Chapter Seventy-Four

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*•*•*•*SALEMS POV*•*•*•*

"I just don't understand what's going on with them.."

I zoned out listening to the King. He summoned me to talk about Daya and Alyce's little stunt they pulled. I didn't want to be here. He was prying to see if I knew anything.

Whatever Daya did, it worked. It worked perfectly. I feel completely back to normal. I remember everything. Sure, I had a head splitting migraine for about 10 minutes after but what's that compared to being myself again. Daya fell into a deep sleep after, I want to think she just used a lot of energy and has to rest. Shes still asleep now, but it's only 9am. She will probably sleep until noon. I just wanted to be there when she woke up, but the king summoned me and here I am.
He was very pleased when I told him I remember everything, I simply told him I woke up that way. Call it simple amnesia.

"Has she told you anything?" His question brought me back to focus. I shook my head.

"Sir, may I speak freely?" I spoke cautiously. I didn't want to risk setting him off even more. The girls really did a number on him with their disappearing act. He leaned back, waving his hand for me to continue.

"I've gotten to know Princess Dayanara very well in my time here, through our time together and observation. Princess Alyce, not as much as to be expected but enough to see their dynamic. I believe they did just go on a day trip together. Very poorly planned and thought out, but there's some things you have to consider" I paused, waiting for his cue to go ahead. He nodded once, staring at me quite seriously. It was unnerving.

"To be a King or Queen, you're born into the role. You're taught and trained your whole life to fulfill that role. I'm sure Princess Dayanara had her own plans for her life. What she would study, where she would go, and to no one's fault, that was stripped from her. The direction for her life that she wanted, was no longer attainable. She had a massive responsibility dropped on her shoulders in the midst of horrible grief. Her life path was changed and picked for her by circumstances completely out of her control. I'm sure Princess Alyce feels a guilt for that. She now lives a much less stressful life. She got to choose, which in turn robbed Princess Dayanara of her ability to choose. I imagine taking her on a day trip just the two of them was a therapy they needed. No matter how.. reckless and well, to be frank, stupid it was."

The King stayed silent after my little monologue. I've never wanted to leave a room so badly.

"Your presence with your daughters, my King, matters a lot more than you know. A father's pride also means a lot more than you know." I quietly spit out my final thought. I was overstepping now, but he needed to hear it. King or not, he barely saw the two girls. I've never seen him express if he's proud of them for what they've overcome.

He sat quietly, watching me. I felt like I should look away in submission, but I couldn't.

"My wife loved you like a son" he spoke suddenly and my eyes widened slightly.

"You don't remember your childhood here, do you?" He continued to stare me. I couldn't tell if it was in scrutiny or not.

I shook my head slowly.

"No sir, I don't." I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Your insight has been noted, trust that. In the mean time my daughters are to stay under lock and key until I cool down." He straightened up and I nodded, bowing. So strange that he randomly brought up the past like that. He dismissed me and I took my exit. I couldn't get to Dayas room fast enough.

She was still sleeping when I shut the door behind me, she suddenly stirred.

I appeared next to her, cupping her face gently. It felt so good to be back. She groaned, squeezing her eyes shut tight.

"Good morning Daya." I spoke gently, assuming she had a headache. Her eyes cracked open and then widened when she realized it was me. She sat up quickly, grabbing my hand that was on her face.

I couldn't stop from smiling widely and pulling her into me.

"Salem!?" She sobbed suddenly in my arms.

"It's me, you did it" I muttered and held onto her tightly. She grabbed me like her life depended on it as she cried. I let her cry for a few minutes before she stopped and regained her composure.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me" she whispered sheepishly and I kissed her forehead.

"Don't apologize. It's been a terrible month." I smiled at her gently and she nodded, sighing. She repositioned herself in bed, sitting up against her pillows.

"How do you feel?" I ran my hand through her hair slowly. I felt like I had to keep touching her to know this was real.

"Very tired honestly, I just feel drained. What about you?" Her bleary eyes looked so happy and sad at the same time.

"I feel completely fine" I reassured her and she seemed to brighten up a little.

"Good. Since I'm grounded, we can stay in bed all day. We have a lot to talk about" she smiled at me, reaching over and grabbing my hand. Life felt strange. Everything that's happened the last month, it didn't seem real to be back to normal.

"I wanted to apologize first" I spoke quickly and she looked at me in confusion.

"For that night of the ball. When you got taken" I tried to be blunt. Her eyes widened slightly and sadness filled them.

"Salem that wasn't-"

"Please, Daya" I whispered, my heart suddenly tightened. I had racked that night through my mind countless times. I couldn't forgive myself. Even being on the other side it tortured my thoughts.

"I just need you to understand how sorry I am and that it'll never happen again." I needed her to know I was sorry, and I had every reason to be. I shouldn't have been taken down so easily. She stayed silent for a moment before nodding. She probably wasn't arguing for the sake of just putting the topic to bed.

She started to sit up and I raised an eyebrow.

"Not sleeping more?" I was shocked. Daya slept in any chance she got. She shook her head, smiling lightly.

"No, I have to get to work. I can't let dad know anything is up." She spoke cheerfully much to my surprise. I watched silently as she went to her closet and began changing. I felt my heart twist at the sight of her casually undressing in front of me. I couldn't help myself. I appeared next to her and met her eyes in the reflection of the mirror. She smiled suddenly and spun around, throwing her arms around my neck.

"I missed you so much" she whispered tearfully and I held her tightly.

"I can't imagine how awful I was without my memories" I joked, laughing to myself. I was unbearable before even I can admit that. She pulled back and gazed up at me. I admired her eyes, and the way her hair fell beside her face. I grabbed her chin lightly and she immediately rose up onto her tippy toes. I couldn't help but smirk before kissing her. I could feel the tension leave her body in my arms. Making her feel that way made me happy. Knowing she felt safe with me. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her ever again.

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