Chapter Twenty-Three

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"So you don't have an irrational fear of sharks being in the pool?" Amelia looked at all of us in shock as we shook our heads.

We were all floating on tubes now, Salem simply floated around on his back completely ignoring us.

"Oh. Maybe it's a human thing." She whispered sheepishly as Victoria giggled.

"Amelia I wanted to ask if you'd want to come on our trip tomorrow. You might see some people you used to know?" I offered this carefully, her eyes widened and I could tell she was mulling it over. I knew that her parents sold her in a human trafficking ring. She begged for her life during the sting, and luckily one of our workers caught wind of it and selected a few humans. She didn't want to go home to a family that did that to her, and I don't blame her.

She shrugged, looking quite sad. I felt bad for bringing it up. A suddenly determined look crossed her face and she jumped up as well as she could.

"You know what!? Yes! I would love to, Princess. I want to show my family the person I've become." She spoke firmly, nodding to herself. Salem looked at her curiously before staring back up at the sky. The sun had fallen already, we were out here so long.

"I'm getting out now, thanks for the quality time. I'm going to head out, too." Victoria started to get out of the pool and Amelia followed, bowing her head to me and thanking me profusely.

I stayed quiet once they were gone and glanced at Salem every now and then.

I looked up at the sky, he was staring at the moon.

"It'll be a full moon again soon" I muttered quietly and he simply hummed in response.

I turned onto my stomach and pushed off of the wall, gliding across the water on my inner tube, stopping a few feet away from him.

"Does it hurt?" I blurted out, hoping he knew what I was talking about. I think I was ready to actually ask questions.

He stood up, the water came up to his shoulders. He slowly walked to me and laid his arms on the side of my floatie, resting his head and letting his body float.

"When it's my choice, no." he muttered quietly, eyes flicking to the sky again.

"The full moon on the other hand is not a fun time." His voice died into a whisper and I nodded, feeling shy again at how close we were.

"Your sister said you preferred to be around vampires. Why?" He tilted his head at this question, bringing his eyes to my level.

"The werewolves seem to be able to sense that something is different with us. They didn't really accept me." That explains why those men at the meeting were acting that way.

"But they accepted Lydia?" I looked at him in confusion and he laughed quietly.

"Well, yeah. She married their leader. Even being her brother they didn't extend me that courtesy." He didn't seemed bothered.. which was good enough I guess.

"So when you shift.. are you still..uhh you?" I didn't know how to ask this.

"That day you first saw me I was me. I didn't intend on breaking through the wall like that. When our emotions are heightened quickly and sporadically we naturally want to shift. Pain is also a factor. Hence the eye color changing and the teeth and nails. I have the control to let just enough of that chemical activate." I stared at him in awe as he explained the way it worked.

"I'm guessing doing favors for the King is what helped you really master that control." I whispered quietly and he nodded slowly.

"My sister either shifts fully or not at all. She doesn't have much of an in between..." he trailed off and looked to the side, sighing.

"I did plan on telling you. It was just a matter of when, I'm sorry." He looked to me now with guilt in his eyes. I shook my head quickly and instinctively reached over, touching my hand to his.

"No, no don't be sorry. I understand now. I probably wouldn't have believed you if you did tell me. I think I had to see it for myself." I whispered back and tried not to focus on the way his touch sent shockwaves through me.

"So that night I was almost kidnapped, the growling we heard was you?" He nodded slowly and muttered a quiet 'yep'

"That explains how you knew where I was. You could track it by smell" I whispered to myself and he nodded again.

I cleared my throat now and fiddled with my hands nervously.

"I never thanked you" I forced a whisper, avoiding looking at him. Why was I so bad at this. He reached up and touched his index finger to my chin, tilting my head to meet his eyes.

"For what?" He cocked his head to the side curiously and I sighed, my stomach twisting with butterflies. Stop. It.

"You saved my life Salem. Yeah we're vampires and all but we aren't invincible. It could've been so much worse. You saved me without hesitation." I whispered and my voice shook slightly as my chest tightened. I hated that people would so easily lay their lives down for me. I hated that responsibility. It made me feel so damn guilty.

"It was a completely selfish act, so you don't need to thank me." He said this with a smirk and I looked at him in confusion.

"If you die, who will I have to annoy?" He laughed quietly and I growled in frustration, hopping off of the tube.

"It's not a joke Salem! Your life isn't a joke!" I shouted at him, tears gathered in my eyes and took me by surprise.

I shoved the tube away, we were standing a few feet apart now. His look softened and he nodded.

"I know. I just don't want you getting worked up over me. I did what any person would do. Whether you like it or not, it is my job." He spoke gently and I rubbed the tears from my eyes. I didn't need to be so upset.

"It's not easy knowing somebody will just die for you. If you die I have to live with that." I crossed my arms and I came off too harshly.

He scoffed and shrugged, waving his hands around.

"If I die protecting you who's going to miss me? I have almost no family. There's no reason for you to feel guilty over-"

"Me!" I yelled, cutting him off.

"Me! I'm going to miss you if you freaking die, Salem!" I stopped myself quickly from saying any more. He stayed silent and looked at me with interest. I hated the way his gaze made me feel.

"You're impossible" I growled and turned, hopping out of the pool.

I walked angrily to my lounge chair and picked up my towel, turning around and almost peeing myself when Salem was directly behind me.

"Jesus" I grumbled to myself and he suddenly grabbed my face, making me look at him.

We stood silently and I stared at him with wide eyes. It felt like he was staring into my soul.
If he was any one else I would think he was about to kiss me..
Why wasn't he speaking?! What was he doing!?

"Salem" I whispered nervously and he sighed, dropping his hand from my face.

"I'll keep us both safe, Princess." He muttered quietly and I released the breath I didn't know I was holding when he walked towards the towel bin.

I quickly ran my hands through my hair and started drying off.
What the hell was he doing to me.

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