Chapter 46

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Marissa POV
12:45 pm Monday
"Maddie! Get ready for Ariel. Meadow get ready for dance. I'm making lunch then we are going to head out."
"But Aunt Rissy I need help." Meadow yells back.
"Okay, let me get the chicken nuggets in the oven."
I put them in and start the water for Mac and cheese. "What do you need help with?"
"I don't know what to wear, and I need my hair in a bun."
I go into her closet. I pull out a pair of shorts and a sports bra. "Change into this, while I put all your dance shoes into a bag."
"Thanks rissy."
She changes quickly, and meets me I the kitchen as I drain the noodles. "Sit down and I'll do your hair." I put it in a bun. I make the girls plates. Then go into Jordan's room. She's writing with headphone in.
"Hey," I sitting on her bed. She lifts her head, and takes a headphone out, then raises an eyebrow. "We need to drop the girls off. Come eat." She shakes her no. "You don't have a choice." She sighs and gets out of bed. I help her down the stairs. I fix her a plate of six chicken nuggets and put one scoop of Mac and cheese. She waves her hand and points at her Mac and cheese.
I look at Meadow, "She doesn't like Mac and cheese." She says with her mouth full.
"Then don't eat it, Jordan. Meadow don't talk with your mouth full."
Jordan points at her food and makes an x with her fingers. I look at Meadow again. She swallows first, "Sorry Rissa. She can't eat those ones that are touching."
"Really?" I ask scrunching my face.
"Really, really."
Maddie laughs, "Shriek!" Meadow and Maddie laugh and quote the movie. Jordan eats the four that aren't touching, I add two more. I load them up into the car. I drop Maddie off first. Then Meadow.
"You want Starbucks?"
She nods. She pulls out her phone. She types what she wants. I order.

Jordan's POV
C- Hey why aren't you at the studio?
J- Can't dance for two weeks.
C- Why?
J- Long story.
C- You wanna talk about it?
J- No. I want to snuggle.
C- Okay be at your house in twenty.
J- Okay.
I text mom.
J- Can Corrbin come over please?
We pull into the driveway. I get my crutches and grab my latte. I can't hold it and do my crutches. "You want me to carry that?" Marrisa asks. I nod.
M-How are you feeling? Have you eaten? He can come over, if Rissa says it's okay.
J- I'm fine. I ate six chicken nuggets.
M- What do you mean fine? You need to have some fruit and yogurt. I'm going to text Rissa and I'll make sure you eat.
J- Mommy I'm okay. I'll eat.
Marissa helps me to my room. I write on a piece of paper: Can Corrbin come over? Mom said to check with you.
"Yeah. It's cool with me." She pulls out her phone. "Your mom said you need to eat some fruit and yogurt."
I nod. The door bell rings. I grab my crutches. Marrisa answers the door. Corrbin hugs me when I get to the bottom. "What happened to you?" I shake my head.
"She's not talking right now. She needs to eat... Are you hungry?"
He gives me a funny look, "I'll eat what ever she's having." I smile. We go into the kitchen and sit down. I lay my head on his shoulder. "My sister and I got enrolled at this private school, Rose Wood." I nod.
"She's going there too." Marrisa says.
"That means I'll have more time with my lady." Corrbin chuckles.
I text him:
J- Aren't you going into eighth grade? He reads, "No my birthday is in two weeks, I'll be fresh meat with you." I nod and giggle. I finish my fruit salad and yogurt.
"Your mom and dad will be home in a couple of hours." I nod. I pull Corrbin to my room and put 'The Breakfast Club' on. I laugh. It's kinda sad that I know all of Bender's lines like the back of my hand. I mouth them. I cry when they tell why they are in detention. I fist pump at the end. "I love you." Corrbin says.
"I love you too." I whisper. I curl into him closer. "I shot him."
"Sam. When I dropped you off they were following me. They beat me up. He pulled a gun on Mom. I kicked it out of his hand and ran. Then I told them not to move. He moved and I shot him."
"Oh, god. Why are they after you?"
"Because I told."
"I'm so happy you're okay."
"I'm not okay."
"Why not?"
"Because I love him. I love them both. I hate that I do. They're my family."
"Why aren't you talking to anyone?"
"Because it's hard."
We kiss. Corrbin makes me feel like magic. Everything in my body lights up. We snuggle. "You want to watch 'Monsters Inc?"
"KITTY!" He mocks.
"I'll take that has a yes." I put the movie in. I don't remember falling asleep. But Mom wakes us up. "Hey come eat." I nod. Corrbin carries me down stairs bridal style.
"Awe! Are you guys gonna get married?" Meadow asks.
"Maybe. I hope so." Corrbin says. I laugh then kiss him. Mom made chicken alfredo and house salad. I sign bowl.
