Chapter 47

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Thursday 9:00 am
Jordan's POV
Mom and dad left before I woke up. Mom texted me at 6:30 a.m. She said I was in charge till Marisa got here at 10:00 a.m. I've been up since 8:30. I made pancakes for breakfast. I wake up Meadow first, "Hey get up. Breakfast is ready." She gets out of bed. I go wake up Maddie. "Mads get up. Breakfast is ready."
"It's nine in the morning."
"So... I'm in charge till Marisa gets here, so get up and come eat."
"Fine." She sits up and moves her hair, "Why aren't you wearing pants?"
"Leg prisons? Aren't my thing. Come on pancakes are getting cold."
I go downstairs and make Meadow and my plate. I pull out two bowls and put yogurt with strawberries and granola on top. "You don't wear pants either?" Maddie asks Meadow.
"Leg prisons are awful." I laugh. We eat in silence. "Lets go shower, Miss Taylor will be her at eleven." We part ways. I check my phone.
M: Hey we'll be home by three. Hope everything is okay. Love you.
Ma: I'm gonna be a little late.
C: Hey beauty, can't wait for tonight. I have your surprise. Love you.
J to Mom: We're good made pancakes for breakfast, with fruit and yogurt. Mars said she will be a little late. I'm getting in the shower before Miss Taylor comes. Can I go swimming after.
J to Marisa: Okay, no worries, we're getting ready for Miss Taylor.
J to Corrbin: Good morning handsome. Can't wait to see you. Love you.
I put my phone on the night stand. I get into the shower. I get out and put my swimsuit on underneath a crop top and shorts. I find duck tape and sharpiees and doodle on my crutches.
"Jordan." Meadow screams.
I go into her room,"what?"
"Will you do my hair?"
"Yeah. Sit down."
"Why do you have your swim suit on?"
"Because after school, I'm going to swim while you're at dance."
"Can you swim with that brace."
"I just take it off, it's been almost a week."
I finish her hair. I go back to my room and fill my back pack with my journal, and school work. I only need one crutch to get around now. I set my stuff in the dinning room. I doodle on my crutch some more. The door bell rings. I get the door. It's miss Taylor. "Hey."
"Hi, sweetheart. Let's get this show in the road."
"Cool. MEADOW! MADDIE! Get down here!"
I hear them run down stairs. "Hi guys. Let's go to the dinning room. Jordan did you finish your homework?"
"Yeah, here's my English journal, and I did my math by myself."
"Awesome. Here work on these while I check your homework. Meadow here's your math work sheet, and Maddie here's yours."
We all work silently. I finish my math worksheet, it took me an hour but I did it. Maddie and Meadow have moved on to a reading assignment. "Can I get a drink?"
"Yeah. Go ahead be quick. I still have a writing assignment to explain to you."
"You guys want anything?"
"Water." Meadow and Maddie say at the same time.
I nod, "Miss Taylor?"
"I'll take a water too."
I go into the kitchen, I grab three water bottles and a juice box. I go back to the table. Miss Taylor is marking our books. I sit down and hand out their drinks. The door closes. "Mars?" I shout.
"Okay so your homework is in your books, math, writing, read the story I marked and answer the questions in your notebook.Jordan you have a two writing assignments and a math and reading."
"This is do Thursday by the end of the session. I will help you with any questions. Jordan we are going to start pointe next Thursday."
"Alright thanks. We will see you tomorrow."
"Alright guys."
I walk Miss Taylor to the door. Marrisa is sitting on the couch. "Hey I'm going to make lunch. Then I'll get Meadow ready for dance."
"Alright. Thanks. Let me know if you need help." I nod. I go into the kitchen and make three turkey sandwiches. I cut up three apples. Then get the peanut butter, broccoli and ranch out. I make our plates. I go upstairs and get my phone.
I go back down to the kitchen and put my phone into the dock. I play Ron Pope. "Meadow! Maddie! Lunch is ready." They come down. We eat in silence. "Meadow you have dance in thirty minutes. Let's get ready."
