Chapter Forty-Six

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*•*•*•*•*Salems POV*•*•*•*•*

I stayed in bed a while longer, waking up early as my body was used to. I knew Dayanara wasn't awake yet. She would probably sleep for a little while longer. I debated waking her up in case she wanted to tackle day 2 but decided to leave her be.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned internally. Last night was a doozy. I still couldn't wrap my head around the way she just took off her bathing suit like that. She was engulfed in the lust. I knew it was nothing more. That made my dumb heart ache. Out of everyone in the world, why her? Billions of people on this planet and she is my mate. I exhaled slowly.

Of course I knew why it was her. She was everything I've never encountered before. At least not all in one woman. She was kind and compassionate. Witty, funny, beautiful, sexy. Incredibly intelligent. We got along so well. The list went on and on. Our lives seem to have been intertwined all this time. It was impossible not to believe it was fate. I knew if I told her she might freak out. She might not even believe me. I cracked and told Lydia when we got here. She kept pestering me, saying she could sense something was off ever since I asked her about her and Jack. Stupid twin bond.

'Just quit your job and bring her here and you can live free and happy' that's when I told her I quite literally couldn't because it was Dayanara. She's encouraging me to leave. She thinks this will be devastating for me. Even still, I can't leave her. The selfish part of me doesn't want to. My foolishness has me believing that I can stay happy at her side even if I have to watch her be with someone else. I still want her happiness above all. More than my greed. More than my want to just have her.

I could hear her stirring in the other room and got up, getting dressed and going out to make coffee. I knew she didn't drink it, but I'd need it.

I sipped on it slowly as she came out of her room, smiling at me sleepily. I couldn't help but smile back. Half of my actions weren't even my own anymore.

"Coffee" she grumbled and I raised an eyebrow.

"You actually want coffee?" She nodded quickly. She began walking to the pot but I got there before her, pouring her a cup. She muttered a thank you and sat at the dining table. She sighed in content. Even in her sleepy state she was beautiful. Maybe even more so.

We sat in silence, comfortably.

Our silence was never awkward.

"There's another ball when we get back" she spoke quietly and I nodded.

"Ah yes, the suitors ball. It'll be fun seeing Prince James and Alex together vying for your attention." I spoke sarcastically and she laughed quietly.

"It's so annoying having to parade around hoping some man will catch my eye and me his, while entertaining others." She sounded sad. It's like multiple men are laid out before her and she's to play musical dates with them until one fits her.

"Changed your mind about settling?" I raised an eyebrow and she seemed to think about this.

"I'd already forgotten about Alex" she grumbled, shaking her head.

"I talked to my dad about my mom being his mate. I'd love to experience that." She spoke quietly and I froze for a moment.

"Lydia and Jack are mates, yeah?" She looked at me now and I nodded.

"Will they have children? Do you want children?" She asked suddenly. This question caught me by surprise.

"I've always considered that a question of if we are even allowed to" I met her gaze and she frowned.

"Right" she whispered and I shrugged.

"I think it would be nice... I just wouldn't want them to end up like us. I can't imagine the leaders that know would want Lydia and I reproducing" I rubbed my chin and thought about this. Another reason I could never be with her.. she'd be expected to carry on the lineage.

"So messed up" she grumbled to herself and I smiled at her, reaching over and placing my hand on top of her head.

"It's not for you to worry about." I spoke reassuringly and she shrugged, getting up.

"I'll worry about what I want to, thank you." She replied with snark and went to her room to get ready.


I watched as Dayanara stomped around in the snow. We were at a garden that led to a hiking trail. She demanded we stop and she began this childishness. I adored it. My eyes widened slightly when she threw herself backwards and began making a snow angel. She had been giggling to herself nonstop. Once she was satisfied she came over to me, asking for help to wipe the snow off her back sheepishly.

I patted her back gently  while she wiped furiously at her butt. It was a nice one.

"Shame, I wanted to do that." I frowned at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sure you did. And I'm the one consumed by lust" she glared at me over her shoulder and began walking with a 'hmph'.

The trail, at a walking pace, would take an hour and a half to the top. That was at human speed. We had laughed together when we saw the sign at the trailhead. It had the estimated time for each species. The town being neutral was an understatement. It was extremely inclusive to everyone.

We took it slow for the most part, Dayanara wanted to enjoy the scenery. She would stop at tall trees, gazing up at their height with wonder. She was truly in her element. It was nice seeing her so carefree and exploring.

She slowed her pace and came to my side, brushing against me. She was wearing my sweatshirt again. She shivered slightly and my body acted on its own, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into my side. She sighed happily, muttering a thank you.

When we reached the top she dug into the backpack I was wearing and pulled out thermos's full of hot chocolate. She had a battery operated cup warmer. Smart.

"I don't know how to build a fire" she grumbled to herself as the drinks began to warm.

"I can show you. Looks like the wood around here may be too wet though." I glanced around us and she raised an eyebrow.

"You can make a fire? With no tools?" Her disbelief made me fake offense.

"I spent a lot of time in the woods at night on various jobs." I threw my nose into the air and she rolled her eyes.

"My apologies" she mocked.

I took a seat next to her on the rock, watching the steam from our breath float away.

"While I'm sober there's something id like to ask you." She spook suddenly and I looked down at her. Her cheeks were tinted pink, she looked very focused. Like she was working up some courage.

"What's that" I nudged her, trying to dissuade her nervousness.

"Well... I've been thinking.." she trailed off and I smiled.

"You've been thinking? Uh oh." I teased her and she glared.

"I'm being serious!" She scoffed and I nodded slowly. She went back to staring at her drink, chewing her lip nervously.

"Have sex with me?"

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