Chapter Thirty-Two

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Once in my room I had decided to have a few drinks. I wasn't drunk, just feeling the alcohol enough to feel good. I didn't normally drink at home. The thought of Alyce and Salem..together.. it did things to me I didn't recognize. Was it jealousy? I don't know. I didn't like it.

I showered and sang to my hearts content, definitely tipsy now.

I walked out of my bathroom while brushing my hair and jumped when I saw Salem standing by the doorway. His eyes were shut tight.

"Jesus what the hell." I grumbled as I walked to my bed.

"I take it you're not naked then?" He raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not naked. You can open your eyes. What are you doing here?" I sat on my bed and he opened his eyes, shrugging.

"I came to make sure you're alright and ready for tomorrow." He spoke carelessly and I slapped my hand to my forehead and groaned.

I forgot I was meeting another Prince tomorrow. James had left early yesterday instead of waiting.

"You should make a nice effort" he raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes.

"No. Absolutely not" I scoffed and he sighed.

"You need to make an effort." He spoke sternly and I shook my head.

"No. Nope" I popped the P and walked to the bathroom to put away my brush.

"Daya truly, make an effort." He pushed and irritation filled me. So he's silent with Alyce and wants to bother me. That's great. Just great.

"Will you stop?" I groaned at him and he shook his head.

"We're getting along well, and you didn't want to make an effort there. You did it though. Now it's time to find your suitor. Make an effort."

We are getting along well.. truly more than I thought possible. I had grown to like Salem being around. I was so resistant to wanting to connect with a guard, yet it was happening here. I did not want a suitor though. I didn't want to. I didn't want some random man.

My mind went over all of my moments with Salem. So many small moments. I wanted to think he cared about me truly. I believe he does actually. I've been denying that I care about him too.

"You've been single awhile, at least treat these meetings like dates. Maybe you'll really like one of them." He sounded hesitant, a strange look in his eyes. I didn't want to date. I wanted to carry on like this. I wanted..

"I don't want to" I snapped at him and he tilt his head. God why does he have to do that! He has to know how cute it is.

"Why?" he questioned and I tore my eyes from his. Those eyes. Those beautiful eyes that felt like home staring into them. Stop it daya!

"I'm not interested in dating is all.." I trailed off, I could feel a blush creeping up on my face.

"Why" he pressed further and I glared at him.

"Would you stop pestering me!?" I growled at him. He needed to drop it. I was not sober enough to keep these thoughts about him in.

"Yes I will stop pestering you tomorrow when you see the next Prince. You will go, you will be open and have fun and you will make an effort" he spoke sternly again and I stood up abruptly. I don't want them Salem!! I want.. I want..

"You cannot tell me what to do!" I sneered at the man standing before me. My latest assigned guard, who quickly became the biggest pain in my ass.

He raised an eyebrow at me as I rolled my eyes, turning around with a huff and crossing my arms. Pouting always worked, they just couldn't resist the puppy dog face.

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