I look at her. I get my phone off the dock. Mom texted me.
M- Hey, Daddy and I are on the way home. I'm going to get dinner started. Daddy wants to take you to the studio.
J- I want to go swimming. But okay I'll change.
M- Okay we will be home in an hour.
I go into Meadow's closet. I pull out a blue crop top,a black sports bra and a pair of lime green shorts. I hand them to to her. She snatch them from me. "Your welcome. Brat."
"Oh my god! Why are you being a bitch?"
"Go away."
I leave the room, "Risa! Jordan called me the B word!"
"Tattletale!" I scream.
I go into my room. I change into my galaxy dress, with my black leather jacket and my black top hat that mom gave me. I curl the ends of my hair. Then do my make up. As I put on my black toms, Marrisa comes in, "Why'd you call her a bitch?"
"Because she was being rude, I know I shouldn't have."
"Alright, I have to tell your mom about this. I'm going to take her to dance. Your parents are on their way home now."
"I know."
"By the way you look HOT!"
I smile, "Thanks, only dressed up for my one and only guy."
"You're too cute."
"Risa we are gonna be late." Meadow says standing in the door way with her hands on her hips.
"See atitude." I say rolling my eyes. "Hey, Meadow why don't you put all that sass and attitude into a dance."
"Shut up!"
"Make me."
She charges into the room, Marrisa catches her before she can get to me. "You two need to stop! Meadow let's go." I laugh until they leave.
J- Can I go swimming with Corrbin?
M- Yeah, have them bring their swimsuits.
J- kk.
M- We are pulling in, come out.
I throw my phone and wallet into my purse. I get to the door right as Mom opens it. "Hi momma."
"Hey baby. Have fun."
"I will. Maddie's taking a nap. Aunt Mars took Creek to dance. I made lunch."
"Okay. Go, have fun!"
"Love you."
I shut the door. Dad is standing beside the car door holding it open for me. "Thank you my noble steed."
"Your welcome princess."
"To the studio!"
"TO THE STUDIO!" Dad yells. I laugh. We go to Starbucks first. Then we go to the studio. Max is there. I give him a hug. Then I show him a handshake. First, we fist bump, then connect our thumbs to make a bird we fly it up then down. We go back into a fist bump explode it out. Then lock our fingers. "See not so hard." I say after the sixth time. Max chuckles and smiles.
Dad and I go into the booth. "I want you to sing your song first."
"Dad, I don't have a guitar."
"No worries. Just sing. We'll get the instrumentals later."
I stand infront of the microphone. I sing my song. I finish and open my eyes. Dad claps. I smile. "Okay sing 'Nina' then I'm going to come in and sing 'Avalanche' with you." He plays the track. I sing the words. I finish the song. "You need to articulate the words. Sing it again." I do as I'm told. Dad gives me a thumbs up. I come out of the booth. He hands me a water bottle. "You wanna hear?"
I shrug, "sure." He plays them back to me. It's weird to hear yourself.
"You have so much potential."
"Thanks daddy. I wanna sing 'Stay With Me' by Sam Smith."
"Okay. Let's sing 'Avalanche' first." We go into the booth and record the song together. I sing the last chorus by myself. I finish and I look at Dad who's tearing up. "Beautiful."
"Thanks Dad."
I go and check my phone. Corrbin texted twenty minutes ago, saying they were on their way.
"Daddy. We have to go. Corrbin's at the house."
We head out after I do the handshake with Max again. We get home quickly, I made Dad speed. I rush into the house. I'm blindsided when I get into the living room, Coral is talking to Meadow and being nice. It's weird. I find Corrbin talking to Mom in the kitchen. I hug him from behind.
"Hey beauty." He says turning and giving me a kiss. We break apart when Dad coughs. "You look amazing."
"Thank you."
"Hi Ms. Chandler."
"Hey there sweetheart. Call me Cassie."