"Mommy she needs a bowl. Her food can't touch." Meadow says. "Can't you just talk? I don't like translating for you."
I lay my hand on the table, I sign: I'm sorry you have to translate but I don't want to talk. I'll cry.
"What'd she say?" Mom asks.
"She said she's sorry that I have to translate for her, but she can't talk or she'll cry. It's okay to cry. Instead of acting like a baby. Things happen."
I sign: You don't get it.
Mom raises an eye brow."She says I don't get it. But I could if she would act her age instead of her shoe size."
Mom jumps in before I can sign anything, "Meadow. That's enough."
"I'm not translating for her. She can act like a big kid. She always does this. I hate it. It makes me mad."
I'm in shock. I sign: You are so mean. I'm going my room. I don't wanna see you.
I get up, but fall back into the chair. "The baby needs her crutches." Meadow says rolling her eyes.
I burst into tears and lay my head on the table. "Meadow Alicia Clark-Lovato-Jonas go to your room!" Mom yells.
I listen to Meadow's chair slide out from the table, "Why is it always about the baby! God! This is bull!" She screams and stomps away.
Corrbin pulls me into a hug, "She doesn't understand. Don't cry. Beauty." He wipes tears from my face and kisses my nose.
"I'm going to go talk to her." Dad says. He leaves the room. I pick up my fork again.
"Well... I'm done." Maddie says. She puts her dishes the sink. Then disappears.
"So what should I make for dinner Thursday, Corrbin?"
"Anything. My sister, if she comes is a vegetarian. You can just give her bread though."
I choke on a noodle laughing. Mom chuckles too, "How about grilled chicken, corn, pasta salad, and fruit salad?"
"Yeah that's cool. Mrs. Lo- Demi, thanks for having us over. I think my mom wants to talk about the tour."
"You're family now. Are you guys excited to show the world your dance moves on tour."
I nod vigorously. "Heck yeah!" Corrbin says. I get more pasta. Mom looks at me funny. I text her.
J- Why do you keep looking at me like that?
"You're eating. You've asked for food. I know this morning was hard but you're eating." She smiles.
I smile.
J- Yeah I guess I am.
"I'm proud baby girl." I finish eating. Corrbin carries me back to my room. "I should get home." He says after a few minutes of snuggling. I hold onto him tighter.
He lays with me for another hour. Mom comes in, "Hey, I need to take you home. You can come over tomorrow."
We nod. Mom grabs my crutches while Corrbin carries me to the car. We get to his house.
I get my crutches and walk him to the door. "You know I've never felt this way before. Like I said earlier I would love to marry you."
I smile. "Love you too."
We kiss. First just a peck, but it turns into passion. Mom honks the horn. I giggle. The door opens, a woman stands there. "Hi, you must be Jordan."
"Hi." I whisper.
"It's finally nice to meet the girl that makes my boy smile every time his phone chimes. I'm Cassie."
"Nice to meet you."
I give Corrbin one last kiss and then head to the car. I get in the front with Mom. I put my fingers to my lips. "You still feel his lips?" Mom ask, more of a statement then a question. I nod and smile. "Your whole body feels like that."
"Love." I whisper.
"I've been married to Daddy for three years now, I still get butterfly's when he tell me he loves me."
"I love Corrbin. I never thought I could love anyone. But I love him, and he loves me."
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
"It feels... Different."
"Good different or bad different?"
"In between." She nods. "Mom?"
"I'm sorry for shouting last night."
"It's alright. I would perfer you talked to me."
"I know. It's just it's all in my head, everything is just too hard to explain."
We pull up to the house. I go to my room. I throw my latte in the trash. I notice my journal is open. I read what it says. 'My loves like a star you can't always see me but know that I'm always there. I love you, I have a surpise for you Thursday.
I Love you with all my heart,
I smile. I take a picture of it, I crop it to 'I love you with all my heart,
Corrbin.' and make it my lock and home screen.
It's 9:30. I go into the music room. I pick up Mom'a guitar. I play 'Shouldn't Come Back' and sing. I didn't hear Dad come in till I was done. "Wow." I smile. "Sing with me." I nod I sit next to him on the piano. We sing 'Avalanche'.
"You have a song in my journal. I have cords for it too."
"Where's your journal?"
"On my nightstand."
"Okay I'll be right back." He leaves.
I put the kapo on Mom's guitar. I practice the cords. Dad comes back, "Here you go."
He hand me my journal. I flip to the page with the song.
"Ohhhh, awe. Hmmmhmm.
I come to you,
With tears in my eyes,
I say I'm in pain,
And You hold me tight.
You say that god has the light to lead me through in my passage of life.
You say I'll get through this rough patch.
I believe in you,
Yeah I believe in you.
I believe in you,
It's hard to breath, but I know you love me.
