Chapter 48

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Sunday August 12th
Marisa's POV
"Jordan come on we need to go!"
"RIVER! Chill. I'm almost ready."
"Sorry Riv, I forgot. We are going to be late." She goes by River now since that's what Corrbin calls her.
"I'm coming." We hustle to the car. "You promise Momma's gonna be there?"
"She went to the studio for a few to situate something. She'll be there. Plus Nick, Dallas, Grandma, Grandpa. I know she wouldn't miss it. Plus it's Mad's first dance competition."
"I know, but she usually takes us. It's my first pointe dance and I want her there, plus, I'm doing my 'Nightingale' dance."
"Our." Meadow pipes in.
"Our 'Nightingale' dance." River says. I pull in front of the door and the girls jump out. I park. I get in and everyone is waiting, except for Demi.
"Nick where is she?"
"She just called, just left the studio, should be here in twenty minutes."
"Good, Jordan is freaking out."
"Did she take her meds?"
"Yes, and she ate. Shit Jonas you act like I haven't been taking care off her for like a month. Since someone walked out." I say glaring at Dallas. "Why are you even here?"
"They are my nieces and sister."
"Oh, so you know? I wouldn't have guessed, since you haven't talked to any of them... Meadow asks about you everyday."
"This is not my fault, it's Demi's."
"Always someone else's fault."
"Hey, not here okay," Demi say, "this is the girls day."
"Thank god you made it. River was scared you weren't gonna make it."
"Couldn't miss it. Let's go sit down."
We go into the auditorium.

River's POV
"Okay little tots, who's ready to dance?" I ask the junior girls. Mrs. Carter asked me to choreograph their dance and become a teacher. I accepted. I teach them Monday through Wednesday. We've worked on this dance for two weeks. It's hip hop, to 'Worth It'. I designed their outfit which are legging with gold studs on the side, with a gold tank top, and a black SnapBack that says Worth It in gold. They also have gold high top. They all line up behind stage. "Who's worth it?" I ask.
They all raise their hands. I laugh. I give them all a high five then run out to the auditorium to watch. They walk out and pose. They're all so cute, Meadow is the lead. I sit next to Mars. When i feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn Mom smiles at me."I'm so excited to see what you came up with."
I smile. The music starts. I watch critically as they do their moves. Audrey is slightly off beat but for the most part its amazing! I smile and clap. I give Mom a quick hug then run back to the room to change. I put on my leotard and my tutu. I start to tie on my pointe shoes, when Corrbin comes in and ties them for me. I give him a kiss. We lock our rings. Then I head to the stage. Maddie is up next.
"Break a leg." I whisper to her. She turns to me pale.
"I forgot it."
"No you didn't, as soon as the music starts, you won't even know you are doing the dance, you got this." I hug her. They call her name and she goes out to stage. She does her dance perfectly. I almost crush her when she gets off stage. She did so well.
"I saw Demi and I remembered. She smiled so big."
"She's proud."
They call my name, I walk out on my toes. That's the hard part about pointe. I see Mom and Mars holding hands. I begin my dance. It's classical, and fairly simple but elegant. When I finish I look out and Dad is crying. I got a standing ovation. I hurry to the dressing room to get Meadow and myself ready. She is already in the sparkled navy blue dress. I change then pull my hair into a tight ponytail and curl the ends. Then do the same for Meadow. Then we hurry stage. We get there just in time to see Corrbin do his duet with Jeffery. We are up next. The music starts and I make eye contact with Mom. Her eyes are wide and watering. Meadow is the nightingale helping me. I pretend like I'm lost and it's a battle for her to help me. In the end Meadow helps me stand. We bow, as everyone even the judges stand and clap. We go change and go to the team room, and wait for results. Mom comes in and gives Meadow and I a hug. "Mommy, your squeezing too tight." Meadow whines. I hold on even tighter and begin to cry.
"That was so amazing. I hope you will do that at my show..." She says wiping my tears.
"It was Rens idea. Momma I thought you weren't gonna make it."
"No baby, never."
"Results are in we need to go." Mrs. Carter shouts.
"Corrbins family and ours are going out to dinner." I nod.
We head out to the stage. My girls got second. They are excited. Corrbin and Jeffery came in second to Meadow and I. Then my name is called. I stand and walk over to the judge. "As a former dancer on Broadway I have never seen someone your age put so much emotion and passion into a dance. Your pointe dance, and duet were so marcaulasly perfect. I hope you continue with your dance career. This award is only given to the ones who are considered a dancer. This is for you River. Keep up the hard work."
"Thank you." I whisper and hug her.
She whispers to me, "I would like you to meet me with your parents after this."
I nod. I sit back down next to Corrbin, who smiles. I give him a kiss. We walk back to the room and grab our stuff, Mom and Dad wait with me till the judge comes in. She pulls us into another room. "I would like River to try out for the Nut Cracker. Auditions are in two weeks."
"You mean the the ballet?" I ask in shock.
"Yes, I think you could make the lead."
"She'll do it." Dad says grabbing my shoulder. I hug him.
"Here's my card, call me tomorrow and I'll get you the info."
Dad and I stand there shocked, "Thank you, we will get in contact. We've got dinner plans." Mom says very professional. 
We leave. I get my phone out of my bag. I have texts from Corrbin, Marisa, and Maddie all wanting to know what happened. We pull up to Chedders. I fix my ponytail. We all file in, everyone is sitting. Before I sit down I make a point to give everyone a hug, except Grandma and Dallas. I sit in between Mom and Corrbin. I tell everyone what the lady said.
"How's that gonna work with the tour and school?" Grandma asks. Everyone waits for me to respond.
A few awkward moments later, Grandpa clears his throat, "Jordan will you tell me how this supposed to work?"
I look at him, then mom. "All I will say is that if you guys tried to come around you would know that I go by River, and also our family's system."
"System?" Dallas says.
"You would know if you didn't ditch us." I snap.
"Okay River, that's enough dinner's here, say grace please." Dad says uncomfortable.
"Dear father, thank you for blessing my sisters and I with an amazing competition. Thank you for blessing me with this new opportunity. Thank you for bring Mars into our lives. Amen."
"Amen." Everyone echos except Dallas and grandma. "Sisters?" Dallas says with a chuckle.
"Meadow and Maddie are my sisters. Do you have some thing to say?" I ask. Corrbin begins to rub my hand. Cassie shifts in her sit and Coral's music gets louder. Dallas claps her lips together. I smile smugly and begin to eat.