"Okay, thanks for coming tonight."
"I had to get to know the family of the girl who makes my boy stop gardening with his momma."
I laugh. "Mom!" Corrbin whines.
I peck him on the cheek, "you're so cute. Let's go swimming. You can use the bathroom at the end of the hall. I'll be down in a minute."
I go up stairs, I change into my swimsuit. There's a knock on the door. "Come in."
"Hey, Marisa told me what happened today."
"Before you say anything I didn't start it."
"True but you carried it on. Which is unacceptable. I want you guys to behave tonight. We will talk about this later."
"Okay, Mom... Here's the fifteen dollars for cursing."
"You owe about five dollars."
"Well then I've covered it covered for a few weeks."
"Alright then. Now go, your boyfriend is waiting. I'll call you in twenty minutes before dinner, so you can change."
"Okay, thanks Mom." I limp down stairs without my crutches. I go outside holding Corrbin's hand. I sit down to take my brace off.
"Hey,I got it."
"Anything for you." He takes it off, I take off my shorts and tank top. We get in and the waters perfect. "How's you ankle?"
"Good. A little stiff but I mean I don't really need my crutches. I can limp around with out them."
"That's good. How about your back?"
"Oh my stitches I forgot about them. I think I get them out Monday."
"You're so beautiful."
"You're too handsome for me." He comes closer to me. We kiss, making everything around us become silent.
We break apart when Maddie screams, "ca$nnonball!" She jumps in before we have a chance to process what's happening. She splashes us. I didn't plan on get my hair wet but now it's soaked. I go under and straighten out my hair.
"What's up lovers." Maddie asks.
"Nothing. Just swimming."
"You mean just kissing." She laughs.
I shrug, "same thing." I splash her. She gasps and tries to splash me back but I duck and all the water hits Corrbin in the face. We both laugh.
"Oh, it's on." He says. He reaches for me, but I swim away laughing. He dunks Maddie. Now they are both after me. I'm cornered. Maddie tickles me. Corrbin slpashes me continuously. I laugh and scream.
I duck under the water and grab Maddie's leg. I drag her under and swim away. When I come up for air Mom screams, "Jordan smile." I turn my head quickly and smile. A real smile, it feels like forever since I've smiled like that. Just then Corrbin wraps his arms around me and twirls me around. I laugh. I can hear Mom taking pictures. I break free and tackle Maddie, then go after Corrbin. I grab his sides and I kiss him. I hear the camera click again, then I dunk him. Then Maddie and Corrbin gang up and dunk me. Mom laughs. "I came out here because dinners almost done. Come inside and change. But I want pictures first." We all get out. "Maddie and Jordan first." I hug Maddie and smile at the camera. Then I licked her face. She freaks out, and I laughed. She picks me up. Mom takes pictures. "Okay Corrbin join them." Corrbin joins. I give him a kiss on the cheek and Maddie stand there frowning. We take one all smiling together. "Maddie go change. Corrbin and Jordan pictures."
We take one smiling. One of us kissing and his foot up. One laughing. One with me on his back.
"Alright dinners probably ready hurry and change."
We rush inside. I change back into my dress and jacket. I put my brace back on, and grab my crutches, because my ankle is throbbing. I get to the table as everyone sits down. "River, will you say grace please."
Coral rolls her eyes earning a glare from Cassie. We bow out heads I begin, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for providing our family with food. Please bless us with the gift of patience for  each other. Father, help us as a family learn to love one another. Thank you dear father for the family I am now blessed with. Thank you for my amazing boyfriend, and his family. Dear father give us all the strength we need, for the upcoming events. Amen."
"Amen." Everyone says. We all get in line youngest to oldest. We get our plates and sit down.
"So... Corrbin tells me you're a dancer as well, what type?"
"Actually, my sister and I both do ballet, tap, hip hop, contempory, and acro. I also do ballroom, jazz and I'm now starting pointe."
"Wow busy girl. Are you going to Rose Wood?"
