Chapter 58

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River's POV
"Marisa, I don't feel good."
"Like how?" She asks.
"I think I'm going to puke."
"Here's a trash can. I'll go make you some tea." She feels my head. "Jeez, you're hot."
"I know." She leaves and I hold the trash can. I don't like being sick she comes back with a cup of tea. I take a sip. "Have you talked to my mom or dad?"
"I just talked to your dad. He's going to bring some stuff by for y'all. I'll call him and have him bring you some medicine."
"What about Momma?"
"Nope, she won't talk to me."
I shake my head and roll my eyes. I text her, 'Momma, I'm sick.' Demi and I still aren't on talking terms. But I figured I would give it a shot anyway.
I locked my phone and closed my eyes. I fall asleep.

Marisa's P.O.V.

"Should I take her to urgent care?" I ask Byran.
"I don't know I would just wait and see if her temperature gets worse. Maybe, you should take the girls somewhere so that River can get some sleep." He says.
"Well, Maddie and Meadow have dance in an hour. Oh, shit. I forgot that Nick's on his way over. If I get the girls ready for dance, will you take them?"
"Yeah, I'm glad Nick is coming over, Meadow's having a hard time adjusting here. She's a little homesick."
"She keeps asking to call Demi. but I haven't let her. Poor baby misses her mom and I just feel like Demi doesn't care."
"I'll take them to practice when they get home then we'll do some homework and what not before dinner, and hopefully Demi will have her shit together by tomorrow." He explains to me. I embrace him and he held me tight.
"Hopefully." We stay holding each and swaying back and forth while listening to Meadow's squeals as she plays with butter cup.

Nick's P.O.V.

"Demi!" "What?" She shouts back.
"I'll be back in an hour."
"Where are you going?"
I sigh, "I'm going to take the girls something. River has a fever, so I need to get her some medicine. So, I'll be home later."
"I want to see them," she says, as she comes to the top of the stairs. She standing there in a t-shirt and sweats. You can see that she hasn't taken her meds in a while. Her face is very pale, she hasn't eaten in two days and she's very shaky.
"No, you look like a ghost. Maybe, eat something and take your meds and we'll bring them home."
"I'm going, you tell not take my daughters away from me."
"I'm not trying to take them away from you. They need you to take care of yourself before you can take care of them. You are weak right now and River has a fever I think that it is best if you just stay home."
"I'm coming." She tells me slipping on a pair of slippers.
"Fine, get in the car, while I get River's glasses and meds."
I wait till I hear the garage door close to call Marisa, "Hello?"
"Demi insisted on coming with. I hope that the girls are ready for it."
"Well, River is sleeping. Maddie and Meadow are getting readying for dance."
"Okay, we'll be there in twenty." "alright, see you then."

We stop by Walgreens and I pick up some medicine for River. We make our way to Marisa's in silence. We pull up and Demi's eyelids are half open and heavy. "Look at me," I whisper. She turns her head and I run my fingers through her hair and tuck her bangs behind her ear. I place my hand on the side of her face and look at her. Her eyes are so dark, but she looks so beautiful with her glasses on and no makeup. I sigh and kiss her forehead. "Smile, beautiful." I get out of the car and go around to her side. I open the door and take her cold shaky hand in mine. She nods and we go up to the door. You can hear laughing as we open the door. We go into the kitchen where Bryan is trying to braid Meadow's hair.
"Hey," I say.
"Daddy!" Meadow screams and runs to me. I pick up my baby girl and kiss her forehead. I pat Maddie's head who is sitting at the table eating a snack. I go back to talking to Meadow. "I missed you! Uncle Bryan can't braid hair." I chuckle. I feel bad that she didn't even acknowledge Demi but at the same time, Demi has been very cold toward her.
"That's silly. Maybe I can how uncle Bryan. What do you think?" I ask her, look at Bryan.
"Sure." She says as I sit her back into her chair.
"Maddie, How are you?" Demi says.
"I'm okay, You?" She says blankly.
"Good." Maddie leaves shaking her head, she obviously knows that Demi is lying.
There is coughing from upstairs. Demi leaves the kitchen and follows the sound. Marisa pops in from out of nowhere and I hug her. "Thank you so much for taking care of the girls." She nods. I continue to teach Bryan how to braid and how to put the hair into a bun. Meadow laughs when Bryan tries to do what I did, but we all stop when we hear shouting start.

"Leave me alone!" River screams.
"I am your mother," Demi shouts.
"Not really. Who's always there? Marisa. I wish you would climb off your high horse and realize that you are losing me. Why can't you get it through your thick skull?" River spat as well all gathered in the room. "I needed you, and you were incredibly mean. Meadow broke her arm! Not me! You are never here. Interviews, practice, blah, blah, blah... You look like hell. Demi, don't you care that I need you, I trusted you and you broke my trust.. You've been my idol for a long time, and then I got to call you mom. You made me better but now look at you. Why can't you notice that you are killing yourself? What about me, meadow and Maddie. What are we supposed to do? Watch you die? That's not fair! We trusted you! I trusted you because I needed you . I gave you my heart and you took ripped it in half, chewed it up and spit it out into the dirt and stomped on it. You know what I just need you to leave."
"I do see that. River, I'm sorry. I'll get better... Please just give me a chance."
"I'll believe it when I see it," River told her as she pulled her covers up to her chest and rolled over. Demi walked out of the room and we all stood in silence as the front door opened and closed.
"Well, time for you girls to get to dance, let's go," Bryan said awkwardly as he guided the girls out of the room. Marisa nodded and left the room as well.
"River," I said as I sat on the bed.

She turned toward me and burst into tears. "I'm sorry, I had to get it off my chest."
I rub her back and nod. "It's okay you're right, I think you really got through to her. Why don't you rest and hopefully tomorrow you'll come home, and things will be better."
"Okay, bye daddy I love you."

"I love you, too."
I close the door and meet Marisa in the kitchen, "Well, that could mean one or two things, either she gets better or worse." Marisa said and I nodded. I thanked Marisa and drove Demi home. She went straight to our room. I made her some soup and brought it to her with her meds.
"I meant it." She whispered as I open the door.
"I hope so, here's some soup and your meds."

"Thank you," She looks at her meds first and shakes her head, then she starts on her soup. She is about half way through when she burst into tears. "I miss him, and them. I want to be a singer, but I want to be a mom, a good mom. I love them so much I don't, I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm sorry."

"Babe, they all love you, Mason included... We all love you."

"Babe, I'm Scared."

"Of what?"

"That I am not good enough."

"Baby, you're more than good enough."

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