Chapter 14

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"DEMI! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" I shout upstairs.
"Okay I'm coming, jeez..."
I face palm as she walks downstairs. "We're going to softball game. You don't wear heels, or a dress. Oh my god. I'm going to be late. Just get in the car, I'll grab you an outfit." I don't wait for a response. I sprint to Demi's room grab a pair of black jeans off the floor of her closet. I yank a baby blue shirt off the hanger and snag a pair of white converse. I throw them into the car. "I'm going to miss warm up, so just go."
We arrived just as warm-up ends. I hop out of the car. While in mid sprint I run straight into some asshole and bounce right onto my ass. "Fuck." I mumble.
"River Jordana Mendez! Don't say that."
I stand up and hug my Aunt. "Sorry, I really need to go to the field." She nods.
I sprint to the field. "Coach I'm here! My Mom tried wearing heels here."
"It's fine. Just get your glove, you're pitching."
I put my glove on and grab a ball, "JORDAN!" Demi yells causing all heads to turn her.
I groan, "Yes, mom?"
"Your water." She hands me my water bottle.

I start to change into the clothes Jordan picked out. When I see Jordan fall. Then someone says, 'River Jordana Mendez! Don't say that.' I wonder who that is? I finish changing and take Jordan's water to her. I take a seat right beside this women that Jordan ran into. Only to realize that little bitch I slapped at the mall is sitting beside her. Which means that's her mom and Jordan's Aunt. "So Mom?" She leans over and whispers.
"I'm sorry?" I question.
"River called you Mom."
"Yeah, well she's my daughter."
She turns to Paige. "This is the women who slapped you?" Paige smiles and nods. The next thing I know my face it hot and stinging. "You may be that little whore's Mommy, but you will never assault my daughter again." She states.
Before I can respond, "Excuse me! Did you just call my daughter a whore? Did you slap my wife? Is your beast of a daughter within 100 feet of mine? You are not her Aunt. You're cut of her life. Where are you when she has nightmares? Where are you when your daughter is texting and tweeting mine to kill herself? What makes her a whore? You know absolutely nothing about her." Maria sits there speechless, staring at Nick.
"She's a whore because she's stupid. Therefore any dude convince her to do anything." Paige announces.
"Shut your mouth." Maria snaps.
"Nick, let's sit somewhere else. We're here to watch Jordan, today." I whisper.
As we walk away, Nick turns to her and says, "Just to let you know the restraining order will be served to your daughter at about eight o'clock tomorrow morning."
The game starts. Jordan is pitching fast balls like her life depends on it. She strikes out every batter. The smile she wears as she runs off the the field into the dugout is the brightest I have ever seen. She runs to the fence and shouted. "Aunt Maria did you see me!" I glance over at Maria and Paige and they ignore her. Paige flips her off. Jordan stares at them confused. Then grabs her bat and run to the home plate. She glares at the pitcher and smacked it passed the fence. She sprints all the bases and the crowd flips. Well everyone except Maria, Paige and Nick. I stand clapping and screaming, "That's my daughter! Kick-ass! Baby girl!" Nick is still fuming but by the end of the game, he smiles. You can see how much he loves this girl.
After the game, Jordan runs past us to her aunt screaming nearly tackling her. Maria turns and looks down at her with a blank expression. "We won! Did you see my pitching skills!" I watch Paige chuckled under her breathe. Jordan's grin dropped, "What's wrong?" She asks.
Through her teeth she says, "You little whore. You let that bitch you call mom slap my daughter, your cousin?" Nick starts to step forward and I place my hand on his arm. I want to see how Jordan handles this situation. She continues, "If you want her, that women to be your Mother then I will never be your Aunt. If you choose them over your real family, then I'll never forgive you."
"But I need you and them. I need a Mom and Dad. I need all of you." Jordan whispers.
"So you're choosing them."
"I don't understand why I have to choose." Jordan says choking on her words.
"Jordan we need to go." I say stepping up and taking her hand, guiding her to the car.

When we got home Jordan goes to her room and closes the door. I stand outside it debating whether or not to to go in. When it finally went silent I opens the door to find a tear stained pillow, and Jordan fast asleep. I went down to the kitchen and helped Nick make dinner, and we decided to just let Jordan sleep.

Hey guys sorry for taking so long to update, I saw Demi in concert on the sept.23 best concert and day of my life. So I only cried a tear and a half. But anyways sorry. I hope you like this chapter! Leave some feedback vote!

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