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As the familiar figures faded into nothing, Ijekiel brought his focus back to his book, the one his father gave him.

He had always wondered why his father didn't name it, although left untitled, it was a beautiful story.

It was a story about a young noble couple that were inseparable, a loving husband who was secretly obsessed with his beautiful and loving wife.

Ijekiel always remembered the times his father would read him this story before he slept. Though, Roger always made sure to skip the more...violent bits, for when he was older.

Now, he reads the whole book freely, not even flinching at the blood splatter mentions. All Ijekiel really knew, is that he'd do all that and more for his dear (y/n).

This was a well kept secret between the men of the Alpheus family, one that was kept from both the public and the women of the Alpheus name.

Whenever an Alpheus man had a fiancée, they'd have to vow to protect them, at all cost. No matter how many lives they needed to take.

This was a traditional vow for the men of the Alpheus family, Ijekiel's grandfather did the vow, Ijekiel's father did the vow, he did too. This vow started at the very beginning of the Alpheus bloodline, and Ijekiel would not be pleased at all if he disappoint his ancestors.

Pulled from his thoughts, he heard the laughter of children. He looked out of the window. Oh, he's passing the village.

The market was bustling and bright, merchants smiling cheerfully greeting bystanders and customers alike.

Ijekiel knocked on the window behind the driver, signaling he wanted to stop.

The carriage slowed to a stop, the driver opening the door for the young Duke.

Ijekiel left the carriage, while the driver sat to wait for the young duke's return.

The young lord decided to get his beloved a gift, as an apology for being gone for much long then intended.

Walking through the town, he scanned the stalls for anything he thought his fiancée would like, a book, an artifact, a painting, a snack, a weapon, anything.

He just wanted his love to be happy after leaving her early that morning sad and disappointed.

Then, he saw something, a beautiful floral decorated sword, and a scythe? Seeing a scythe was a rarity in itself especially at a blacksmiths, but seeing one as beautiful as this? Even more of a rarity.

He walked into the blacksmiths shop, asking the blacksmith at the front counter about the weapons, after asking the price, he paid, a man walking out from the back with the weapons in hand. The man followed Ijekiel with the weapons back to the carriage where the man wrapped the weapons carefully, as to not scratch them.

The man left, and just as Ijekiel was about to get back in the carriage, he felt small arms wrap around his ankle.

He looked down at his ankle, eyes meeting with a small infant, the little girl had light brown hair and coffee colored eyes.

She was dirty. Probably homeless, but in that moment, he genuinely didn't care. He picked her up gently, examining her closely.

"Mila!" A woman called, clearly in distress. The little girl looked around, probably recognizing the voice.

The young Duke apologized to the driver, explaining the situation to which the driver smiled and waved him off.

Ijekiel walked around, following the voice with the little girl in his arms.

After about 5 minutes he found her, on the verge of tears, he found the woman that had been calling out. She had dark brown hair and emerald eyes.

Once she saw Ijekiel and the little girl, she ran over to them, thanking the young lord profusely.

He laughed awkwardly, handing the woman her child with a smile. She hugged her daughter tightly, before thanking him again and bidding him farewell.

Ijekiel walked back to the carriage, finally leaving the market.



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𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕯𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖘Where stories live. Discover now