Chapter Fifty-One

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I laid silently and gazed at Salem. We were both catching our breath now. My first time was..everything I could've ever wanted it to be. Even if I never gave sex a lot of thought before..I couldn't imagine a better way. He turned and looked at me. I couldn't help but smile, gigging suddenly.

"That all really just happened" I breathed out and he laughed with me, rubbing his forehead.

"No taking that back" he muttered, shutting his eyes. My heart sank suddenly.

"You seem regretful" I whispered, my stomach dropping. His head snapped to my direction with wide eyes.

"Are you crazy!?" He gasped, turning over so he was on his side facing me.

"I'm just thinking that it's a tragedy such good sex won't be had again." He closed his eyes again and I turned onto my back, propping myself up against the pillows.

"Well.." I trailed off and fiddled with my hands nervously.

"I wouldn't be opposed to more" I whispered sheepishly and glanced over at him.

"And when you're promised to somebody?" He asked slowly. I sighed.  My heart sank again. I didn't want to be promised to anybody.

"I don't know" I admitted in defeat. I knew nobody would compare to what I felt for Salem.

"The ball will always be in your court, Princess." He spoke gently and I stay silent. I hated that. I hated that the only thing that was actually up to me, was Salem. I didn't have much say in my dating life. I knew it was only a matter of time before I was arranged with someone. I hated that so much.

I decided not to ruin this night thinking about it. What mattered was right now. I slid down in the bed, facing Salem again.

"Thank you" I whispered and he smirked.

"I should be thanking you. The best sex of my life. Incredibly really" he spoke dreamily and I giggled, my cheeks heated up.

I glanced at his shoulder. He noticed my eyes move towards it.

"This was different. You bit me pretty good." He motioned towards the mark that stayed. He hasn't seen it yet. I wondered if he felt me actually drink his blood...

Drinking another vampires blood was only for mates. Since we all have that unique chemical specific to the individual, our blood will be somewhat poisonous to other vampires. As well as our venom. It wouldn't kill you, but it would definitely mess you up. That's why we drank human blood. They didn't have the chemical. It's often used in torture.

"I don't know what overcame me. Sorry I bit so hard." I reached over and ran my finger across the mark. My bite mark, scarred on his body forever. The mating mark was one of the only things that didn't heal over on a vampire. I tensed up when I realized he would see it at some point. How would I explain it..

"It's getting late" he yawned and I followed suit. I was suddenly exhausted. I nodded and went to the bathroom to clean up the..mess between my legs.

When I came back out Salem had put his clothes back on. I frowned as he stood by the door.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted me to stay here or not" he tilt his head at me and I crossed my arms.

"The ole smash and dash, huh?" I teased, glaring at him playfully. He laughed and shook his head.

"Don't be stupid. Stay with me?" I whispered and he nodded, appearing in the bed with a 'humph'

My heart fluttered again as I got in bed next to him. His warmth was so inviting. I sighed in content. This was no different than what we used to do when I had nightmares. Minus the whole me being naked part. And the fact that we just had sex. Butterflies swirled at the thought. The ache returned. Jesus Daya. It didn't take both of us long to fall asleep.

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