You believe you believe believe, in me
With you I can be myself,
Flaws in all.
No matter the damage you help me stand tall
My heart was broken but it's fixed
All because you believe in me,
You believe in me.
You say I am brave
Only with you I am brave enough to be me.
You say you love me,
Oh I love you.
Now I have the strength to believe I can be who I want to be.
Ohhhh Ohhhh awe.
I believe,
You believe in me,
You believe." I draw out the last word.
"Baby, that was amazing. You're so talented. You should come to the studio tomorrow with me and record that."
"I'm not sure I want that."
"How about opening for Mom sometimes, covering songs."
"Hey, give me your phone."
I hand him my phone. He chuckles. "What?"
"It's just the songs most listened to are, 'Nightingale', 'Believe In Me', 'Warrior' and 'Who I Am'."
"What can I say, they're good songs."
"Okay, I want you to sing Nina by Ed Shreeran."
"I just love your voice. Come on, do it for me!"
I giggle. He presses play:
"I met you when I was a teen
But then you were one as well
And I could play a guitar
Just like ringing a bell
Sometimes I wonder
In any other summer
Could you have been a part time lover to me
Listening to Stevie Wonder
Under the covers where we used to lay
And Re: Stacks is what the speakers played
I'd be on tour almost every day
When I was home up in my flat is where we used to stay
Just watching a dvd, smoking illegal weed
Getting high as two kites when we needed to breathe
We'd use each other's air just for the people to see
And stay up all night like when we needed to sleep
We'd go anywhere our minds would take us
And I'll say you were beautiful without your make up
And you don't even need to worry about your weight cause
We can all be loved the way that God made us
And time's the only reason that we could break up
Cause you would always tell me I'm away too much
Distance is relative to the time that it takes to get on a plane or make a mistake
So say it again
Oh Nina, you should go Nina
Cause I ain't ever coming home Nina
Oh won't you leave me now
And I've been livin' on the road Nina
But then again you should know Nina
Cause that's you and me both Nina
Oh won't you leave me now, now
And every weekend in the winter you'd be wearing my hoodie
With drawstrings pulled tight to keep your face from the cold
Taking day trips to the local where we'd eat on our own
Cause every day when I was away we'd only speak on the phone
Watching blue planet, creating new habits
Acting as if we were two rabbits
And then you'd vanish
Back to the burrow with all the Celtics
I'd disappear, you'd call me selfish
I understand but I can't help it
I put my job over everything except my family and friends
But you'll be in between forever so I guess we'll have to take a step back
Overlook the situation cause mixing business and feelings will only lead to complications
And I'm not saying we should be taking a break
Just revaluate quick before we make a mistake and it's too late
So we can either deal with the pain and wait to get on a plane
But in a day we'll have to say it again
Oh Nina, you should go Nina
Cause I ain't ever coming home Nina
Oh won't you leave me now
And I've been livin' on the road Nina
But then again you should know Nina
Cause that's you and me both Nina
Oh won't you leave me now, now
Love will come and love will go
But you can make it on your own
Sing that song
Go oh won't you leave me now
People grow and fall apart
But you can mend your broken heart
Take it back go oh won't you leave me now
Oh Nina, you should go Nina Love will come and Love will go
Cause I ain't ever coming home Nina But you can make it on your own
Oh won't you leave me now Sing that song, go oh won't you leave me now
And I've been livin' on the road Nina People grow and fall apart
But then again you should know Nina But you can mend your broken heart
Cause that's you and me both Nina Take it back, go oh won't you leave me now
Oh won't you leave me now
Oh Nina, you should go Nina Love will come and Love will go
Cause I ain't ever coming home Nina But you can make it on your own
Oh won't you leave me now Sing that song, go oh won't you leave me now
And I've been livin' on the road Nina People grow and fall apart
But then again you should know Nina But you can mend your broken heart
Cause that's you and me both Nina Take it back, go oh won't you leave me now
Oh won't you leave me now
"I want you to open for mom. I know you're nervous, but your voice is amazing. Once you dance for mom, you, Meadow, even Corrbin will be getting calls for shows."
"I know dad. I'm just scared people will hate me."
"Impossible. No one can hate you."
"Sam and Paige do."
"They don't matter. Come here, I love you."
"I love you too, Daddy. I'm tired."
"You want to sleep with me and Mom?"
"Yes. Please."
"Carry me?"
"Of course." He picks me up and I carry my crutches. "If I put those by the end of the bed, how many times do you think mom will trip over them?"
"Three times." I laugh.
"I'll bet you twenty bucks she'll trip at least so a times."
"It's a deal."
We get to the room and Mom's sleeping. I lay in the middle and cuddle her. She wraps her arms around my waist and I listen to her heart beat. I fall asleep soundly.

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