Chapter Thirty-Five(Salem POV)

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"It's quite good isn't it?" The King stood proudly with his hands folded behind his back. I nodded slowly, walking closer towards my new little 'moon room' as I liked to call it.

The memory Alyce had shown me of my forgotten childhood played in my mind. The padded cell before me was a drastic change.

"Thank you, sir." I turned and bowed my head to the king. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I tensed at this gesture.

"You should get some food in you. A good amount of blood." He was referring to the fact I'd be in this cozy little abode soon for the next 3 days. I shook my head and he raised and inquisitive eyebrow.

"It's best I go into the transition weak. Then I'm not at my best." I muttered quietly, studying his face. I wished I could read his mind. I scanned his eyes and facial expression. There was no hint of care. I wondered how he could be so nonchalant with me, knowing how his wife had adored me. I would like to say she loved me as her own. Lydia as well, but.. I just couldn't be certain. She fought for us. I wondered why I never saw her again in my later years. I only ever saw King Isaac as he visited my home kingdom. I scoffed internally at that thought. My home kingdom... it was hardly a home. I never felt that I had a home. Not that it quite mattered. No home, no parents, no nurturing. I reminded myself not to try and make a mother figure out of the memory with Queen Maria.

"If there's nothing else then I'll leave you to do whatever you need. You know the plan." His hand dropped from my shoulder carelessly and I nodded, clearing my throat quickly.

"I had a question, sir, if I may" I spoke quickly and he nodded along.

"The princess, she won't know this is here, yes?" I gestured around the room and he nodded.

"It's nothing to keep from her. If she's to be queen someday, she should know your transitions will happen here. Especially since you are her guard." He said this in a tone I assumed he meant as a reminder. Although I hadn't been guarding her for a few days now since Alyce arrived.

I nodded, bowing again as he exited abruptly.
Once alone I let out a long sigh, looking back at the room. Another full moon, another torture.


I hugged my legs tightly. I was freezing. I never did know why we got so cold before the transition. It was a strange side effect. I could feel my body straining. My internal wolf could be heard faintly in my mind. I hated that part. I know werewolves have this strange second nature inner monologue known as their "wolf". I guess I had never really connected with mine since I'd chosen to nurture my vampire side. I'd always meant to ask Lydia if she hears her consistently.


The hoarse growling voice in the back of my head was getting louder.


I laughed at that one. The murderous rage that comes is something else. Werewolves have a ...barbarically feral side I suppose. They usually feel the need to kill animals. They're meant to protect humans. This is the whole reason we are locked up during our transition. The vampire side - the need to feed on humans - crosses over with the wolves ferocity. Lydia and I feel a ravenous hunger for anything alive. We actually cannot see as well on the full moon because of this. We rely almost entirely on scent and hearing. Blood, specifically. The beating of hearts..the rushing of blood through veins. A vampires feral side surfaces when feeding off of a live host. It was so uncontrollable I once killed 50+ innocent humans in one night as a pre-teen. Not my finest moment...

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