom and she sends me to voicemail. "Fuck!" I scream and begin to cry.This is so scary and I just Mom to answer the phone so she can help me.  I call Dad and he doesn't answer. "Meadow! Wake Up!" I scream. I call Marisa who answers. "Meadow, her-she's, she won't open her eyes and-and-and-and her, she, her, she, she-"
"River!"Marisa shouts.
"she, she, her, she, her arm, her-" I stutter panting. 
"River! Is she breathing?"
"Yeah-yea, Yeah."
"Call 911. I'll be there."
"I don't want to hang up. Mar, I'm scared. Mom won't answer and Dad won't either."
"Call 911. I'll be there, I'll ride with Meadow. Bryan will take y'all to the hospital." I hang up and call 911, I open the gate the gates and wait on the front porch rocking Meadow unconscious body in my arms. 
Marisa and the ambulance arrive at the same time. We all load up. "Your Mom and Dad are both on their way." We get to the hospital and wait in the waiting room for the doctor, Mom and Dad. 
Mom rushes in and glares are me. "What happened?" She snaps at me. 
"I don't know, we were all chillin' and then there was a loud crash."
"You don't even know what happened! Jesus... What the hell, you should be ashamed of yourself."
Just as I was about to say something the doctor comes out, "The family of Meadow Clarke."
"That's us," Dad says walking in. 
"You can go in now. We have her arm set and we'll put it in a cast. She has six stitches in her head. We'll put it in a cast and have you out of her in an hour."
"Thank you." Mom says glaring at me. We go into her room, she looks so tiny compared to this giant white room. "Meadow, what happened," Mom asks.
"Well, you weren't home and everyone else was busy. I was really hungry. I didn't want to bother anyone so I went downstairs and I didn't want cereal so I climbed on the counter to get a bowl for some yogurt and fell."
"River, what the hell. You were in charge." Mom yells at me.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't going to fix her broken arm."
"I'm sorry," I cry and start breathing hard.
"Stop crying! For Christ sakes, you're almost fifteen and crying! Stop! I trusted you and obviously you can't be trusted."
"Momma, I'm sorry, I-I can't breathe." I whimper as tears slide down my face.
"I don't care."
"Demi!" Dad yells as I sit down on the floor.
"She can't be trusted alone at home. I knew it. I let you convince me to let it happen. you need to open your eyes."
"First of all, you need to relax, this was all an accident. Second, of all, you are being harsh, irrational, and just mean."
"No, I'm not. You are grounded." Mom hissed.
"No, you're not."
I cry harder, "Really?" Mom says turning red with fire in her eyes. I've never seen her like this and it is so scary. 
"She's your child. If you don't trust me fine. But I called you, and you didn't answer, neither did dad. And I'm the one who can't be trusted? But  you can't even answer your phone! This is bullshit. Corrbin let's go."
"Whatever leave I don't care."
"You're being a bitch!" I scream at her as I take Corrbin's hand.
"We're going with them," Maddie says taking Coral's hand.
"Hey, where are yall going?" Dad asks us.
"The treehouse. I'll have Marisa pick us up later. I don't want to be near Mom right now."
"I understand. I'll have Marisa bring you by the house for done things."
"Okay, bye Dad. Love you." 

Marisa's P.O.V.
"Demi, chill."
"What the fuck! You don't need to tell me what to do!" She yells at me.
"This was an awful accident. This is no one's fault. Think about what you just did. You do realize you just pushed your two oldest daughters away. They left because of you. Now, Nick just asked me to keep them for a few days to get your shit together. I'm not their mother, but they are afraid of you right now... So get your head out of your ass. Right now your family is divided and that is on you. The blame that you are throwing around is ricocheting right back to you. Look in a mirror and fix yourself. That is happening right now is your fault." I tell her and with that Bryan and I leave. We go to the grocery store and get a few things for the girls .Then we go home, we prep the guest rooms for the girls while we wait for a call from River. Bryan starts dinner when River finally calls. I pick them all up and we drop Coral and Corrbin off at home. Then stop by Demi's house.
We open the door to shouting. "Demi! Why!"
"Don't worry about it!"
"Don't worry about it? You haven't taken your meds in how long? Weeks!"
"My body, my choice!"
"No! Hell no! This is why you've been a wishy-washy bitch! You are scaring our children!"
"Leave. Go! Get out!"
"No! I did that once and you were a complete mess."
"Girls go get your things. I'll get your meds and Meadow. Hurry go." I tell them. I go into Meadow's room and she's sleeping. I have no idea how she's sleeping through this. I pack her a bag. I pick her up and go into the kitchen.
"Demi, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen? You weren't gonna take your meds and I wouldn't find out!" Nick screams. There is a loud crash and I flinch. "Demi! I swear to god... Did you just try to throw that at me?" There's another crash.
"Come on let's go," I say ushering Maddie and River out with Meadow still asleep in my arms.
I get them in the car and text Nick. I tell him I  picked up Meadow and wishing him luck with Demi. I get the girls home fed showered and to bed. 

Hey, guys really important news.
I am running out if ideas... I haven't got any suggestions I decided I'm going to focus on Asylum... Message me ideas. I'm not giving up on this story I promise. 

I have also decided that I would like to start the squel to this story, but there is a slight problem, I do not know how to make a cover. If anyone knows how to make covers, or if there is a website or something I can use please let me know. 

Stay strong, 

~ Sydney

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