Chapter 53

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August 21
Court date
7:30 am
Demi's POV
I woke up an hour ago. Today is tough on us all. We all have to testify Nick, Meadow, Sophia, Jeremy and I. The charges against Maria and Paige are being brought to court today as well.
Jordan had a rough night. She woke up at about two, screaming. I woke her up. She began crying and threw up. Then cried herself back to sleep.
I wake Maddie up first. "Hey babe wake up. I need you to get ready then get Meadow ready."
"Five more minutes."
"Come on."
"Ugh, Mo-Dems, please."
"Come on, get ready."
"Fine. Will you set out Meadow and my outfits please?"
"Yeah. Mads?"
"Dems?" She says with a smirk.
"This is gonna sound weird, but... You can call me mom if you want. I mean we've always been close."
"Cool, I miss having a real mom, but you're good enough. Thanks."
"Speaking of real mom, when is the last time you've talked to her?"
"I text her 'good night' every night but she doesn't reply. I tried calling a couple of times but she sends me to voicemail. So like a month."
"What about dad."
"I do the same with him, he replies every night, but won't answer my calls."
I nod. I go into closet and pull out her outfit. I decide I'm going to dress them all similar. I pull out Maddie's navy blue sailer dress, white toms, and a white bow. I knock on the bathroom door. "Yeah."
I crack the door, "When Meadow is ready come find me. I want to do your hair."
I close the door again and go into Meadow's room. She's laying horizontally in her bed. She kicked all the blankets off, and two pillows. I chuckle, I sit down on the bed and she turns over facing me. "Meadow."
"Morning mommy." She mumbles quietly, in her sleepy voice.
"Morning baby, I need you to get in the shower. I'm going to set out your clothes and Maddie's gonna help you get ready."
She sits up and moves the hair from her face. "Okay, Mommy. "
She drags herself into the bathroom.
I go make sure Nick is up. He's fixing his hair when I walk in. "Hey I'm going to wake River up and get her in the shower. I'm going to set out her clothes. Will you make breakfast while I get ready?"
"Yeah. " he says.
I text Mom and Eddy:
Hey, I know you are pissed off at me... Whatever, but ignoring maddie is too much, fucking talk to her, or I will take you to court for custody.
Mom replies immediately:
I dare you.
Eddy replays:
There's no need for that.
Challenge excepted.
I throw my phone on the bed. "What was that about." Nick asks.
"You can read the texts while I wake up River. We'll talk about it later."
I go and wake up River. I sit on her bed and rub her back. She groans. "Hey beautiful, I need you to shower." She sits up and hugs me.
I give her a hug. Then she rolls out of bed and goes into the bathroom. I lay out her clothes. Then get into the shower.

Nick's POV
"River, eat please." I plead. She looks at me irritated and sips her coffee. "I'm not hungry."
"Okay." I don't want to push her too hard.
"Hey where are y'all's bows?" Demi asks walking in with a curling iron and bobby pins.
"Upstairs." Maddie says through a mouth full of yogurt.
"Mads, come on." I say
"But Da-Nick, I didn't do anything." She says with her mouth full again.
"You're talking with your mouth full."
She swallows, "Sorry. How you feeling sis?" She asks River.
River shrugs. Demi does their hair. Then we pile into the car. I text Demi: We need a picture of them... Ice cream after?
She glances at her phone then at me. She texts back:
Yeah, if she is up to it. I'm not feeling to well... I'm scared.
I read the text at a stop light. I sigh. We pull into the courthouse parking lot. We all step out of the car, all of us except River. I open her door, and hold out my hand. "Okay beauties, here's the deal... We go in there as a family and we come out a family. River, we are in this together. We are all scared, but you know what?" She looks up at me with watering eyes. "You are a warrior. We are in this battle as a team." River walks over to Demi and hugs her. Meadow pulls on my shirt, I pick her up and hold Maddie's hand. Demi holds River's. We meet Mr. Thompson outside the courtroom. We stand silently. A women opens the door and calls us in. We all take a deep breath. Mr. Tompson takes ahold of River's hand. He leads her to the table. They sit and he whispers something in her ear. She nods. I turn and look back at Meadow and Maddie who are sitting in the very last row. I squeeze Demi's hand. The judge enters and we all stand. We are seated after the jury comes in. We start with Paige. River  goes to the stand.
The same asshole representing Sam is representing Maria and Paige. He stands and straightens his jacket.

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