Chapter 59

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Meadow's pov

I'm finally home in my room. I love my room. I can listen to music as loud as I want, daddy said so. Dad helped me lay out the plastic sheet so I can paint. I listen to mommy sing through my speakers and paint. I got bored and wanted someone to paint with me. I knock on daddy and Momma's door, no one answers. I know daddy is in the music working on Momma's surprise with River. I open the door and the room is dark and momma is laying in bed. Her eyes are open so she is not sleeping. "Meadow." She whispers, which gives me chills and kinda scares me.
"Mommy, will you paint with me?"
"Come snuggle with momma for a sec." I crawl into the bed next to her. She's so warm. "I love you Meadow."
"I love you too mom."
She turns and turns the lamp on. She takes my casted arm into her hands. "You have a lot of friends?" I shake my head. "No? A lot of people signed your cast."
"Yeah, that's only because they think it is cool. But I don't really have any friends."
"Are people being mean to you." I nod. "Why are they mean?"
"Well, everyone at school thinks I'm a baby and a teachers pet because I never get trouble. And everyone at dance hates me because Lilly hates me."
"I'll fix it."
"Promise. Let's go paint."
"Will you take your medicine for me? You look sick."
"I will."
I wait for mom to take her medicine and then we paint for hours.

Nick's pov
River and I practiced for an hour before she became tired again. Her fever came down but she isn't feeling good. She goes to lay down. I go to my room to check on Demi but she is not in there. I get nervous. I here Meadow giggle. So I go peek into her room. "Mommy, will you sing me a song?"
"Sure baby, what song?"
"Believe in me."
I wish I had my phone on me to take a picture of them. Demi begins to sing and I feel like I have my wife back. Just as she finishes, River screams hysterically, "Daddy!"
I rush to her room, "what's wrong?"
"I'm gonna puke, daddy." Her face is a very pale." I grab her trash can.
Demi step in, "what's wrong?"
"Leave." River groans as she pukes into her trash can.
"Will you make her some tea?" Demi nods.
"It hurts." River says panting.
"My head and stomach. Shit." She pukes again. She really hadn't eaten anything except cracker, because her stomach hurts. Demi brings up a mug of tea and some crackers.
She turns leave, but she stops at the door, "River I'm sorry. I'm getting better."
River nods. I run to the kitchen and grabs Rivers medicine. Meadow stops me, "mommy and me are making soup for dinner."
"Meadow, it's mommy and I, but good." I glance at Demi who gives a soft smile.
I go back up to River who has stopped puking. She's sipping at her tea, "dad will you get me my backpack and glasses?"
I hand her stuff to her, "what's for dinner?"
"Okay, I'm gonna work on my book report and take a nap will you wake me for dinner."
"Of course."
I close the door behind me. I knock on Maddie's door, but there is a note, 'Went to coral's I'll be home for dinner, Love Maddie.'
I go help with dinner. Demi, Meadow and I sing as we cook. We let the soup simmer as we watch a movie. I pull Demi close as Meadow drifts to sleep. "I did it." Demi whispers.
"Meadow asked me to take my Meds and I couldn't tell her no. I did it."
"I'm proud of you. Close your eyes goddess." I take her glasses off and give her a kiss. She snuggles into me.
Shadow begins to bark at the front door, Maddie comes in and slams the door which startling Meadow awake. I put her back to sleep and go check on Maddie. I knock on her door, "Mads."
"Go away."
I open her door to her crying in the corner. "What going on?"
"I saw him."
"Danny and he told Coral,  I was a slut and she should leave me before she caught something."
"Mads? Did he do things to you?" This is such a hard awkward question to ask your daughter as a dad.
"Nick, I dream about the things I had to do to get what I wanted."
"I don't want to talk about it." She says shutting down.
"We'll fix it."
"You can't fix what's been done."
"Baby, I will fix it." I pull her into a hug, I pick her up from the corner and lay her in her bed." I rub her back till she is asleep. I go test the soup it still need at least an hour. I call Marisa, "we have a problem."