"We all are."
"That's good. Are you just a dancer?"
"I also play softball, soccer, and basketball."
"Demi, this tour can you tell me about it?"
"Yeah, I'm traveling the U.S. from the end of the month till December, I get about a month break. Then I head over seas. The reason we want Corrbin is because him and Jordan dance perfectly together. They have created dances for some of my songs and I want them to show the world how talented they are."
"Are you wanting him to travel with you to all concerts."
"No, school is a very important factor. I want them to do my first show that's here in L.A. The one in Texas, Vancouver, New York, Kansas, and Miami. Those concerts are in a row. I have a tutor that will travel with us. The school knows about traveling they have set up an internet program. The girls will also continue to get a little more work from their tutor. I've already talked to her about tutoring Corrbin as well."
"How much will all this cost?"
"What about the over seas concerts."
"I don't want to take the girls over seas, but I will have them FaceTime live to dance. I would like them to come to Australia with me though for two concerts."
"I will be honest with you, I want him to go. I want him to have this opportunity, but I am scared. But I do agree to the first concert, if that one goes well. He will most likely continue."
"Yay!" I clap. They laugh. I grab Corrbin's hand and we finish eating. We all go into the living room.
"Can I see one of these dances?" Cassie asks.
"I can't actually dance for another week or so."
"Oh, I forgot you hurt your foot."
"She can sing though." Dad says. I give him a glare.
"Sing for us." Cassie says, "Corrbin nor Coral will admit it but they can sing too."
I look at Corrbin who's giving his mom the craziest look, "sing with me?" He sighs but nods. "Do you know 'One Grain of Sand' by Ron Pope?"
"Yes! I can't believe you know who he is. No one knows who he is."
"I only listen to the best."
"Come on guys, put your phone in the speaker and sing for us." Dad says anxiously.
I plug my phone in, "ready?"
"Yep." I press the play button.
"I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all.
Oh I used to treat you sweetly
I would pull you to my chest
As you cried about the ocean
Slipping quickly through your hands
You were searching for one grain of sand along and in this beach
And I was building you a castle that you just refused to see.
What do I say what do I do
To show you all the ways my heart is slowly shattering for you.
What do I say what do I do
I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all.
You have faded my reality
Like leaves that turn to dust
I fell asleep inside a fantasy
And woke up feeling lost
Now I'm terrified and restless
But I just cannot escape
I wish you had words to cool this fever that is killing me.
What do I say what do I do
To show you all the ways my heart is slowly shattering for you
What do I say what do I do
I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all.
I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all.
Ohhhhh oh oh ohh
Ohhhh oh oh ohh
Ohhhh oh oh ohh
Ohhhh oh oh ohh
I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all.
I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all.
I don't wanna hold you if you wanna go.
And I'm not gonna make you feel love if you don't.
I would rather learn feel what it feels like to burn than not feel nothing at all."
I didn't realize how close I was to Corrbin till he kisses me. I smile, at the touch of his lips. I open my eyes and everyone claps. When the quiets down Corrbin grabs my hand. "I know we have only been dating for a month now, but I love you. I bought you this promise ring to show you that no matter what I promise you the we will come out on top." He slides the ring on to my finger. I let my tears slide down my face slowly.
"You put my love on top." Everyone laughs. I hug Corrbin tightly, "thank you. I'll never give up on us." I whisper into his ear.
"Alright you two, we have to go, I have to work at 5." Cassie says.
I give Corrbin one last kiss. I give Cassie a hug, "you're an amazing girl." She leans in and whispers in my ear, "do me a favor?" I nod. "Will you help Coral makes some friends."
"I'll do my best."
"Thank you."
"Bye Coral, it was nice to meet you. Thanks for playing with me." Meadow says hugging her.
"See ya, squirt." She ruffles Meadow's hair and Meadow giggles. "Nice to meet y'all." Coral says. Then walks out the door.
