chapter 17

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We get to Grandma's house I start to get nervous. Demi and Nick get out and wait for me. I begin to breath heavy. Demi goes inside while Nick waits outside the car. I close my eyes and count. I get to thirty-seven when the door opens. Someone slides in next to me. "What's going on, chica?" Dallas asks.
"I-I'm nervous ner-vous." I can't even look at Dallas I'm so embarrassed.
"Hey, that's okay. You and I can just hang out for a little. If you want."
"Yeah, S-sure." We get out. She takes my hand dragging me to the basement.
"You want to watch a movie?"
"Is 'Mean Girls' okay?" I nod and sit on the bed and watch the movie. Just as we are getting to the good part, the door swings open Maddie sprints in and belly flops on top of me. I know all my cuts just reopened. I'm not exactly sure what to do. "Ouch." I mumble. Maddie let out a loud laugh exactly like Demi's.
"Sorry. What cha doing?"
"Nothing really. Just watching a movie."
"Oh, cool... Sounds kind of boring considering it is so nice outside. Jordan you want to go hang outside? We have a basketball court and a trampoline."
"Yeah... Sure."
I get out of the bed and Dallas gasps, "You're bleeding."
I shrug, "I'm fine."
"No, Maddie nobody needs to know about this. Lets get you cleaned up." I nod. I don't say anything as she guides me into the bathroom. She seats me on the toilet. She places sopping wet cotton balls with hydrogen peroxide on my cuts. "Why?" She asks.
"I-I do-do not w-want t-to talk a-about it." I stutter.
"Well, you can tell me anything."
"Ok, can-can we go out-outside n-now?"
"Yeah, lets go."
We head upstairs and Demi is talking, "Mom, I know. I'm getting her a tutor. She's working on her eating. She's becoming open with us. Mom we've got this."
"Demi, Are you sure? She's difficult you know nothing about her. She has problems. She's had extreme panic attacks two out the three times I've met her. On top of that you've had trouble eating that day we went out to lunch."
"Hey, let's go outside." Dallas whispers.
"No," I snap back. I want to hear every word.
"I can't believe you just said that. She wanted to come over and meet you guys. I'm so pissed that you would judge her. When you have no clue who that wonderful little girl is. Seriously Mom, like what the fuck." Demi nearly yells.
"Sure she wanted to come over to meet us." Diana says sarcastically.
"I-I did. I don't under-understand why you don't l-like me, to be honest. I thought you were going to be the the b-best gr-grand-grandma, but cl-clearly i've already dis-disappointed you." I said, then sprinted out the front door. I could hear them shouting my name after me for five minutes. I just kept running making random turns till I reached a dead end. I turn around and start walking, stopping in front of a pretty white house. I pull out my phone and decide to call Nick, "Jordan! Where are you?"
"Um, actually I have no clue. You know, I don't think Diana likes me. I'm kinda tired. I'm in front of this really pretty house. Oh, they have daises planted. They're so pretty, -"
"Jordan, you're rambling. Look around you what do you see?"
"Nice houses, not as nice as my parents, but decent. There all like white, or maybe pale blue, I don't know. I think I can see a street sign in a block or so."
"Okay, walk there and tell me the name. Demi and I will come and get you."
"Hey? What color is Dallas' car?"
"A white SUV."
"Oh, think I see her." I begin to wave. "Oh, shit that was not her. They are slowing down. I'll ask them. What street this is." The car stops next me, and rolls down the window. I nearly scream. I hold my phone to my ear. "Hey Sam what street is this?" I ask sternly, trying to control my breathing.
"Hey, It's 75th and Wood Road. You need a ride?"
"Jordan, do not get in that car." Nick tells me.
"No. My dad is on the way."
"Oh, well I'm here now. I can just take you home. Tell Nick it's fine and I will bring you back home." He says, as he steps out of the car and slams the door. He's smiling with pure hunger in her eyes.
"Jordan, I'm seven minutes away. Say you love me lock your phone. don't hang up, put it in your pocket. Walk towards him, kick him in the balls. Then take off running straight. Okay?"
"Okay, Daddy. I love you too." I whisper.
Sam's smile grows as I walk closer to him. He says just as I am right in front of him, "You ready to play some games like we used to."
"No." I say as I swing my foot into his crouch. I make contact and sprint down the road as he screams in pain.
I get to the street sign, realizing he told me the wrong street. I pull my phone and tell dad."He lied, I'm on 64th and crosby street. Daddy, he's coming what do I do?"
"Scream. Run. I'm about ten minutes out. Run."
"Okay. Daddy I love-" I started to say but couldn't finish because I saw headlights. Then everything went black.

So um sorry for the cliffhanger. So up vote and comment.
Update Monday (which btw is my b-day, turning 17).
early update if I get 15 votes
20comments, to either what you think will happen to Jordan.
or tell me your favorite song, demi or who ever.
I will respond if I like that song or naw. Have a great, day or night.
thanks for reading and voting!!!

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