Chapter 12

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On the way to the dance studio. "Do you want to go shopping for things for your room or do you want me to do it?" I ask.
"Um... Can I go with you?" She asks.
"Of course. We'll go tomorrow."
Nick and I dropped her off. Then we head to the studio. "I never got the chance to sing to you. So thought we could do it now."
"Yeah, babe." We go into the studio and I begin to sing.

'I can hold my breathe
I can bite my tongue
I can stay awake for days if that's what you want
I can force a laugh
I can dance and play the part
If that's what you ask.
I can do it.
I can do it.
I can do it.
But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down.
I'm only human.
And I crash and breakdown.
Your word in my head.
Knives in my heart.
Cause I'm only human.
I turn it on
Be a good machine
I can hold the weights of the worlds
If that what you need
Be your everything.
I can do it.
I can do it.
I'll get though it
But I'm only human
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human
I crash and I breakdown.
Words in my head.
Knives in my heart.
You build me up and then I fall apart.
Cause I'm only human.
I'm only human.
I'm only human.
Just a little
I cam take so much
Until I've had enough.
Cause I'm only human.
And I bleed when I fall down
I'm only human.
And I crash and I break down
Your words in my head
Knives in my heart.
You build me up and then I fall apart.
Cause I'm only human.'

"Wow! Demi that's beautiful."
I smile. "Thanks. I love you." I crawl onto his lap, peck his lips and smile.
"Let's go home." He whispers.
When we walk through the door Nick picks me up. He kisses me while carrying me upstairs. "I love you so much." He whispers as he lies me on the bed. He climbs on top of me and kissing me down my neck. While he begins unbuttoning my shirt he kisses me down the center of my stomach stopping just above my pantie line.
I let out a small moan. "I want you Nick please." I beg. He moves back up to my lips. He caresses every curve of body. "Nick make love to me." I whisper. He makes love to me making me feel like the most beautiful women in the world.
We lay in bed panting. " I love you, Demetria."
"I love you, Nicholas."
I snuggled into him. We lie together silently. I write 'I love you' with my finger on his back and he plays with my hair. We lay like this for about an hour. "She called us Mom and Dad."
"I know. Can we adopt her?"
"Yes! Yes!"
"Let's get in the shower and go get her." We shower and drive to the studio. We watch her dance to 'Me and U' by Cassie. She's so good. "Nick, I have the best idea."
"We should build her a dance studio in the basement. While I take her shopping tomorrow you can do that. Then we'll tell her we want to adopt her, when we show her the studio."
"Guys, I'm done!" Jordan sings as she walks out the studio door.
"Let's go get some lunch." Nick suggests
"Where should we go?" I ask.
"Pasta! We should go to Noodles and Company, it's so good."
"Yeah sure." In my mind I'm freaking out. I can't eat pasta. I'll just get something else.
Jordan gets into the car. Nick grabs my hand making me stop. "Babe, are you sure?"
"We can get something else."
"No, this is what she wants."
"I don't care, what she wants. This about you and your well-being."
"Let's just go, Nick I'll be fine." We go to Noodles and Company. Jordan and I get the same thing Parmesan noodles. Nick gets spaghetti. I eat two fork fills, and I can't do it.
"You okay?" Jordan asks with her mouth full.
"Yeah, just not very hungry and don't talk with your mouth full."
She stares at me thinking. "Oh, shit. Shit! I'm so, so, sorry. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot."
"Pasta, is a trigger food. I'm so sorry. I'm stupid. Let's go."
"Jordan, sit down and finish your food. I'll eat at home. It's okay."
Nick and Jordan finish there food. "Can I go to the restroom?" Jordan asks, earning a sympathetic glare from Nick. 
"I'm coming with you."
She sighs, "fine." We go the the bathroom and she does her business. She walks out of the stall with tears down her face mumbling, "I hate this. I hate everything. I hate this so much."
"I know," I whisper, "let's go home." Jordan puts in her headphones when we get into the car. As I begin the drive my phone starts ringing.
"Hey Demi, you wanna get dinner with Maddie and I?"
"Actually mom, can we get lunch tomorrow?"
"Yeah, that's fine. What time?"
"I'll call you around noon. Jordan and I are going shopping tomorrow."
"Okay, cool talk to you then. Love you."
"You too bye." When we pull up driveway. Jordan flings the door open and slams it shut. She sprints into the house. Nick looks at me, "I'll go talk to her."
I go  upstairs and knock on her door. "Go away." She mumbles.
"Come on Jordan open the door."
"Just go away."
I stand outside the door as I listen to her cry. Then she goes into the bathroom.

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