Chapter 49

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Monday August 13th
Marisa's POV
"Hey, Demi I know it's early but I can't make it today." I sigh and end the message.
I lay back in bed feeling empty and alone. I miss Bryan. He wants to start a family. We're not even married. I have three kids right now. I'm over whelmed. He left two hours ago. I begged him to stay, but he had to get away. I'm only 23 I'm not ready. My phone buzzes. I snatch it off the nightstand hoping its Bryan but it's Demi:
No worries. Be there in fifteen.
I put my phone back down. I close my eyes and let the tears flow.

Demi's POV
I wake to my phone chiming. It's Marisa. I listen to the voicemail she's crying. I throw on some quiet scandalous shorts and a tank top. I text Nick and River, Letting them know I'll be at the studio by noon at the latest. I text Marisa as get in the car. I get to her apartment and notice Bryan's car isn't there. I unlock the door, and pick up her cat Buttercup. I carry her to Marisa's room. I lay down beside her. "I'm not ready." She whispers.
"Not ready for what?"
"A family, kids. I'm not ready."
"Mars you parctalicly have three, four if you count me. Can I tell you something?"
"You can't tell anyone, especially Nick."
"I can't have kids. I never wanted kids, if they weren't truly mine. The first time Jordan called me, mom, I nearly died. When meadow called me mommy, and confided in me about why she pees the bed. Maddie slips up every once in a while and calls me mom. If I had never had them, I know I would be back in Timberland. I was never ready for a kid, let alone three. You will never be ready. But I promise you, you are the mother I have always wanted, and you have no idea how much you will love a child."
"He wants to meet the girls, I said no. I know how River is with people, especially men. He wants a kid, we aren't even engaged."
"Not yet."
"He's bought a ring, he called me yesterday."
"Oh my god. I'm so stupid."
"Hon, no. I've been meaning to talk to you. I need you during the tour. But girls right now are old enough now to be on their own. I don't need you twenty four seven. I don't want them restricted, they need to spread their wings."
"Thank you Demi."
"Hey, get some sleep."
I lay next her till she's asleep. I go the bathroom, and as I go back to her room, her phone rings and I snatch it quickly from the nightstand and go to the hallway. "Hello?"
"Hey, Demi?"
"Yeah, Bryan what's up?"
"I was just calling to tell her I was sorry. I'm on my way home. Oh god, I'm so sorry."
"Hey, come on home, we'll talk."
"Okay, I'm pulling in."
I hang up, and my phone rings, "yes?"
"Mom? Where are you?" Jordan asks.
"Mars. Daddy's home."
"Is Mars okay?"
"Ya." Bryan comes in I hold up a finger he nods, "River, it's five in the morning. Go to sleep, I'll be home soon."
I hang up quickly, Bryan hugs me. I sit on the couch he sits across from me in the chair. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I'm just want her, a family. Demi I'm ready. I don't understand how she isn't. I want to meet your daughters, to show her I'm ready, but she's so damn selfish. What about me. My wants. I'm here, I'm just..."
"She's scared. She needs to know you are true to her. Propose, let her get used to that. Then ask her again. You are always welcome to the house. In fact tomorrow don't give her a choice come over to the house, I'll cancel the girls tutoring and you two take them out. Show her."
"I'll do it. Thank you Demi. Go home to your girls. I need to stay with mine."
I give him one last hug and drive home. I stop at Starbucks, I pick up River's favorite latte and a muffin. I know she is up. She doesn't go back to sleep very well when she's already awake. I creep into the house. I go up to her room and sure enough she's doing homework. "Hey, honey."
"Hi, Mommy."
"Here's a latte and muffin."
"Thanks." She sniffs her latte.
"A shot of espresso and an extra half a pump of Carmel with soy milk."
She smiles, "You're the best." I sit next to her, and close my eyes. "Are you taking me to the eye doctor or is Mars?"
"I will be. Before we have to go to the studio to have a meeting with Phil."
"Why do we need a meeting with Philip?"
"Well, we have to discuss you opening, and because Max has been begging to see his favorite niece."
She giggles," oh, Maxwell." I smile. "What time are we leaving?"
"Okay. I asked Lauren to come over at five."
"Cuz... I miss her."
"You saw her like two days ago."
"It's been two long days." She says laying her head on my shoulder.

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