"That Danny guy hurt Maddie."
"I know I have to tell Demi, but I wanted to tell you so you would know if she's a little distant."
"Thank you, hey Bryan and I are coming over to tell y'all something."
"Okay well dinner will be ready in an hour, join us."
"Alright see you then."
"Okay, bye."
I go and check on River, she's asleep, with her homework surrounding her. I stack up her books and journals and set the on the floor. I take her dirty clothes and get Meadows and Maddie's and start a load. I let shadow outside. I check on Meadow how is now laying on the floor. I chuckle, she's just a crazy sleeper. I set the table and switch the laundry. I wake up Demi and Meadow first and then Maddie, and lastly River. I get them all around the table as Marisa and Bryan show up with a box. We all sit around the table and say grace. We eat with a little bit of small talk. Then Bryan set three little plates with a cupcake in front of the girls. "Okay, take a bite." Meadow devours he cupcake, Maddie takes a bit and so does a River.
"Why is my cupcake blue on the inside?" River asks.
"It's a boy." Marisa whispers as Bryan wraps his arm around her. River drops cupcake. Maddie smiles and surprisingly so does Demi.
"Congratulations." I say.
"Well, come here," Demi says as she gives Marisa a hug. They embrace each other tightly. I give Bryan a hug and so does River. Meadow finishes River's cupcake and gives them a hug. I have her shower, get her pjs on and brush her teeth. Maddie goes to her room and River makes another cup if tea and goes to bed. Demi and I talk to Bryan and Marisa for a little bit before Meadow comes down stairs and snuggles into Demi. "I can't wait for my baby cousin." Meadow whispers through a yawn.
Demi kisses her forehead, "me neither." Marisa and Bryan left shortly after. Meadow fell asleep on Demi's lap. "I'm going to take her to bed and I'm going to sleep in her room tonight."
"Alright, I'm gonna take Maddie for a drive."
"Alright. Goodnight, love you."
She carries Meadow to her room and I go knock in Maddie's door. "Hey get some shoes on."
"We're going for a ride."
"Okay." We get into the car and drive aimlessly silently.
"I heard you and Demi talking and I was wondering why she isn't taking he Meds."
"All she'll tell me is her body her choice. But she also told me today that she took them. I just wanted to talk to you about some things?"
"What about." Her voiced. Cracked and she was getting nervous...
"Well, your mom called... She wanted to know if you were gonna come home... Her home. "
"I don't want to go back there. I love my mom and dad. I do. They just don't understand."
"Which I explained... I explained how you are doing. How you are thriving. You're dancing and still doing Ariel. I told her how you smile and how school is going ."
"Thank you, Nick."
"Anything for my girls. I also told her how Demi and I filed for custody. She wasn't happy to hear that but we will get though this. Maddie, are you ready for this tour?"
"Yeah, but I... Well I know I'm not supposed to do this so don't get mad."
"I was online, " I groan, " I saw an article and the headline said 'Is Maddie Delagarza a dyke?' There was a picture with Coral and I kissing. And there are more but I couldn't read them ."
"Mads, we tell y'all not to read those things for a reason, honey. Those things are hateful... They are just going to get worse with the tour. I wish I could help you through this right now but demi-"
"I wish Demi cared about others like she cares about herself." Maddie mumbled.
"I'm sorry."
"Can you just take me back home?"
"Yeah. But, one more thing. We will have to discuss Danny with Demi." She nods and the ride back was quiet. Maddie goes to her room and I go check on River. She is asleep, I tuck her in as feel her head and she is not warm anymore. I give her a kiss and turn her light off.
Hey guys, this is the last chapter of run over. I have started a sequel so don't panic, it would be up later today!
Thank you for all your love and support fellow writers, thank you to all fans and fellow Lovatics! With much love,
~ Sydney ❤️✌️
"Stay strong."

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