Chapter Thirty-Four

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I sat in my office quietly staring at paperwork on my desk. My meeting with the prince was cancelled. Rather, he cancelled on me. This isn't the first time he's cancelled either. I remember the last time he cancelled I was mad, I thought it was rude of him.. this time I surprisingly don't care at all. I almost feel relieved.

Alyce walked into my doorway now, a stand in behind her. I looked at her in confusion as she asked him to wait outside and shut the door.

"What are you working on?" She plopped down in one of the chairs as I shuffled some papers.

"Just reviewing the blood supplies from the human sanctions. Winter coming means it might get tight. No Salem today?" I tried to sound nonchalant and she shook her head.

"No it's a full moon tomorrow" she said this in a matter of fact tone, like she knew why.

"Huh." I muttered and she gave me a weird look. She suddenly nodded, glancing back at the door and then leaning in.

"I know the secret, Daya. I know you know too" she whispered lowly and my eyes widened. She knew?? A million questions were running through my mind. Did dad tell her? Did Salem tell her up front??

"You remember my gift, yeah?" She continued on and I nodded. Some vampires had gifts. Different unique abilities. Alyce was able to view every memory she's ever had and show other people it as well. Only mom and I knew she had this gift. When vampires have gifts they're often commanded to live in their respective kingdoms castle, and serve under the king. They're hidden weapons. It's unfair. When mom discovered she had a gift the three of us swore to never tell dad or anyone for that matter. Royals with gifts, well, that was a serious thing. She wouldn't have been exempt from being used. Mom died with that secret.
Sure alyces gift isn't anything crazy useful.. she definitely can never use the excuse 'I forgot'. At least not with me.

"When I first saw him I thought he looked so familiar, then I remembered, he used to live here." She started slowly and my eyes widened.

"Wait what?" I leaned forward now too as she nodded, both of us hunched together at my desk. I missed the secrecy that came with having a sister.

"Salem and his sister lived here when we were young. You hadn't been born yet but mom was pregnant with you. It's why the war broke out. Everybody thought mom and dad were training them but really mom just wanted to take care of them. I can show you" I nodded quickly at her offer. I loved when she showed me memories. She used to share memories of us when I was a baby that I wouldn't remember.

She held her hand out to me and closed her eyes. I took it quickly, shutting my eyes as well.

Just like that, I was standing in a room unknown to me. It was sectioned off with a viewing room. It seriously looked like a zoo enclosure. I stared in shock, taking it all in. Outside of the glass wall was a desk, chairs, and a filing cabinet. It looked like there was various medical equipment as well. I walked slowly up to the glass, glancing back at Alyce in hesitation. She nodded excitedly beckoning for me to go look. My hand went to my mouth as I looked inside the viewing window.

Crouched on a blue rug surrounded by toys, 2 beds, a dresser and a couch was mom. She was laughing, smiling, and very much alive. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I heard her laugh. Sitting in front of her was Alyce and a little girl who I assumed to be Lydia. She was maybe 3 years old. She giggled excitedly as mom showed her a toy.

"Salem no!" I jumped at the sound of moms voice. She suddenly stood up, rushing over to a young Salem. He was hanging off the top of the dresser laughing wildly. I couldn't hold back my smile. She grabbed him as he flailed trying to get out of her grasp.

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