Chapter 51

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August 20
Demi's pov
"Momma! Wake up!" River yells inches from my face.
"Huh? What time is it?"
"Let me sleep."
"But, waffles!" She sings. I sit up and Maddie takes a picture.
"Delete it."
"Nope. No make up and bed head. Perfect birthday picture for insta."
I take a bite of my waffles. "Where's Meadow?"
"Sleeping. We made her breakfast too. Hurry so we can wake her up."I finish eating. Then we all file into Meadow's room. She's curled under her blankets. "One, two, three." River whispers.
We all sing happy birthday loudly. She sits up sleepily with a smile. "Hey, thanks guys. Happy birthday, Mommy."
"Thanks. Princess. What do you want to do today?"
"Can we go to the beach?"
"Yeah. Let's get you some breakfast then we will get ready."
"Cool, I'm going to shower." River announces after hugging Meadow and I.

River's POV
I go into the bathroom and turn on the shower, then I call Bryan. He answers. "Hey there."
"Hey, today's the day."
"I know. You haven't told anyone right?"
"Nope. I'm gonna call Mar's right now, so she come set up the party."
"Okay, cool."
I hang up and call Mars. "Hello?"
"Hey auntie, we're going to the beach. I'll text you when we get there."
"Alright, sounds like a plan."
"Alright, gotta go."
I hop in the shower. Then put on my swimsuit and my sundress over it. I leave my hair wet and down. Dad's down in kitchen. "Hey, Daddy."
"What's up."
"Nothing. Is everyone getting ready?"
"Yeah. Did you invite Corrbin and his family?"
"Yeah and a few of Meadow's friends from dance."
"When is everyone coming?"
"You want help with lunch?"
"Yeah, will you get the lunch meat?"
"Yeah. Mayo and mustard?"
"Yeah. Grab the fruit too."
"Okay. I'll cut it up."
Dad and I work and sing. Mom comes down with Meadow, and it looks like Meadow did her hair. When Maddie comes down we load up the car. "Hey tomorrow I'm getting my dyed, if you guys are down, you can too."
"Cool, I want pink." Meadow tells her.
"Purple, please" Maddie says.
"Yeah, I'm thinking blonde with blue tips."
"Blonde?" Mom and Dad say at the same time.
"I don't know maybe black."
"Black?" Mom and Dad say in unison.
"Yeah, I'll talk to Corrbin."
"You don't need his consent to dye your hair." Dad says.
"I know. I just want his thoughts."
"Okay. Well decide by tomorrow."
"I will."
We get to the beach in one of the more secluded places. Meadow runs out of the car. Mom follows her. "Hey, Uncle Joe and Kevin are coming. I texted Diana, Eddie and Dallas but they never replied, so I don't know if they're coming."
"What's going on?" Maddie asks.
"Surprise party for Mom and Meadow."
"Awe! I would've helped."
"Yeah, but you have a blabber mouth."
"Fine." She says rolling her eyes. Maddie gets in the water. Dad and I finish setting up. I get in the water with the rest.

Marisa's Pov
Bryan's acting weird. I have so much to do. I can't focus on him right now. We're at Demi's. Selena's getting the cakes. Bryan's setting up the slide. The bounce house guys are setting up. I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Then I cut up fruit and veggies and put them on a plater. I prep the burgers and hot dogs. I pull out the coolers from the garage and fill them with ice. Selena pulls up and I help her bring the cakes in. We finish everything then open a beer and sit on the couch. I go through my phone and come across a picture of Demi and the girls. Shit. I call Demi, no answer. I call Maddie and River same thing. Three more have popped up. I call Nick. He answers. "There's paparazzi."
"No, I haven't seen any."
"Nick, I have four pictures of the girls and Demi."
"Shit. I knew this would happen."
"Okay, well we have two hours till the party. Stall. I'll call everyone and try to get them here."
"I gotta go."

Nick's Pov
Thank god for Marisa. I drop my fishing pole and walk around the hill. There's a guy standing fifty feet away. I run to him and throw his camera into the ocean. "What the hell man!"
"You need to get away from my family."
"That's a four hundred dollar camera."
"Okay... Go get another one. Stay away from my family."
He walks away. Demi comes over. "Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, Marisa called saying something about paparazzi. Let's feed the girls, it's two. Let me go get my fishing pole." I go get my pole. Demi has the girls all wrapped in towels. "Picture." I pull out my phone and take a picture of my girls and make it my lock screen. "Ham and cheese?"
"Me!" Meadow says.
"Turkey on rye with tomato and lettuce."
"Me!" Demi says imitating Meadow.
"Same with mayo and mustard."
"Me." River says.
"Maddie, this is yours."
"Will you pass me the fruit." River asks. I hand her the bag.
"I didn't plan on doing this today but seeing that they've already latched on. We'll have do it now."
"What are you talking about?" River asks.
"Her paparazzi speech." Maddie says rolling her eyes.
"The paparazzi are going to be everywhere. From now on the gate needs to be closed and locked at all times. River, I know you like to longboard to dance that's fine. One of the girls or Corrbin has to be with you. None of you can leave the house alone. They will take pictures and write articles. They may or may not be true. I would like you not to read them... When we go places as a family they will be there. A lot of them. They'll surround us. Let the polite ones take picture. After our appearance on Ellen, it will get worst. I have told Miss Taylor the deal and Cassie too."
"You guys will get used to it quickly." I tell them.
"I'm done. Can I go back in the water?" Meadow asks.
"Not too deep."
She runs off, Demi and Maddie join her. "Dad, did you bring another pole?"
"Yeah, it's in the back of the car."
"Okay, I'm going to go get it."
She goes to car. I would never admit this out loud but she is my favorite. My little girl. I love all my girls but we have something so special. "Hey babe." Demi says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Will you take pictures. Mainly of River. I want to give her a new Photo album for her birthday."
"Yeah. You wanna do the letter thing?"
"Yeah, photo albums mean a lot to her."
Demi gets back in the water. River comes back in shorts. We go off to the side. So I can still see Demi and the girls. I take my phone and snap a picture. River casts out her line. "Riv."
She turns her head. The wind blows her hair out, "uh?" I snap a picture. She smiles and I snap another one."What was that about?"
"What? A dad can't take picture of his his queen?"
"If I'm your queen... What's Mom?"
"My keeper, my goddess."
"Something's biting."
"Rile it in." She starts riling. I snap a picture.  "Hope it's not a shark."
"OMG dad! That's not funny." She riles it in and starts laughing. "It's a turtle."
"Hold it up." I take a picture.
"Mom! Look!" She yells. Demi comes over. I take a picture of the two of them. Meadow and Maddie come over to see the turtle. Then we let it go. I get a picture of the four of them. Then I take a selfie with them. We all get in the water.
By the time we load up the car it's five. We get home and there are no cars in site except for Marisa's car. We go inside together. "Aunt Mars! I'm ten!" Meadow yells excited.
Everyone jumps out screaming, "Happy Birthday!"

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