Chapter 38

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10 am Monday morning.
Demi's POV
I woke up at 7:00 thinking about Meadow. I clean the house. I throw some of Jordan's clothes in the washer.
Then I go and check the mail. There's a letter from the court system. I open it on way back into the house.
Dear Lovato and Jonas family
This is a letter to inform you that the court date for River Jordana Mendez adoption is July 30.
I smile widely and run to Nick who is working in the music room, he stops abruptly. "Guess what I just opened!" I say excitedly.
"Jordan's adoption court date!"
He hops up, "She's finally ours. She's ours." We hug.
"We need to take her out to breakfast. Go put on some jeans."
"I have to go wake up Dallas and have her watch Meadow and Maddie." He nods. We walk out to the kitchen to find Jordan pouring two bowls of cereal for her and Meadow. "STOP!" I yell. She jumps and drops the box.
"What!" She whines.
"Go get dressed, Dad and I are taking you out to breakfast. We have big news."
"Okay, Meadow let's get dressed."
"No, I'm sorry Meadow but this is just me, Nick and Jordan. You have to stay here with Dallas."
"Yes, ma'am." She whispers.
I go to Dallas' room, "Hey, get up I need you to watch Meadow and Maddie while Nick and I take Jordan to breakfast."
"Jordan's little sister."
Dallas sits up quick, "Jordan has a little sister?"
"Not for real but basically. We will be back in an hour."
Nick, Jordan and I get in the car. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Starbucks it is." I say.
We get to Starbucks and order. We sit down with our coffees and muffins.
"What's going on?" Jordan asks while taking a bite of her muffin.
"Your ours." Nick says.
Jordan gags a little, "What do you mean?"
"Your adoption papers came today.  Your court date is July 30."
"Are you serious!" She yells.
"Yes, baby."
"I'm so happy right now." She says then burst into tears. "Can we please go home?" She asks.
"Of course." Nick says looking at me confused. We get into the car and she starts full out bawling.
Before I start the car I turn to her, "what's wrong?"
"I'm so happy your going to be my parents. But it makes me sad for Meadow. She's like my little sister and no body wants her and she's going to go to a different house."
"No, baby that's what I was going to talk to you guys about today. We are going to foster her and depending how the next few months go... We will adopt her too. "
"Okay. Can we go home?"
I drive home, while Jordan composes herself. We pull up to the house and walk in together. "Please! I'm gonna pee." We go into the living room and Dallas is ticking Meadow. She's laughing so hard she's crying.
Jordan smiles, "What are you doing?"
"Nothing just tickling." Dallas screams laughing.
Meadow jumps up and runs to Jordan and hugs her. Jordan picks her up. "I missed you." Meadow whispers.
"I wasn't gone too long." It's funny because Meadow is almost taller than Jordan. "Meadow I need you to stand for a minute." Meadow stands next to Jordan looking at her feet. "Meadow this is my mom, Demi, my dad, Nick." She points to Dallas and before she can say anything Meadow hollers, "That's aunt Dallas and aunt Maddie is in the dance room."
"Aunt?" Jordan asks.
"Well, um they said that their my aunts now. That's right? Right?"
"Yep, very true."
"Okay, I need to talk to you guys come to the office with me." I tell them. I watch Meadow grab Jordan's hand. They follow Nick and I into the office. The girls sit on the couch. "Okay, so Meadow when I talked to the officer last night it is agreed you can stay here with Jordan and the rest of us. In a couple of months we will see what will happen from there. Do you understand?"
"Yes, ma'am." She whispers.
I smile, "You don't have to call me ma'am. You can call me whatever you want or just Demi, and same with Nick."
She nods, "Okay, thank you so much. I'll be good. I promises."
"Okay, Jordan can you come with me to the music room for a little bit." Nick asks.
"Yeah. Hey, Meadow why don't you hangout with mom for a little bit."
She nods nervously.

Jordan's POV
Dad and I go into the music room and we sit next to each other at the piano. "You want to hear what I have so far."
He starts playing.
Words like a loaded gun
Shot out from a fire tongue
Love lost from a fight that was won.
And I can see ya breakin down the end to a falling out.
I got pride you can't hold your breath."
I'm reading along with the music and I just start seeing too, "breath." Dad looks at me and smiles. Then he continues, "we'll crash down like an avalanche, look out now we'll take one more step,"
I come with, "step."
"We'll crash down like an avalanche. avalanche"
"I never wanted to turn out this way,
Now forever feels like yesterday.
Then me and Dad sing together, "there's always something I just can't say.
And you see me breaking down, the end to our falling out
I got pride you can't hold your breathe
Even if we survive,
Crash down like an avalanche
Crash down
crash down.
Look out now don't take one more step
Even if we survive
we'll crash down like an avalanche
Crash down
Crash down
We crash down yeah
Like an avalanche,
I got pride you can't hold your breathe.
Well you crash down like an avalanche
OhhhOhhhOooooh yeah
I got pride you can't hold your breathe even if we survive
We'll crash down like an avalanche
Crash down
Crash down
Look out now we'll take one more step
One more step
Crash down
Crash down
Just like an avalanche."
"Wow, baby that was really good!"
"We need to clean up a few things."
"I know, did you write that for mom."

Demi's POV
Meadow sits quietly. "Do you wanna play a game?"
"Yes, please."
"It's called questions. You ask a question and I'll answer but I have three passes so if I don't want to answer. You wanna go first?"
"No, you can."
"Okay, what's your favorite color?"
"Purple. What's your favorite color?"
"Blue. What's your favorite tv show? "
"Wizards of waveraly place. What's your whole name?"
"Demetria Devonne Lovato. How about you?"
"Meadow Alicia Clark. How old are you? Can I ask that?"
"Of course. I'm almost 23. When's your birthday?"
"August 20th."
"That's my birthday!"
"Yeah!! We have the same birthday."
"What do you like to do?"
"Dance, draw and color. Who's your favorite super hero?"
"Me too.".
"Do you know who your real parents are."
"No. are you going to be my mom if I'm good."
"We have to give it a couple months but yes. You can call me mom if you want."

Hey everyone!
The next chapter is going to be one her adoption day. unless anyone has any prompts for me... just message me or comment and I'll write from them.
Questions about story:

Should maddie and Jordan have a fight?
Should Meadow have a problem adjusting to a new family?

Questions about you:
What's your name?
How old are you?
Any tips?

I would really like to get to know you guys... And I would really like to know what you guys think should happen...
Comment please!!!

~Sydney 👌❤️

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