Chapter 1

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As I sit on the sidewalk smoking, "Hey, babe." Says the last voice I want to hear from behind me.
"Um, ya, no. I'm not your babe. Seriously, Jay gets away from me." He obviously doesn't get the hint. He sits down next to me and starts kissing my cheek and wrapping his arm around my waist.  "Get the hell away from me!" I scream at him.
"But I love you."
"No, you don't. I'm sick of all your lies. You think because I'm 14 and need a place to stay that I need you. You think I'll just forgive you and I won't. You don't deserve my broken heart. Fuck you Jay. I hate you." Then I turn and run. I run for about twenty minutes when I see a gas station. I start to sprint across the street as I get about halfway, when I hear screeching tires and a nice thumping bass coming toward me. That's when the blinding headlights stunned me.
You know when you are running or doing something and your mind tells your feet to stop, but they're like 'Ha! Fuck you, no.' Well, that's what happened.
Then the son of a bitch hit me. They stop and I listen to the door open and feet run over to me. A familiar face looking down at me, don't ask me how I know this person. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" She asks.
"You know all peachy keen. Taking a little lay down in the middle of the fuckin' street." I snap.
"Are you okay? Oh my god. Did I break anything?" She asked.
"Nah, I'm fine." I tried to stand, but my leg hurt and wrist hurt so fucking bad.
"You need to go to the hospital. I'm calling 911."
"NO! Don't. I'm fine. I'll ice it and sleep it off. Then I'll be fine tomorrow."
"I'm taking you home then." Before I can protest she scooped me up into her arms.

Demi's P.O.V
I pick her up and carry her to the car. I'm shocked by how light she is. I thought that by the way she talked that she was at least thirteen. But judging by how short and little she could possibly be about ten. "You're going to have to tell me how to get to your house." I follow the directions she gives me and we end up at a park, " Um, this is a park."
"Ya, thanks, bye." She opens the door and starts to get out. It was pretty obvious that she didn't have a home or she didn't want to be there. I grab her arm and she flinches but stops, "What?" She snaps.
"Do you want to stay at my place?"
"Nope, I'm good."
"That wasn't really a question. I understand that you do not want to go home. Whatever your situation may be. I did just hit you with my car and you are hurt. Please just come to my house and let me help you out. Please."
"Ok, whatever. What's your name?"
"As in Demi fuckin' Lovato?"
"As in Demetria Devonne Lovato, so I think that's a yes."
"Holy Shit."
"What's your name?"
"I go by Jordan." she says then starts whispering to herself, "Oh my god! I'm sitting next to Demi Lovato. I'm in her car. Holy fuck, Demi fuckin' Lovato just hit me with her car. I was just run over by Demetria fuckin' Lovato."
Then we pull into the gated driveway. I glance over at her and it looks like her eyes are about to pop out of her skull and her mouth is hanging wide open. "Close your mouth before you catch flies." I say as I park the car outside the door. She shakes her head as if trying to snap herself out of some dream. "Do you want me to help you inside?" She slowly nods. I go around the car and pluck her out of the passenger seat. "I have a question?" I say as we approach the door.
"What?" She snaps.
"How old are you?"
"Holy shit. How are you so tiny?"
"Well, I was born premature. I've been homeless for about two and a half years. So I guess that's just what happens."
I want to ask so many more questions, but I know now is not the time. I close the door behind me and shout, "Babe! Can you come here?"
I listen to his quick steps as he comes down the stairs. "Demi? Wha- Who is this?"
"This is Jordan. I- um, kinda hit her with my car."
"Holy shit, Demetria! Kinda? You don't 'kinda' hit someone with your car!"
"Nick, I know. Can you take her upstairs to the guest room while I get her some ice and call Doctor Jefferson?"
As I am transferring Jordan into Nick's are I felt her entire body tense up and her eyes are begging me not to go to him. "Um, actually, Nick can you get the ice and call the doctor?"
Nick nods and looks at me confused. We I carry Jordan upstairs to the guest room she whispers, "Thanks."I nod and lay her in the bed. By the time Nick came up with the ice she was asleep.

~~~Two Nights Later~~~
"She isn't able to stay awake more than an hour. It's like she hasn't had a good sleep in months. Mom, she's so tiny. She's maybe fifty pounds. I don't want to let her leave when she is feeling better. I mean she told me she has been homeless for two years."
"Then let her stay."
"I want to but I have to convince Nick to allow it. He is not exactly talking to me right now."
"Well, work it out.I know you can figure it out. I'm sorry Dems I have to take Maddie to this audition. I'll call you later. Love you."
"Love you too, Momma."
I hang up and take a deep breath before I holler, "Nick, can I talk to you for a sec?"
He comes around the corner and sighs, "What?"
"I want to talk to you about keeping Jordan in our care."
"Demi, she is not a cat. You know absolutely nothing about her. You cannot just pick some kid up off the street and then keep her that's not how this wo-"
Nick is cut off by the most heartbreaking scream that made us both jump. "No!" Jordan is screeching. 
Author's Note
Alright, my lovely fans... I'm back! I'm sorry I went through writers block that I just got out of there. Please bare with me, I will be editing and combining chapters. I will not post my newest chapters until I am done editing. Thank you for sticking with me through this. Also, please, please, please, if you have any pointers or advice to make my writing better and the story better. please message me, comment and like. Once again thank you.

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