"You have my number Demi. Call me if you need anything. Jordan you are always welcome."
"Thanks. Bye babe."
They leave and I go into the kitchen and help mom with the dishes and left over. She finally turns to me and smiles. I smile bigger. "Doesn't your face hurt?"
"A little."
"How are you feeling today?"
"Amaz-balls." Mom laughs.
"Good. Alright I need to put Meadow to sleep. You and Maddie can stay up for about an hour."
"Okay, where's Dad?"
"Music room, I think."
I turn to go to the music room but Mom stops me. "Hey, tomorrow Dad and I are going to leave early before you guys are awake. I'm going to come and get you at nine. We have an appointment with my Psychiatrist at nine thirty. She's going to get you on meds to help you. Then I'll drop you off back home for tutoring."
"Okay. I'll be ready. Can I go see Dad now?"
"Yeah, go on daddy's girl."
"Night momma."
"Night baby love you."
"Love you too." I go into the music room. Dad stops playing the piano. "Sup Daddy."
"Yo yo yo, little lady, come sing wit yo dad."
I laugh, "only if you never talk like that ever again."
"No problem... It was painful."
"Show me how to play something."
He shows me how to play a few things. Then he goes off to bed. I go to my room to change. I slip into a long t-shirt then grab my backpack. I knock on Maddie's door, "yeah?"
I open it, she got her English book in her lap. "Hey I was just hoping you were doing homework, cuz I need a little help."
"Come on, I'll help." I sit next to her and pull out my math book. "Did she give you algebra."
"Um no, geometry."
"Okay. I already took that. It's kinda fun. All the shapes."
"I'm working on perimeter and area."
"Cool. Do you know the formulas?"
"Okay, write p equals all the sides. Then a equals length times width."
I do what she says. I do the first few with out help. I start to get drozy, I do about four area problems. When I finally give up. I notice that Maddie has dozed off. I stack all of our home work off the side and lay down. She snuggles into me and we sleep.
-2hour time lapse-
Nick's POV
I wake to Jordan screaming. I get out of bed quietly. I stumble to her room. I flick on the lights, but her bed is still made. She quiet now, so I check her closet. She is not there either. I think of other places, I check the dance room. I open the door and she screams, I run back upstairs into Maddie, "oh thank god you are awake. I can't get her to wake up." She screams again, Meadow's light turns out and she peeks her head out of her room.
"Mommy!" She hollers. Demi hushes to Meadow and flinches at Jordan's screams.
"Nick, You need to take care of Jordan. Meadow had an accident."
I nod and follow Maddie. I walk into her room, Jordan is screaming, "I didn't do anything Mer. Please stop." She flinches as I lay my hand on her. "No, Meadow didn't do anything, get away from her! Meadow run, break free."
I listen to little feet run. Demi scream, "Meadow where are you going?"
"Meadow break free now!" Jordan screams. I shake her.
"Meadow! baby come out! Why are you hiding?" Demi shouts.
"What?" Jordan says, wiping the sweat from her head.
Demi comes in, "Break free?"
"Shit. Did Meadow hide?"
"I guess she ran."
"I'll find her. FREEDOM!" Jordan screams. We all stay silent. We listen to a door open. Meadow comes into Maddie's room. She has tears down her face and her thumb in her mouth. "Hey I'm sorry, I was dreaming. We don't need to break free anymore. Okay?"
Meadow nods, and walks to me. I pick her up. I cradle her back to sleep. Demi helps Jordan to her room, and Maddie goes back to bed. I lay Meadow in the middle of our bed. Demi comes in thirty minutes later. She sighs and lays on the bed. "Nightmares are killers. That one was about Meredith."
"I know. Break free... Freedom. Code words. This is all going to get better."
"It hurts to know they are in pain."
"Sleep Queen. We have to leave in four hours."
She yawns "I know. Love you." She falls asleep soon. Jordan climbs into our bed an hour later and Maddie an hour after that.


~Sydney 😘👌

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