Chapter 9

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Thanks so much for reading and voting you have no ideas how excited I get. Thank you so much I hope you like it.


I pull up to the field and Jordan jumps out of the car and sprints to field. She hugs the girl standing in the middle of the field. "You're not supposed to run!" I shout. She ignores me and pulls out her glove and hands it to Nick.
Her friend just stands there in awe as she says to Nick, "You good at catching?" Nick nods. "Okay, we'll be the judge of that. Get behind the home plate. Pay attention because if you get hit, I don't wanna listen to you cry." Damn, she doesn't fuck around. She turns to her friend, "Colby, this is Nick and Demi, my new foster parents. Go sit by Demi while I practice pitching."
"You mean you want me to go and sit by THE Demi Lovato!"
"Yeah. She is just a person so don't be a freak!"
"Just a person? She is the star to my night. She is the pillow to my bed. She is the cookie to my milk. She is a fucking sex icon! I mean just Demi? She is my master to my masterbation! She my fucking hero!"
Jordan face palmed and shakes her head. "I can't believe you just said that out loud. Go sit down and shut up."
I'm laughing so hard by the time she sits down. "I'm sorry about that. Your just my hero."
"It's okay."
"I have a proposition for.... I want you to promise me okay."
I turn and look her in the eye,"o-okay?"
"Please don't break her heart. She can't take one more time. She has gone from family to family and been hurt. I can't watch it. Promise me that you won't hurt her. She is my best friend. She is as much as a lovatic as I am. She has a lot of problems, and she can be difficult. But just stick by her please."
"Don't worry Colby. Nick and I are going to help her as much as we can." SMACK! "Holy shit that was fast!"
Colby giggles, "Yeah, she doesn't mess around. She's an intense pitcher."
I snap a picture and post it on twitter, "Softball with my beautiful family." With in thirty seconds I have thousands retweets. Which makes me think of those DMs from that Paige. "Who's Paige?"
"That's her cousin. Why?"
"She sent Jordan some really horrible messages. You know why?"
"Paige hates Jordan. Just because Jordan has always been better at physical stuff. Like Paige used to play softball, but our team always beat hers. She used to do all the same dance stuff Jordan did, but at competitions Jordan always beat her. Jordan struggles with school, so Paige has always made her life a living hell."
"Oh." Well I'll have to talk to Jordan about Paige and see what she says.
After forty-five minutes, Nick starts to whine. She finally snaps. "Fine! Stand up old man, get some water and take a break. Colby, come pitch to me so I can practice hitting before Saturdays game!"
Colby stands and walks to the pitchers mound as Jordan gets her bat. Colby throws the ball and Jordan she misses. Then she drops to the ground and starts doing push up. "What are you doing!" I holler.
"She does ten push ups every time she misses a pitch." Colby explains.
For the next half hour this continues. She misses nine, pitches, before she can drop I hush over to her, "That's enough, it's okay to miss a few."
"No." She starts to lay on her stomach, but I grab her arm. She rips it from my grip. "Donn't touch me." She snaps.
"No more push ups." I order.
She sighs and runs out to the out field, Colby shrugs, "Hey can I use her phone? I have to call my mom, she said she would be here by 2:45 and it's three."
"It's in the car back seat," I mumble as I watch Jordan sprint, stop, and throw a ball over to the inn field. She continues this from ball to ball.
I walk back to Nick, "What was that about?" He asks.
"She was about to do more push ups and I said no."
"She got mad?"
"Hey! My mom's here, I gotta go. Tell Jordan I said bye. Nice meeting you guys" Colby says.
"Okay see yeah later." Her mom drives off just as Jordan comes over to the benches. "Hey, the mall is around the block lets get some food and go home." She nods. We walk to the car. We get to the mall and I get into the Panda Express line, "Here's twenty dollars, get what ever you want." Nick wander off to the pretzel place and she goes to subway. We all sat down and begin to eat. "So... what happened at Jay's house?"
"Oh. Sorry you had to see that. That's the asshole who I lived with. He cheated on me. I went in there and got my stuff and he was fucking that skanky whore. They didn't even notice I walked in. But he'll be sorry."
"Well, okay then."
"Can I see the inside of your tree- I mean your house sometime?" Nick asks.
"Me too?"
"No," she whispers.
"Why?" I ask, I have to know.
"Because my dad built that. My mom painted it and designed it. It's my place where I feel like they are still with me. It's all I have of them. I have a couple items but that's just ours, like my aunts and uncles don't even know it exists."
"Okay, I understand. I just want you to know that we will never stop you from going there."
"Okay, um I'm really tir- shit."
"What?" I asked following her gaze. Landing on four girls. "Who's that?"
"My cousin Paige and her posse. Are they looking at me?"
"Actually they are coming over here."
"Fuck me," she huffed under her breathe. She puts on the most fake smile I've ever seen. "Hey, cuz-o.... How ya been?"
"I'm great! EWWW! Why are you all sweaty? You smell like a zoo, oh wait that's what you always smell like," her posse burst into laughter she continues, "You're so disgusting. I can't believe your still alive."
"Thanks." Jordan whispers.
"My moms making me go to your softball game Saturday. So, do me a favor and die so I don't have to go."
Before Jordan can speak I jump in, "Excuse you! That's your fucking cousin! That was so fucking mean! You should be ashamed of yourself. Words fucking hurt. Words kill. You would regret even hate yourself if something were to happen to her."
"And who are you?"
"I'm her fucking mother!"
"No, your not. Her parents are dead. I can say what I want it's a free country. If she killed herself, I wouldn't hate myself I would throw a fucking party. Okay asshole. I hate you Jordan." She turned around and then looked back over her should, "Jordan, are you going to eat all that sandwich? I wouldn't recommend it, I mean your already fat and all."
"Bitch, I give you five seconds to walk away from this table," Nick shouts.
She turns around facing us, "Or what?" With that I stood up and smacked her across the face. "Walk away now." She turns holding her red face and stuttering with tears and runs away. I sit down and Jordan is gone, and Nick is staring at me.
"Where'd she go?"
"I'll be right back."
I walk into the bathroom and her gagging and crying, "Jordan?" I push open the first door and she is knelt over the toilet with her fingers down her throat. "No." I whisper.

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