Chapter Twenty-Four

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I waited impatiently in the foyer for our newly assigned driver to be ready to take us to the human sanction.

I hadn't spoken to Salem much since last night and we were better off that way.

He was standing in the doorway, talking to Jade. I had to keep from rolling my eyes at her. Yes, I was eavesdropping. I couldn't help it. She giggled at everything he said, tossing her brown curly hair this way and that way. She was really beautiful, I'll give her that much. The way they were talking made them look like a couple.

I groaned internally as she bats her eyelids at him for the 100th time. They did know each other, apparently she did some missions with him for the king and had since retired to trying out other positions. Simon was her brother.

"The castle is literally so boring without you Salem. Why don't you come back?" She lowered her voice as she asked this and I continued to act like I wasn't listening. Or annoyed.

"I like it here." He shrugged, glancing at me for a second. I quickly fixed my eyes elsewhere, pretending like I was checking out my nails.

"We all made bets on how long you would last here." She said this with a hushed giggle and my eyes narrowed.

"I already lost. Simon said you would stay." She rolls her eyes and puts her hand on her hip dramatically.

"You better not be giving her the same treatment I got" she hissed at him playfully and I kept from looking at them in interest. The same treatment she got? What the hell did that mean?

He shifted on his feet, blocking her from my view.

"It's not like that, nor would it be any of your business." He muttered back and she scoffed quietly. Does this girl just forget that my bloodline means I can hear better than the average vampire!?

"I'm just saying. I do miss that, hehe" she giggled again and he crossed his arms, leaning against the doorframe.

"You have a problem" he laughed awkwardly, he almost sounded on edge.

"What can I say, you really had me hooked for awhile there. So sad it had to end so you could come here." She sighed, moving back into my view she was pouting at him.

It was killing me to know what exactly they were talking about.

The driver entered the room, beckoning for Salem to go check something with the car. I crossed my leg awkwardly when Jade began walking towards me.

She bowed, smiling at me kindly.

"It's nice to formally meet you, Princess" she folded her hands at her front and I stood, shaking her hand reluctantly. This earned me a look of surprise.

"It's nice to meet you jade. I hope james isn't too horrible to be around." I smiled at her politely and she burst out laughing.

"I like you already!" She giggled and I looked toward the door, praying Salem would come back already so I could escape from this interaction.

"How do you like Salem?" She bounced on her feet like a child and I shrugged.

"He's a good guard." I muttered back and she nodded.

"He and I were very close at the Westard kingdom. You're in great hands." Her tone hinted at something, but I didn't know what.

"Yeah, so I've heard." I smiled weakly and felt insanely awkward.

We stood in silence and I kept my gaze elsewhere.

She suddenly held a finger up, giving me an awkward smile.

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