Demi's POV
I know as a mother I should be appalled by the way River spoke to everyone, but I'm the exact opposite. She thinks of Maddie as a sister and that makes me so happy. These last few weeks Maddie as become a daughter to me. I know it sounds bizarre, but she's called me mom a couple if times. The look on Mom's face when she said sisters was priceless. I love how fast she shut Dallas down. We all eat peacefully. Everyone goes out when Mom pulls me aside. "Listen." She says.
"No, read this. Call me, once you really take every word into consideration." I say calmly, controlling my voice. I step around her and go out to the car. We pull out of the parking lot and I break. Nick keeps driving because he knows why I'm crying, but River freaks.
"Mommy?" She says quietly. I don't respond. I try to collect myself before we got home to Meadow.
"You okay?"
"I am now."
We pull up to the house. Mars' car is out front. We all go in. "Meadow and Maddie went to shower. I think they're having a slumber party in Maddie's room."
I nod. "River will you come with me to the music room?" Nick asks her. She follows him.
Once they are gone Mars speaks, "What did the letter say?"
"Here I have it on my phone." I hand her my phone and she reads out loud. "'Dear mom,
We have a lot of things we haven't talked about that are weighing me down. I am writing this so you can finally understand. I felt as a child I needed to make you happy. Always participating in everything you put me in. I never wanted that. I never had the courage to tell you. The pageants always made question myself. Going to dad's and hearing you two argue. Eventually begging not to go, so I wouldn't have to hear you guys yell. Mom I want you to look back, I was different. I was not Dallas. You always put her first. I just wanted to be myself. I wanted to be Demi, I wanted to play sports, I wanted to dance, and sing. I never wanted to be famous. Now, don't get me wrong I am grateful now. These past few months made me realize how much pressure it is to be a mom, but it made me criticize you even more harshly. The way I was always pushed to the side always made me hurt, and now Maddie has been pushed aside. Why? Only you can answer that. Mom whatever reasons you have for this is beyond me. She came out of you, she is apart you. She is very much like me, but that is not what you wanted. She cannot change. Perfect can't become more perfect. You are the adult, my mother, and I've never had so much trouble trying to except you. I love you more then I can put into words.' Wow that was amazing. I'm so happy you did this."
"Me too, I feel so free."
"I'm tired. I'm going home to buttercup. See ya tomorrow." She leaves, I lay down on the couch and flip though the channels ending up on the ID Channel. I snuggle in to a blanket and fall asleep.

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