Chapter 54

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Maddie's POV
It has been a long morning. It's only 12:30 but I'm exhausted. Honestly I think everyone in the car is. "It's over. It's all over." Mom says under her breath. Dad nods. River is disturbingly quite. My phone vibrates. Coral to Maddie:
Hey I wanted to say that I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable.
The problem is that I wasn't uncomfortable. I like her. I really do. I don't know if that's right. We pull up to the house and I'm so tired. No one talks we all just go to our rooms.
Coral to Maddie:
I'm so sorry.
I turn my phone to airplane mode and take a nap.
~30 minutes later~
"I'm not hungry." River shouts.
"River, it's one in the afternoon just eat." Mom snaps.
"No. I'm not hungry. Just leave me alone." She slams the door.
"Nick!" Demi screams frustrated. "Talk to your daughter, she needs to eat."
I open the door and stick my head out. Mom's about to go to her room. "Mom?"
She stops and looks at me, "yeah?"
"Can I talk to you?"
"Sure." She comes into my room and sits on the bed. "What's up?"
"I like Coral." I say quickly.
"I know. I could tell the first time y'all met."
"Do I tell her."
"I think you should tell her how you feel."
"Mom, is this right?"
"Love is love. Baby-girl I can't ever judge you because of the why you love. I love you no matter what. I mean that."
"Okay. I'm gonna call Coral. Can she come over later?"
"Sure, after Jennifer does our hair she'll be over at three."
Mom leaves. River is screaming and crying. I've never seen her like this. "I said leave me alone! I'm not hungry. I'm tired! I want to sleep. Please, leave me alone!" I sneak past Mom and Dad. I check on Meadow who is in her room, listening to music and drawing on her wall.
I need to go out. I run out to the backyard and climb one of the trees. I dial Coral's number and take a deep breath.
"I'm-" She answers.
I cut her off, "I like you."
"I like you. I like you because of your long black hair, your black clothes. I like the way you act like you're not afraid of anything but you're afraid of almost everything. I love how you always have a headphone in your ear even if you're not listening to anything. I love how you are curious about absolutely everything. Coral I don't know how you feel but I like you."
"Really?" She whispers.
"Really, really."
She giggles, "are you outside?"
"Yeah, I'm in a tree."
"You're crazy."
"I know, I'm getting my hair dyed soon."
"Are you sure you want to do that with school starting next week?"
"Yeah, I mean if people don't like me because of my hair then I don't want to be friends with them anyway."
"Good, babe. I have to go to dance. I'll call you later."
"Okay, bye." I hang up. I lean back and relax. The sun is shining and the sky is clear. It's not hot enough to go swimming but I'm so bored.
I turn my music on shuffle and day dream. "Maddie!" Mom yells. I flinch and almost fall out of the tree. I lazily climb out of the tree. I go inside and Jennifer is here. River is sitting at the table with a salad in front of her. Her face is pale as she cries. "Where were you?"
"Where? I was in a tree to be exact, talking to Coral."
"Oh... Still want purple?"

Demi's POV
"Nick!" I shout as Jennifer gets everything ready.
"What?" He snaps coming into the kitchen.
"Take her somewhere. Take her. I can't do this right now. I can't make her eat. She's crying. I start tour in ten days. I can't deal with her right now."
"Whatever, I'll deal with it. While I'm gone think about someone besides yourself."
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing. River let's go for a drive."

