Chapter 45

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Nick's POV
Monday 9 am
"Babe, get up get ready."
She sits up and wipes the hair from her face. "I know we have to get them enrolled today. I just think we need to be here for Jordan."
"I know what you mean. But we have to work, our jobs are to entertain. We have to do this. Please don't make me think about it. It's going to kill me to leave them."
"Me too."
"How about you shower. I'll wake up Maddie and Jordan have them get ready. Then get Meadow ready."
She goes and gets ready. I wake up Maddie first. Then go into Jordan's room she's not in her bed. I check the living room and the dance room, she's not in either room. I go into Meadow's room but she's not there. I wake Meadow. "Good morning, Daddy."
"Hey baby, I'm looking for Jordan you know where she could be?"
"Did you check her room?" I nod, "the dance room?" I nod again. "Try her closet she hides in there sometimes."
"Okay, thank you. Get in the shower. I'll get your clothes ready, then I'll do your hair."
"Okay, Daddy."
I go back into Jordan's room. I open the closet and Shadow begins to bark.
"Shh, Shadow baby." I tell the little black ball of fuzz. I turn on the light. Jordan has sweats on and a hoodie, curled into a pillow. I sit next to her and rub her back. She eventually opens her eyes. "Hm?"
"Time to get ready to get enrolled for school. Go shower and get ready." She nods. She sits against the wall. She grabs her crutches and goes into the bathroom. I go back into my room. Demi is slipping info skinny jeans with nothing else on but her bra. I can't help but admire her body. " You are so beautiful."
She jumps a little. "Shit! You scared me."
"Sorry." I chuckle. Demi's phone chimes. I pick it up and read the screen full of texts from Fifth Harmony. "You better call the girls, they're dying to know if everything is okay."
"Like Jordan said nothing is okay."
"We can't think like that."
Before she can say anything Meadow walks in with a towel on. "Daddy you said you were going to pick out my clothes."
"I know. I'm sorry, come on."
"Good morning, Mommy."
"Morning bug."
I take Meadow's hand and lead her to her room. Pick out a pair of jean shorts and a T shirt. She goes into the bathroom and changes. Then I do her hair.

Demi's POV
I go into Jordan's room. She laying on top of her bed, snuggling with Shadow. "Hey time to go."
She sit up and grabs her crutches. She walks past me. I go into Maddie's room. She's fixing her hair, "Time to go."
"Okay. How's Jordan."
"As good as she can be I guess."
We all pile into the car. Nick puts Jordan's crutches in the back. We head to the school, Rose Wood Private School, K-12.
We pull in. "Wow this is big." Meadow says. We go inside to the front office. Maddie and Jordan take their paper work for class selection. Meadow sits next to me. "I want to do an art class, and a writing class."
"Okay." I check the art one box and creative writing box. She only gets to choose two election classes, where as the girls have block schedule so they get four. "Lovato- Jonas family."
Nick and I stand and shake the hand of a woman who I assume is the principle.
"It's nice to meet you."
"You too."
"This must be Maddison." She says sticking her hand out to Maddie.
"Yes, Hi."
"This must be River." She says sticking her hand out to Meadow.
"Actually I'm Meadow. That's River." Meadows says happily, shaking her hand.
"Sorry, Hello River." She sticks her hand out to Jordan. Jordan nods, smiles slightly, then shakes her hand.
"Let's go into my office. We have a lot to discuss."
We all follow her into the office and sit around a big table. "Okay, so I'm just going to go through the basic rules the main one is no bullying. Any form of bullying is automatic suspension, no swearing. Uniforms are required, Monday through Thursday. Friday you may wear what you like. You can wear any jewelry. I am aware of the colored hair trend, and that's excepted. It is my understand that River is dyslexic."
"Alright we have tutors and a class she will take. Fourth grade is the beginning to sports. Meadow you may join any club or sport you like. Now, I understand you are famous, as are many of the student's parents that go here. So for times they are on the road with you, they will have their homework given to them ahead of time. If they have any questions, they may FaceTime their teachers."
"Alright, thank you."
"Let's go for a walk through of the school."
"Afterward I would like to discuss a situation, we are in as well."
"Alright. On your right is the k-5 wing. On the left is the activity wing. I understand that we have dancers and singers. This right here is the band room. Meadow you are welcome to play any instrument you would like. As well as you two. Here is the dance room. We provide a ballet, pointe, and hiphop class. At the end of this hall is the art rooms, and gym. Let's go up stairs, to the upper class men hall. It will be on the third floor. We have this floor split into four sections. Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors. You will need to go down stairs for your electives. The lunch room is down stairs as well. That's the end of the tour let's go back to the office and you can fill out the rest of our paper work."
Go and finish the paper work then head out, to get lunch. We are sitting in IHOP. "Can I get the smiley face pancake with eggs, toast and bacon?"
"Yeah. Jordan you know what you want?"
She waved her hand. "I don't know what that means."
"She doesn't want anything. She going through a phase of not talking. That means nothing." Meadow looks at her a again. Jordan holds up her hand in a c. "She wants coffee." Meadow says. 
"I'm getting you eggs and toast." I tell her. She rolls her eyes. I ignore her and order. We get our food. "Eat." I say sternly. She lays her hand flat on the table. I look at Meadow,"What's that mean?"
"Pick up your fork and eat." She slams her hand on the table again.
"Eat." She slams her hand again. Then gets her crutches and goes to the car.
"This is ridiculous." I mumble.
"I think it's her way if coping with out hurting herself." Maddie mumbles with her mouth full.
"What do you mean exactly?"
"Well when I found her last night she was drinking a beer and I threw it away. She told me that she hates that she loves them. She wanted to cut but couldn't. She wanted to drink but I took that away. I think she just needs space."
I don't know what to say. We finish eating in silence. We find her asleep in the car. I text Marisa.
D- Hey we are heading home. Can you head over?
M- I'm here playing with the pup.
D- Okay. Jordan is not talking. Maddie needs to go to Ariel at 2, you can drop Meadow off at dance then too. You have to take Jordan with you. I'll pick Meadow up at six. And then head home.
M- Okay. Why isn't Jordan talking?
D- It's along story some shit went down last night.
M- Oh.
D- We are pulling in right now. Jordan's sleeping. See you inside.
Nick parks outside the front door. He carries Jordan inside. He lays her in bed while I go to the living room and plop on the couch. I tell Marisa about the shooting, razors, beer. "Oh my god, that poor girl."
"I know... Now she's not talking."
"How will I know when she need something?"
"If Meadow is here she can translate the signing she does. Otherwise I don't know. "
"Hey babe why don't you go change. Marisa if you can't find her, she is probably hiding in her closet. Just wake her up gently. I found her in there this morning."
"Alright no problem."
I go and change. I go into Jordan's room before we leave and I give her a kiss. I go say goodbye to Meadow and Maddie who are drawing and watching a movie.  Then Nick and I head out.

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