Chapter 56

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River's P.O.V.
"Today we have my very special guest, Demi Lovato, singing her new hit 'Cool For the Summer' with her surprise guests dancers. Welcome to the stage Mrs. Demi Lovato and her guests." Ellen says. Meadow is jumping which is making me even more anxious. Maddie grabs my hand. We line up in front of Mom who is behind the microphone. Meadow is between Maddie and I. We're wearing different colored neon spandex shorts with matching black studded sports bras. The piano starts and we start. Mom rocks the stage with us and dancing with us. We finish and Ellen comes over and hugs mom. We take a seat on the couch next to Ellen's chair. "Demi Lovato everyone!" The crowd goes crazy. "After the break, we will get to know these young ladies."
They cut to commercial, "Mommy, that was so fun!" Meadow says bouncing on the couch. 
"Good. Riv, how are you feeling?"
"Better, now that it's over."
"It will get easier."
"We're back in five, four, three, two." The man points.
"Welcome back. For those just tuning in we have Demi here with some very special guest. Would you like to introduce yourselves with your ages."
"Hi, I'm Madison Delagarza and I'm thirteen."
"Hi, I'm Meadow Lovato-Jonas  and I'm ten."
"Hi, I'm River Mendez-Lovato-Jonas and I'm fourteen almost fifteen."
"From what I understand, River you were the first in the family. How did that come about?"
I smile, I'm so nervous. "Complete honesty?" I look over at Mom who smiles and nods, "My mom, Demi, hit me with her car." I chuckle. "The rumors of her being an awful driver are true. From there she took me into foster care and adopted me." 

Ellen chuckle, "How did you ever get your driver's licence if you never passed your test?"

"Actually, I passed my driver's test." Mom says with a smirk.  
"Well, that's hard to believe. Now, how did Meadow come into the family."
"After a dance competition, Nick and I realized that Meadow was like a sister to River.Because of a situation, later on, that night, Meadow came into Nick and my care and soon to be adopted."
"Meadow, what are your thoughts?"
"I have the best family I could ever ask for."
"Any Secrets?"
"Of course you ask the youngest."  Mom says rolling her eyes. 

"Yesterday we had a huge food fight and now we have no food, so now we have to go to the grocery store. We have a lot of weird really fun days."

"Now, Madison you are Demi's sister but are living with her?"
"Yeah, she understands me and she's the closest person I have in my life. We all have bumps to go over and luckily for me I have a big sister that will help me."
"Wow, that's really heartwarming. Demi, You have anything to say."
"Everything happens for a reason and I thoroughly believe that. My family has grown drastically in the past three months. I have three amazing daughters. I'm going on tour. On top of all of that, I have an amazing husband that with all the chaos of children and my bipolar self I can't imagine life without him."
"Wow, I will admit that my eyes are watering. Well, the show is almost over. River, did you have an announcement."
I nod. "In November my EP 'Believe' will be released."
The show ends and we change and head the grocery store. We pull in and a crowd of cameras surrounds us. Maddie grabs my hand, Meadow screams and Mom picks her up.
"Excuse me. Please, my family and I are trying to get some groceries." Mom says sweetly, but sternly.
"River! Can I have a picture!" A man yells. I shutter as Maddie practically drags me inside.
"Y'all alright?" Mom asks. I hug her. "I know."
"That's scary," I whisper.
"I know. You need to remember they can't touch you and you don't have to take pictures or say anything. Just keep your head down and walk." I nod. I calmed down in the store as we picked out our food. We get everything we need. As we checked out I began sweating. We get out the doors and I go back inside. Mom gets the groceries into the car as well as getting  Maddie and Meadow situated into the car. She pulls up and gets me from the doors into the car. I get in and we drive home. I get out and run to my room and jump on my bed. I cry as someone knocks on the door.
"Go away!" I scream and throw a pillow at the door. I scream till all the breath is out of my lungs. I hearing my doorknob rattle and I run to the bathroom and find a left over a blade.
"Do it. You know it makes you feel better." I twirl the small silver metal between my fingers. "Do it."  I sigh and set it on my wrist. "Do it. Do it. DO IT!"
I press down, "River!" Mom shouts and I drop it. "It's okay."
She  hugs me, "I'm sorry. It's too much."
"It's okay. Come on. Come lay down with Momma." I bury my head into her stomach. "Come on."  We lay down on the bed. I slowly inhale her vanilla scent.
My eyelids are so heavy, I relax. "Momma, I can't do it. I don't want to."
"What baby?"
"I don't want to-to hurt to-to-to do that anymore."

(Author's Note: So my friend gave me this idea. So I really have no ideas for anything between this chapter and the one at the beginning of the tour... So if you could maybe, (like pretty please, I'm begging!! 😰😳😕😔) comment or message me some ideas. Please help me!😔)

Demi's P.O.V.
Dear River,
You are strong and beautiful. Today you danced on Ellen. You spoke on National T.V. three months you have grown from a baby to a strong young lady. From nightmares and a twisted past to sleeping soundly to a bright future. From clingy and afraid to do anything on your own to now wanting to be alone whenever you get the chance. You've grown and I'm so proud of you. We've had a few set backs but it's one step forward and two back. The more you grow the more proud I am of you.
I love you,

"Hey, everything okay?"
"Close relapse but she's strong. What are Maddie and Meadow doing?"
"Maddie's studying and Meadow's painting on her wall. Just got all the plastic set out for her."
"Alright. I just finished River's letter. I'm gonna give Jennifer a call and see if she can come over at seven."
"Alright. I'm gonna go to the studio. I'll wake her before I leave that way she can get some last minute studying for her test. Taylor's gonna be here at four right."
"Yeah. Did her glasses came in?"
"Yeah, this morning. Okay, I'm leaving. Love you."
"Love you, too."

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