Nick's POV
"No. I'm not hungry."
"You haven't eaten all day."
"So... I'm not hungry."
"Well, I'm not gonna force you. I'm sorry you can't get your hair dyed. What can I do to help you clear your mind?"
"Can we go to the studio?"
"Yeah, you have new songs?"
"Yeah. Two."
"What are they called?"
"You and Me and Hell."
"I can't wait to hear them."
"Dad, I love you."
"I love you too."
We drive in silence to the studio. We get there and no one is here. I lead her to the recording room. She straps on a guitar. Then she plays and sings along. She's lost in her in her own world. I smile, we finish up.
We get into the car, "hey, when we get home will you get dressed in what you wore to court? I want to get some pictures."
"Okay." She checks her phone and sighs. "Mom said she expects me to eat and if I don't I'm grounded."
"Well, what should we get?"
"A smoothie?"
We go through Starbucks and get here a smoothie. We drive home. Jennifer is gone. The house is quiet. River goes upstairs. I find the girls in the theater. I have them get back into their dresses. While they get ready I find Demi in the office. "Hey, picture time."
"Excuse me?"
"Don't talk to me."
"Demi, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but you can be selfish on your own time. Right now it's picture time."
"You can not talk to me like that. I go on your in ten days."
"Ten days! You can not be a bitch till then. I will not put up with this diva shit. I give you the rest of the night to get your shit together or you can take your diva ass somewhere else."
"W-What?" She says looking at me with disgust and disbelief.
"You heard me. Last time you went on tour... After we lost-"
"Don't you dare!"
"After we lost Mason... You we unbearable and I stuck with you. All those days of singing, then not talking. Everyday you had off you slept. I won't do it again. We have kids, for real this time. I never told you how you turned into an evil selfish person who I didn't know and almost hated. I'm telling you this now because if you don't fix it now, I'm leaving."
"How dare you bring my baby into this!"
"OUR! I lost a son too!"
"Daddy." Meadow walks in dressed up.
"Get out!" Demi screams at her.
I look at Demi as Meadow curls into me. I pick her up and slam the door. "Dad!" River shouts peaking her head out of her door.
"What!" I snap. I shake my head, she sounds so much like Demi. "I'm sorry. What's up, baby?"
"Um... Nevermind."
"I'm sorry. Girls come here." Maddie and River meet me in the living room. "I need you to go pack a bag just for the night. Bring your swimsuits."
"Where are we going?"
"To uncle Joe's." I guessed but I didn't want to freak them out. "Go get your things."
I call Joe and he answers right away. "Hey, what's up?"
"Can the girls and i stay the night?"
"Um... Yeah. Let me clean up."
"Thank you so much."
The last thing I want to do is go into the room of my upset wife. I'm almost obligated to let her know where I am going. I open the door quietly. She's typing. "What do you want?" She snaps.
"We are going to Joe's. We will be home in the morning. I love you and I'm going to talk to you tomorrow."
"Goodnight." I check on the girls. Then go get a few things.
"Dad?" River says poking her head in the door.
"Ready. I'm gonna say bye to Mom."
"Alright." I get Maddie and Meadow. Then I go outside the office and listen.
"Mom I love you."
"Um... I guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"Get out. I don't want to talk to you. So just leave with daddy."
"Momma." River's voice cracks, "I love you."
"Okay. Bye. Leave."
"Can I have a hug?"
"Get the fuck out! Now leave!"
"I'm so sorry. Bye." My heart breaks when River exits the office. She looks at me. "I don't understand." She whispers and hugs me.
"Let's go." I don't know what to say. I load up the girls' bags. It's about an hour drive to Joe's. I text home that we are on our way. "You guys want to go in somewhere or drive thru?"
"Drive thru." Maddie says. 
"Mcdonalds!" Meadow says. I drive through and get our food.
The girls fall asleep. I pull up to Joe's house. Maddie and River get their bags. I pick Meadow up ad carry her inside. He said he was gonna clean up but there are beer cans and pizza boxes everywhere. "Joe!" I holler after I lie Meadow on the couch.
"Yeah." He says walking out of the bathroom.
"What the hell? You said you were gonna clean up."
"Yeah, sorry man. The girls can stay in the guest room next to the bathroom and you can have the one next it."
I sigh. I should have known he wouldn't clean. I get Maddie and River set up with a movie in the guest room. I go back to the car and get Meadow's and my bags. Then I go into the guest room and listen to them giggle. All of a sudden my phone begins to vibrate vigorously. I open up my messages. Maddie and River are send me silly selfies. I save then and send them to Demi. Hopefully they will make her smile like I did. I send one back and they erupt into laughter. I pull out my song journal.
August 21st, 2016
Hey baby-girl it's daddy,
It's a bittersweet day. Sweet because you've finally over come your past. You have no idea how brave you are to me. Bitter because I know deep down you are sad. I can't say that I understand because I don't. Momma loves you and so do your sisters. You are everything to me. I love you more than I can ever say. Things are changing quickly. I'm sure you can see that. Ten days till your fist debut. Only fifteen days till your first day of school and a little over a month till your birthday. You have grown so much since we first met.
I love you,
I fold up the letter and check in Meadow. She's awake and watching tv with Joe. "Hey you want to go to the mall or something?" I ask.
"No, I want to draw."
"Did you bring your sketchbook?"
"Yeah." I go get her bag and bring I to her. I check in on River and Maddie. They're both asleep. It's about 8:30 and I'm tired. I let them sleep.
I text Marisa:
Hey I took the girls Joe's. So will you check on Demi? She's in her pre-tour mode.
Yeah, she called. She just went bed. I'm going home. Will you be home tomorrow?
Yeah, after I take the girls school shopping. Thank you.
I let Meadow know she can sleep with me or with the girls then go to bed.

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