Chapter Sixty-Two

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^^^^ Salem^^^^

The wolf is out of the bag

*•*•*•*Salems POV*•*•*•*

"I still can't believe I'm here." The woman before me spoke with a happy sigh. I nodded and lift my drink to my lips. Kaitlyn. The teacher from the school that had given me her number. She found me everytime we parted. 'Enjoy yourself there's no threats here' the king had scolded me earlier in the night. I might as well act like I'm enjoying myself despite not being by Dayas side.

"Why did you come? Hoping to snatch a royals attention?" I mused and she blushed slightly, looking down sheepishly.

"Well.. I came hoping to see you. I know that sounds crazy since I already gave you my number and you never called.." she trailed off and bit her lip nervously.

I sighed finished my drink.

"Kaitlyn, listen, I appreciate your interest. I really do. This isn't a job where I can date. I am extremely devoted to it. I don't care to have a relationship" I tried to let her down easy. She nodded slowly, drinking some.

"When I look at you I see someone who needs to be loved but is guarded from it. I see someone with a lot of love to give in return." She spoke boldly and I laughed quietly.

"You see me as someone to be fixed, don't you?" I tilt my head at her and she shrugged.

"I guess that's one way of putting it" she grumbled to herself and I nodded. I couldn't help but smirk at her.

"Sounds like a toxic relationship just waiting to happen. Again, I'm flattered, but no. I don't want to date you. " I spoke bluntly now and she frowned. This felt incredibly awkward. Alex suddenly approached us and my eyes narrowed on instinct. Perfect timing.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but can I please speak to you." He rushed out his words and I looked at both of his hands. I nodded slowly instead of giving a snarky remark. It was best I didn't mouth off to him.

I followed him outside to the back patio even though I didn't want to be too far from Daya. I could never really let my guard down. I stuck my hands in my pockets and watched Alex pace before me.

"That is a nice suit." I spoke plainly, though I meant it. He was wearing a nice dark black suit. He stopped abruptly and wrung his hands together.

"Don't compliment me I don't deserve that from you" he whispered harshly and I raised an eyebrow.

"Look.. I .. I'm sorry" his level of upset was actually making me uncomfortable. What the hell was the catch.

"I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't know that was going to be the outcome." He spoke genuinely.. I nodded slowly and kept my mouth shut.

He stared at me expectedly and I nodded again.

"And by 'what happened' I assume you mean when I got injected, whipped, and spit on." I kept my tone as level as possible. I couldn't risk saying something wrong or even in the wrong tone around this guy.

"Yes. I'm sorry." He hesitated but kept talking
"I came here to court Dayanara for two reasons. One - my dad wanted me to see how you were as a guard. He wanted any reason to be able to take you out of this position. When I met you, I had preconceived ideas that you were going to be some monster. The more I saw you with Dayanara and the more you did for her I realized my dad was wrong. He is blinded by what you are and doesn't give thought to the fact that you're a person. I kept reporting back to him because he asked me to and admittedly I want his approval.. what you said about not earning the Prince title really struck me.. I thought betraying you was a way of earning it. I thought it would make me worthy in my dads eyes."

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